Chapter 12

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    Tommy was trying to practice walking around his room. He had to go back to work, and there was a vigilante meeting tomorrow. He had no choice but to learn how to walk if he wanted to accomplish these things, so that's what he did. After walking around his bed while using his bed as support, he got better and better. When he heard the apartment door close, he went to see who came in.

    It was Ranboo. "Ranboo, look!" Tommy said as he walked over to him. "WHAT- HOW?!" Ranboo said, shocked. "I trained!" Tommy said proudly. "Ok, so you're walking now, which is great, but what are you trying to prove?"  Ranboo said. "I can go to work and the vigilante meeting tomorrow!" Tommy said excitedly.

    "What?" Ranboo said. "Pleaseee? I can walk fine, and can almost run jump, I've basically almost recovered!" Tommy said, doing all three things to prove his point, and dragging out the e in please. "I still don't get how you recovered that quickly, but I'll go ask Niki if she thinks it's fine, and you go ask Puffy." He says, rubbing his temples. "Ok!" Tommy says, already halfway down the stairs.

    "Puffy!" Tommy said, walking towards her. Puffy looked up from her work and her eyes blew open at the sight of Tommy. "Tommy!? You're ok?!" Puffy said, alarmed and shocked. "Yup, and I feel great too!" Tommy said proudly. "Ranboo told me to ask you if you think I can go to work." Tommy said, rolling his eyes.

    "Well, if you feel fine then I'm sure you can, as long as Niki is okay with it and you're careful at work." Puffy said, smiling. "I like how determined you are kid. Go get ready for work then, okay?" Puffy said, still smiling at Tommy. Tommy nodded, gave a two-finger salute, then went back up the stairs.

    "Niki said only if you really want to." Ranboo said, rolling his eyes. "But I don't think you should go. Maybe tomorrow." Ranboo said, concerned. Tommy hit Ranboo lightly on his arm. "I'm going to work, whether you like it or not." Tommy said, already heading towards his room to change. Ranboo set out a frustrated sigh and turned to go to Tubbo's room.


    Wilbur took a deep breath and opened the door to the cafe. To say he was nervous was an understatement. He walked in and saw a girl with bubblegum pink hair. "Hello? I'm here for my first day of working here. Can you tell me what to do?" He said, asking the girl. "Oh! You're William Gold, right?" the girl said. "I'm Niki Nihachu, pleasure to meet you." She says with a smile, extending her hand.

    Wilbur shook the girl's hand, then followed her to the back of the cafe, where there seemed to be a kitchen. There were workers working quickly as they kneaded dough, frosted cakes, and wrapped muffins. "There are three types of jobs you can have in the cafe." Niki said.

    "The first one is taking care of cakes and things like that. The second one is making muffins, and the third one is drinks." Niki said as she showed Wilbur around. "So, which one do you want to do?" Niki asked Wilbur. After thinking for a while, he chose his job.

"I'll pick the drinks."

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