Chapter 79

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    My heart dropped. "WAIT DO THEY ACTUALLY KNOW?!!?" I thought frantically as my mind raced at a hundred miles per hour. "Okay Purpled, if they know, there's no use in lying. You'll have to tell them the truth." I thought to myself and tried to calm down a bit. After a while, I calmed down and gulped as a lump formed in my throat. "Okay, yes it is true..." I said, and Phantom looked like he was smug about me admitting my secret.

    "I did sleep with your mother..." I said. "That's not what we mea- WAIT YOU DID WHAT?!!?" Phantom said as his face went through an identity crisis. First, it was smug, then confusion, then realization, then anger, then confusion again, then angry realization which made me sure that he was going to slam me six feet under the ground. "SO YOU'RE THE REASON WHY MY MOTHER CAN'T WALK FOR LONG?!!?" Phantom said to me angrily and I was sure he was going to burst into flames with how angry he was. Blade, however, just sighed and pinched his nose bridge.

    "God, Phantom you are so gullible-" He said in disappointment and Phantom became confused. "Blade, THIS LITTLE BRAT JUST SAID HE SLEPT WITH OUR MOTHER! HOW CAN YOU BE SO CALM-?!!?" Phantom said angrily as he death stared at me. "Phantom, he was joking." Blade said, clearly disappointed in Phantom. Phantom sank in his chair as he realized what Blade meant. "O-Oh- listen, Purpled I am so sorry-" Phantom said, and that was the breaking point for Ph1LzA.

    Ph1LzA burst into laughter and I smiled a bit. "Phantom, did you actually think he slept with your mother?" He said in between laughs, and Phantom nodded slowly, a bit embarrassed. "I was just kidding... or was I?" I said teasingly, then burst into laughter as Phantom started to become angry. "Calm down Phantom, he doesn't even know where we live." Blade said as he didn't look up from some papers which were on the table. "Wait how did he know Phantom was getting mad-?" I thought, then pushed that thought to the back of my head. "So why did you call me here?" I asked them.

    "Well, we wanted to ask you some things about Timothy." Ph1LzA said, and I nodded, a bit confused about where this was going. "So, first of all, how are you friends with him?" Ph1LzA asked, and I thought for a while. "Wait how did me and Tommy meet-?" I thought and searched my memories.


    I was messing around with some of the paper which had fallen off the flattened cardboard box I was sitting on when a boy who looked like he was around my age staggered into the alley I was in. He had an outfit on so I could tell he was a vigilante. He was also clutching his arm as he sank against the wall and my eyes widened as I realized he was hurt. I quickly grabbed my backpack and ran over to him. He scooted away from me in alarm as he looked me up and down.

    "Who are you?!!?" He asked as I sat down in front of him. "That's not too important right now." I said as I looked at his arm. There was a wound on his arm, and it looked like it was kind of deep. "W-what are you doing?" He said as I gently grabbed his arm and lifted it. "I'm going to try to heal your arm, what does it look like?" I said as I rolled my eyes and gently rolled his sleeve up.

    The boy didn't protest and watched as I grabbed some gauze from my backpack and ointment. "Where did you even get stuff like that?" He asked in wonder. "Well, some of the stuff I stole, but the others I made them." I said, and the boy became more confused. "How did you make it-?" He asked, clearly confused. I smiled. "Just watch." I said, then after applying the ointment and wrapping the wound, I put my hands over the wound. I focused and closed my eyes tightly. I focused as hard as I could, and soon I heard a gasp, which meant it was working. I didn't stop focusing, however, and then a while later I felt myself starting to become a bit weak. I immediately opened my eyes and smiled at the boy, whose eyes were wide in shock.

    "THAT WAS SO POG!" He said excitedly, and I smiled. "This might hurt a bit though." I said, then started slowly peeling the gauze away. Soon it was off, and I threw it away into the dumpster nearby. The wound was now healed but there was still a small scar left. "I'm not too good of a healer, sorry." I said as I looked at the scar, but the boy shook his head frantically. "That was so cool, no need to apologize." He said, still in shock. "Well, my name is Purpled, what about you?" I asked as I scooted back a bit and smiled. The boy returned the smile and told me his name.

"The name's TommyInnit."

"If you don't stop, I'm gonna start stabbing sh!t." // A DSMP FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now