Chapter 2

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The two boys fell asleep cuddling each other last night and woke up surprised and happy.

Their day at school was going great so far, Midoriya and Todoroki being so happy brought up everyones moods. Well, almost everyones, Kirishima was naturally a happy person, but today not so much.

He had a secret, he liked Midoriya, have for awhile now. He noticed his crush when Midoriya was always the way he was looking, he couldn't help it. Midoriya's smile was cute and his personality was caring. Who wouldn't like Midoriya?

He hated that he was jealous and felt hurt. It wasn't Todoroki or Midoriya's fault, neither of them knew he liked Midoriya. In fact, no one knew. Not even his best bro Bakugou.

Kirishima wasnt the only one in a bad mood, Bakugou was as well. The naturally moody teen was extra snappy today. Almost everyone assumed it was because their was too much energy in the classroom, but that wasnt the case.

Bakugou also liked Midoriya. He realized his feelings when he noticed Midoriya was all he thought about, this was why Midoriya always irritated him so much even when he did nothing.

He was mad, really mad. How could Icy hot take Deku away from him like that? Bakugou wasn't going to let that happen. He wanted Midoriya to be his, and only his. He was jealous, but he'd never admit it, not to anyone.

Midoriya was sitting behind Bakugou, as that was their assigned seats. Bakugou turned around and stared at Midoriya, waiting for him to notice. Midoriya had his head down, staring at him notebook, writing things down.

He glanced up and saw Bakugou's arms on his desk, so he looked up, nervously. "Y-yes Kacchan?" Bakugou frowned, why didnt Midoriya smile at him? "Are you really dating Icy Hot?" Midoriya gave a small smile, thinking of his boyfriend.

"Yes I am."

Bakugou tsked, and turned back around, leaving Midoriya confused. "Wha-," he was cut off by Uraraka. "Deku! Come here, I want to talk to you!" She was sitting across the room, Mina and Tsu were by her. Mina was on her desk and Tsu had pulled up a chair.

They were in self study right now, but Aizawa Sensei didn't really care what they did.

Midoriya gave the back of Bakugou's head one last look before going over to his friends. "What's up guys?" Tsu pulled a chair over for Midoriya to sit, so he did.

"You should go give Todoroki a kiss so we can see his reaction." All four of them looked in the boys direction, he had his headphones in and was working on some homework.

Midoriya smiled at him, he truly was stunning, even when he was frustrated. "I dont know Uraraka, we havent kissed yet and I dont want our first kiss to be for you." Uraraka fake gasped and slapped Midoriya's arm playfully.

"Okay your right, I didn't think about that. How about a kiss on the cheek?" Midoriya thought for a second, "alright okay, I'll do that. I want to anyways."

Midoriya stood up and walked over to his boyfriend, he gentle tugged on his headphone cord. When Todoroki took it out he smiled at who was asking for his attention.

"Hi Izuku," Midoriya put his hand on Todoroki's shoulder and kissed his cheek. "Hi Shoto," he knelt down next to his desk and pointed at the homework. "Hows this going?"

Todoroki looked at him surprised and bright red. He cleared his throat, "i-its okay, this one was a hard one." He pointed to an english practice question, Midoriya nodded.

"Oh yeah, I had a hard time on that one too."

Midoriya looked up and Todoroki's face was a few inches away from his, he smiled, trying to hide his nervousness.

Todoroki grabbed his hand, which was on the desk and squeezed it sweetly. "Did you finish the homework?" Midoriya nodded, "I did half of it yesterday and then saved the rest for when I was bored during the day today."

"Oh that's smart, then you dont have to do anything tonight if you dont want to." Midoriya smiled, "right!" "Hey guys," Mina yelled over, "yall are still in the class with us, just didnt want you to start making out."

She stuck her tongue out, "Mi-Mina!" The girls started to laugh, Midoriya was really flustered. Todoroki laughed a little too causing Midoriya to blush darker.

Midoriya put his head on the desk and looked at Todoroki. He brushed a piece of Midoriya's hair out of his face and kissed his forehead. Todoroki then put his head down on the desk and they just looked at each other from the close proximity.

Well, until Denki looked behind him and cat called. "Look at this cute ass couple everyone. Making all us little guys feel even more single."

Kirishima watched the two react, he had watched the whole thing, it wasn't as weird as it sounds considering the three girls were watching, Denki was watching the girls reactions and getting information from them, and, surprisingly, Bakugou was listening in on the interaction as well.

Midoriya got up and hugged Denki from behind, wiggling his body back and forth. Todoroki watching from behind amused. "Oh Denkis, do you feel left out? Dont worry I'll give you some love too." Midoriya kissed the side of Denki's head multiple times, causing Denki to laugh.

Denki started to push Midoriya off, "hey come on now, I got my eyes set on a certain girl."

Midoriya and Denki had grown surprisingly close after their class vacation they took a few months ago. They had to share a dorm for the week because they miscounted by one and of course Midoriya volunteered to share.

The vacation was to ease everyone's minds for a bit. They were all kids after all, what they had been threw was very stressful for adults, so of course the school let them have a break.

Midoriya stood up straight again and moved his seat next to Todoroki. He put his head on Todoroki's shoulder and responded to Denki. "Yeah, yeah, Denki get your girl."

Jiro blushed and put her head down a little bit. Denki smiled and looked back at Midoriya.

Uraraka got up and put her hands on Denki's desk and looked at him intensely. "Uh... Midoriya? Why is she looking at me like this?"

"Its best not to fight it Denkis."

Todoroki and Kirishima laughed, knowing what was coming.

"I thought you were gay! Denki why arent you gay!?" Denki was shocked, "what!? Being gay isn't a choice you know." Uraraka put her hands up, "oh I know, I'm bisexual." Mina squealed and raised her hand, "I'm pansexual!" Denki smiled, "I'm also bisexual Uraraka!"

Bakugou started to slow clap, "wow, way to go guys. You told us shit no one wanted to know."

"Language Bakugou," Aizawa Sensei sat up and looked all of us over. "No one cares about your sexuality or your relationship with others. Do your work."

Uraraka laughed, "oh Sensei you are soooo wrong on that." He gave her a look and she sat down and shut her mouth.

"Be quiet and do your work. Now. Or its suicides tomorrow during training." Everyone moved back to there seats, "yes sir."

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