Chapter 94

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    Immediately, people started talking to each other in shock. "You're going to move the festival to three days from now?!" Connor asked, and I nodded. "Yes." I said, and Connor nodded. "So you all should prepare for the festival, and tell whoever you can about the change." Phantom said, as he too recovered from the shock. The voices started talking again, and I just listened and watched. "Is that all for the meeting?" Dream asked after a while and I nodded. "Yes. This will be a major change for some people, and since everyone from Dream SMP comes to these festivals, I thought I should tell everyone." I said, and he nodded.

    "We'll inform everyone we can, thank you for informing us." Error404 said. I nodded, and then looked at everyone. "Well, this meeting is dismissed, thank you all for coming." I said, and everyone nodded, then got up to leave. "Timothy, can you stay behind, please?" Phantom asked, and Timothy nodded. Purpled looked uncertain, but after saying something to Timothy, he got up and left. Timothy got up and walked toward us. "Yes?" He asked. "Do you have any more information about Fundy?" Phantom asked.

 Timothy started thinking, and everyone held their breath.


    Tommy started thinking, and he thought back to that night. He remembered a tracker which Tubbo installed on everyone's vigilante outfits, just in case they needed help. "Actually, I think I could tell you what part of District 17 Fundy could be in..." Tommy said, and Phantom's eyes widened. "Tell us. Please. I'll increase your pay, whatever you want." Phantom said, and it sounded like he was... begging?!!? Tommy scratched the back of his head. "Now I am uncomfortable as frick-" Tommy thought, and Clementine stayed silent. Tommy thought for a while.

    "I'm going to have to call my friend, can I step outside for a second?" Tommy asked, and everyone nodded. Tommy thanked them, and went outside and closed the door behind him. "Tommy, here is some advice. Since Phantom has the ability to hear anything, I advise you not to say anything about vigilantes or patrolling. Okay?" Clementine said, and Tommy mentally facepalmed. "Thanks a lot! How did I forget-" Tommy thought, and Clementine gave him a warm response. "You're welcome!" Clementine replied. "Okay, now to call Tubbo-" Tommy muttered. He called Tubbo, who picked up a while later.

    "Hi T-" Tubbo started, and Tommy immediately cut him off. "Hey Tubbo, I'm at work." Tommy said, emphasizing work so Tubbo would call him by his fake name. "Oh! Hey Timothy, how's work going?" Tubbo said, and Tommy let out a sigh of relief, knowing Tubbo understood. "It's going good so far. WAIT WHY ARE YOU ON THE PHONE-?!!? ISN'T YOUR HEAD STILL-" Tommy said, realizing Tubbo was talking only an hour after what happened this morning.

    "Yeah, it hurts only a bit now. I don't know what Purpled did, but I'm feeling a lot better." Tubbo said, and Tommy nodded reluctantly. "Okay, so remember last night and how we were taking a walk?" Tommy said. "Mhm! What about it? Wait..." Tubbo replied, and Tommy nodded. "That kid we saw last night... the one with the orange hair? And the woman who was with him? You followed him, right?" Tommy asked.

    "Yeah, I did... hold up, you want that kid's location?" Tubbo said, already typing away. "You got it, bossman." Tommy said, and waited. After a while, Tubbo told him. "Okay, so I don't have an exact address, but all I can tell you is that I last saw them in the lower region of the district... it's the farthest side from the main district." Tubbo said, and Tommy smiled. "Thanks a lot, bossman!" Tommy said, and he knew Tubbo was grinning. "No problem! Okay, I'm going to go now, my head is starting to hurt a bit... call me if you need anything else... oh, if you want, I could send you a map of the district with the region highlighted?" Tubbo asked, and Tommy grinned.

    "That would be pog." Tommy said, and Tubbo quickly sent him a screenshot. Tommy immediately opened his texts from Tubbo and saw the map. "Thanks!" Tommy said happily and ended the call after saying bye to Tubbo. Tommy then slowly opened the door and slipped inside, then closed the door.

    "So?" Phantom asked, and Tommy walked towards the three of them. "I've got a map if you want to see it. I don't know the exact address, but I can tell you the area." Tommy said, and Blade nodded. "That would help a lot, thank you." Ph1LzA said with a small smile. Tommy nodded, then opened his texts and showed each of them the map. Blade nodded, and it seemed like he was taking careful note of it. "Timothy, I can not thank you enough." Phantom said thankfully, and Tommy smiled.

    "No problem!" Tommy said. "So I can go now?" Tommy asked, and Phantom nodded with a smile. "Of course! And also, would you mind sending that to me too?" Phantom asked, and Tommy nodded. "Sure!" He said, then left. As soon as he was out of the door, and the door was closed, he peeked inside his shirt pocket. He smiled, then walked to the elevator and said something quietly to Clementine.

"Well that was something, wasn't it?"

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