Chapter 11

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Midoriya woke up in the middle of the night from his phone going off. He groaned and looked at the electronic.

8 miss calls from Shoto and 27 texts.

After Midoriya learned that's Bakugou and Kirishima liked him in a romantic way, and that Todoroki knew and was okay with them trying to get with him, he started in his room all day thinking.

After an hour of isolation, Todoroki came and knocked on the door. He was out there for hours asking Midoriya to talk, but he couldn't being himself to do it.

He heard Todoroki talking to someone, sounded with Kirishima but he wasnt sure.

He didn't eat all day, he just laid in bed. Bakugou never came around or tried to talk to him and Kirishima didnt text or call either.

Midoriya opened the texts from the boy.

(Idr if they ever texted in this story so if the names in the phones are different than they were just ignore it please, or tell me and I will fix it.)

Shoto: Hey Izuku, I'm really sorry. I said they could because I felt so confident that you would stay with me and I knew they would go after you anyways. (3:26)

Shoto: Please talk to me, I dont want to fight with you. (4:53)

Shoto: Have you eaten? Uraraka said that she brought some food up, she knocked but didnt get an answer. Our friends are starting to ask questions and I dont know what to say. (5:15)

I must have fallen asleep cause I dont remember her knocking or smelling food. Midoriya thought as he continued threw the texts.

Shoto: Iida told Uraraka to go get the food, says that bugs could get to it if we leave it out to long. If you want to eat I will bring you something just let me know. (5:48)

Shoto: Bakugou and Kirishima called me to the dorms, Bakugou is a mess and Kirishima is crying. I dont want to make you feel bad, just dont be mad at them please. (6:23)

Shoto: Whenever you are ready we are ready to talk. (6:46)

Shoto: Baby please come to me, I'm so sorry I made you feel that way. (7:52)

Shoto: I'll leave you alone for now (9:20)

Shoto: Goodnight baby (11:03)

Shoto: I just woke up and I miss you so much. I know that's ridiculous but I cant stop thinking about you. (2:34)

Midoriya looked up at the time and it was 3:02. He sighed, that was most of Todoroki's messages, Uraraka, Iida, and Tsu texted him as well.

He gave in and went to Todoroki's dorm. He knew Todoroki, knew that he didnt do anything to be mean. Hes messed up twice, when he did the kissing thing during the game, and allowing this all to happen.

Midoriya hasnt been perfect either. He told Uraraka somethings that he shouldnt have, and he ignored Todoroki for a day because Todoroki called him gay in a negative way.

Ridiculous, yes, but they were new to dating. They forgave each other, and they were okay now.

He knocked on the door, the silence in the hallway was eerie. It was pitch black in the hall, but he doesnt care. He wants to be held by Todoroki.

He knocked again, a little louder this time. After a few seconds, the door opened and the sleepiness left Todoroki almost immediately.

He pulled Midoriya into himself and shut the door behind him.

"I'm so sorry Izuku, I-," Midoriya put his hands on the sides of Todoroki's face and made him look at him. "Its okay, I'm sorry I shut myself away and didnt talk properly." They kissed, nothing lustful.

It was a needy kiss, one only people in love would share.

Todoroki picked up Midoriya and they crawled into bed and cuddled. Midoriya nuzzled into him and breathed in deeply, loving it.

"Hey Izuku?" Todoroki started to rub circles up and down his back, the first words spoken in a little while.

"Yes baby," Midoriya nuzzled into Todoroki more, squeezing him, eyes closed. "You arent going to leave me right?" Midoriya kissed the closest part of Todoroki he could, which was his shirt, in the middle of his chest.

"Never, I love you to much to leave." Realizing what he said, he opened his eyes and looked at Todoroki. The room was dark but he could see the smile on his face. Luckily Todoroki couldnt see how bright red Midoriya was.

"I love you too, Izuku, so so much." Midoriya let's out a breath and moves himself towards Todoroki's face. They kiss, a long sweet one.

"I'm so happy Shoto," Todoroki squeezes him closer, if possible. "You make me so happy." He breaths out, the words cause Todoroki's heart to feel warm.

"What are we going to do about Bakugou and Kirishima?" He hates to ruin the moment, but they have some things that need to be talked about. "Let's talk about it in the morning, are you happy with me?" Midoriya hesitated before asking, but he needs to hear it, especially after the day they had.

"More than anything, you make me so so happy, I didnt know I could be so happy Izuku." Midoriya grins and moves his face closer to Todoroki's body. "I love you." "I love you too."


The next morning they didnt get up until lunch time, to happy being in each other's presents to leave.

"Ready to get up?" Todoroki asked, running his fingers through Midoriya's hair. He groaned, "no I dont want too." Todoroki heart squeezed and his hands started to explore Midoriya's back.

"Are you sure?" He asked playfully. Midoriya arched his back and whined, "I'm sure!" Todoroki stopped moving his hands for a a second, then started to tickle Midoriya.

The boy started to scream and laugh, all while thrashing around. "Ah! No Shoto! S-stop it! Aha!" Todoroki smiled and kept tickling the boy.

"I don't think I will, if you want to lay in bed than we can lay in bed." Todoroki put his body weight down on top of Midoriya and hugged him.

Midoriya hugged back, chest going up and down hard. "Fine! Let's get up."

Todoroki got up first then pulled Midoriya up and they walked down stairs in their pajamas.

"You two look comfy!" Mina yelled as she handed out lunch with Momo. Midoriya smiled, "yeah, we had a good morning." The girls eyed them and Denki 'ooooh'ed them. Then Midoriya's blushed, realizing what it sounded like.

"No! We didn't do that! We cuddled!" Uraraka snickered, "mhm, that's what they all say!" The two ignored her, choose defeat this time.

Midoriya and Todoroki got their lunch then went to the table... where Bakugou and Kirishima were, along with mostly everyone.

The two boys didnt look up, and Todoroki started to get a bit uncomfortable as well. Everyone seemed to notice but they tried to make it work.

"Are you okay Midoriya?" Iida sat between Midoriya and Bakugou. "Oh, yes, I'm alright. I'm sorry about yesterday." Iida nodded, "it's alright, I'm glad you are doing better."

They ate in silence after that, now uncomfortable but not comfortable either. At the end of lunch, it was only the four left in the common room.

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