Chapter 81

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    Tommy took a step back in shock. At first, he thought the person would be Jack or the woman version of Jack, but it was not him. The person was tied to the chair with ropes, and they had tape on their mouth. Tommy winced as he looked at the tape. Yeah, that was definitely going to hurt when they take it off.

    Tommy looked at the person, then realized it was a woman. The woman had long, dark purple hair and... were those... horns?! Yup, those were definitely horns. The woman also had a pair of black demon wings and a tail. Her current expression was hard to read, and she was looking around at everyone.

    "Ok, now that everyone is here, let's get down to business." Captain said as she stepped forward and removed the tape from her mouth. The woman winced, and so did Tommy. "That probably hurt, right?" Purpled mumbled to Tommy, and Tommy nodded, not taking his eyes off the woman. "We found her in an alley, and she attacked Captain and me when she saw us, so we brought her here. Don't ask how we brought her this far." Nihachu said to everyone, and Tommy nodded. "Tell us who you are and why are you here." Captain said sternly to the woman, and she nodded.

    "The name's Minx." The woman said, then paused. "Why should I tell you criminals why I'm here?" She spat, and an uncomfortable silence fell over the room. "What? I'm sorry, would you care to repeat that again?" Quackity said through clenched teeth. "Wait all of you are criminals, right?" Minx said, sounding a bit confused. Tommy scoffed in annoyance. "No, we're vigilantes." Tommy said, now fully annoyed.

    Minx's face immediately lit up. "Wait, did you just say... vigilantes?" She said, and Tommy nodded bitterly. "I'm also- wait no- uhmmm-" Minx said, and Purpled looked at me with a confused look which I returned with a shrug. "You're what?" Captain said. "Well, I wouldn't say vigilante exactly, but I'm trying." Minx said, seeming a bit relieved once Tommy told her that they were vigilantes.

    "What exactly do you mean?" Nihachu said. "Well I'm trying to be a vigilante, but I don't exactly know how to be a vigilante-" Minx explained, and Tommy thought she looked a bit... embarrassed? Captain nodded and Nihachu let out a small "Oh...". "For starters, you need an outfit-" Manifold said, and Tommy turned to him and snickered. "The outfit like yours?" He said with a smug grin and Manifold looked down and rolled his eyes. "It's not my fault Quackity can't control his powers!" He said, a bit embarrassed. Quackity whipped around.

    "I CAN CONTROL MY POWERS- YOU'RE LUCKY I DIDN'T TURN YOU INTO A FISH!" Quackity said, clearly offended, and Captain sighed. "We have more important matters currently." She said, and Nihachu smiled. "I can make the gear!" Bee offered, and Captain nodded with a smile. "And I can make the outfit!" Nihachu said, and everyone looked at her. "Wait, you can sew?" Quackity said, and Nihachu nodded. "Well, your appearance has been taken care of, now for the most important part." Captain said.

    "You need to know how to act like a vigilante." Captain said, and Tommy could tell Minx became confused. "Wait so being a vigilante isn't just kicking the people in the alleys?" Minx said. "What- no! What if the person is a child?" Nihachu said, clearly shocked, and Minx shrugged. "Dropkick and or punt the child-?" Minx said, and Purpled immediately clapped a hand quietly to his mouth to muffle his laughter.

    "No!" Captain and Nihachu said at the same time. "Oh-" Minx said. "Which district do you live in?" Nihachu asked. "District 17, why?" Minx said. "Great! The day after tomorrow, you can have your first patrol with the Bench Trio." Captain said, and Minx nodded as her face lit up. "Can I go too? If that's okay of course..." Purpled said, and Captain looked at him with a smile.

    "Of course!" Captain said, and Purpled nodded happily. "Wait, then who's going to look after Bee?" Ender said, and Quackity's eyes lit up. "I will!" He said excitedly, and Captain nodded. Usually, when this rare situation happened, Bee would stay at home and talk to the new person, Tommy, and Ender through earpieces. He would also take care of the tech stuff. Tommy was brought out of his train of thought when he heard something quack. Everybody immediately whipped around to see if someone was in the headquarters, but no one found the source of the quack.

    "For the love of god- Bee did you bring your duck-?!" Tommy said after realization hit him, and Bee looked offended. "For starters, his name is not "your duck", it's Benson." Bee said, and Benson quacked in agreement. Everybody laughed, well everybody minus Bee, and then Captain turned back to Minx. "Is Minx your vigilante name or your real name?" Captain asked, and Minx thought for a second. "Minx is my vigilante name." She said, and Captain seemed satisfied with her answer, then spoke to everyone.

"It's settled, then!"

"Minx, the day after tomorrow shall be your first official patrol!"

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