Chapter 5

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They had been caught red handed. Todoroki removed his hand slowly, and looked at Bakugou with a poker face. Midoriya was red and his eyes filled with tears.

Bakugou's anger only grew seeing him like that. Only he could make Midoriya cry, as fucked up as that was.

Bakugou grabbed Todoroki by his collar, "what were you doing to him!?" Midoriya tried to intervene, "Kacchan its o-," Todoroki held up his hand, so Midoriya stayed out of it.

Uraraka grabbed Midoriya's shoulders, "What was he doing?" Midoriya looked at everyone, only Bakugou wasn't listening. "He just put his hand on my leg, it was comfortable."

"Bullshit! I saw what you were doing!" Bakugou tightened his grip on Todoroki's collar and showed his teeth. Todoroki remained silent, "Speak." Bakugou commanded.

"What do you want me to say?" Bakugou snarled, "apologize." Todoroki started to look annoyed. "For what?" Bakugou got closer and yelled louder. "Apologize!"

"There is nothing for me to apologize for." Todoroki lifted his head a bit, causing Bakugou to grow angry and heat up his hands, smoke coming off of his shirt.

"The fuck there isnt, apologize now before I beat it out of you." Bakugou was speaking threw gritted teeth. Midoriya had tears in his eyes watching the two, why was Kacchan doing this? Uraraka hugged Midoriya around his shoulders.

"Why do you care so much anyways? You hate Midoriya." Todoroki challenged, "The fuck? Who said I cared?" Midoriya looked surprised at Bakugou, he didn't agree to hating him.

Bakugou dropped Todoroki, "keep your hands off him lover boy." That was the last thing Bakugou said to Todoroki before leaving the dorms with a door slam.

Kirishima ran after Bakugou, not looking at anyone as he did so, he was worried about his friend.

When he got outside, Bakugou was slowly walking away from the dorms.

It wasnt hard to catch up to him, "Bakugou! Wait up!" Bakugou paused for a second before walking again, ignoring the call. Once Kirishima was next to Bakugou he looked at him, "you okay?"

"Of course I am!" His hands were in his pockets as he walked, his eyes were glued to the ground.

"Can I ask you something?" Bakugou grunted, "what is it!?" Kirishima didn't respond, he was trying to find the best way to ask this. When nothing came to mind, he just spit it out.

"Do you like Midoriya?" Bakugou froze, "what!?" Kirishima took a step back, "sorry bro, there is nothing wrong with it." Bakugou looked down at the ground, "the fuck? Why do you care?" Kirishima shrugged, "you were so worried about him just now, and well... because I like Midoriya."

Bakugou started to make sparks, "hes mine." He growled, Kirishima laughed, "hes not, hes not anyone's, hes with Todoroki though." Bakugou muttered, "I know that." Kirishima stretched and they started to walk again.

"It feels good to finally tell someone, this secret has been eating at me for so long." Bakugou looked at Kirishima, "how long?" Kirishima smiled, surprised that Bakugou cared. "I dont know, just a long ass time." Bakugou laughed, Kirishima swearing was rare.

"Why didnt you confess to him first?" Bakugou asked, they weren't walking to a destination, they were just walking and talking now.

"I could ask you the same," Bakugou huffed, "he'd never like me. Not after all the shit I've put him threw." Kirishima's eyes widened, "I didn't know you felt bad about that." Bakugou glared at him, "who said I felt bad? Just stating the obvious."

Kirishima laughed a bit, "sure, what do you plan to do about your crush?" Bakugou smirked, "I'm going to make him mine, what else?" Kirishima was taken back a bit, "you are going to steal him from Todoroki?" Bakugou rolled his eyes, "I'm not going to break them up by doing something horrible. I'm going to make Deku fall in love with me instead."

Kirishima never thought of that being a solution, it wasnt really a solution but if Midoriya natural fell in love with someone else it wasnt anyone's fault, right? "I'm going to do that too." Bakugou smirked, "is that a challenge Shitty Hair?" Kirishima smirked back, "yep."

"Your on."

Back with Todoroki and Midoriya, the two had moved to the couchs in the common room. Their friends left them alone and didnt ask any questions. See as Midoriya told them part of it, Midoriya was extremely embarrassed and Todoroki was angry.

Who was Bakugou to lash out at him like that? Midoriya was with him, not anyone else. If Midoriya didn't like it he would have told him to stop, and he would have. Why did he react that way anyways? Was he just uncomfortable?

"Shoto?" Midoriya looked up at the boy, "yes?" "Are you okay?" "Fine." Midoriya didn't look convinced, but he just put his head on Todoroki's shoulder and wrapped his arms around the others as they watched a movie.

Uraraka, and Denki were watching the movie with them on the other couch, everyone else was in their rooms or training.

Bakugou and Kirishima watched back into the dorms and the four on the couchs looked at them.

The two paused and looked back before walking towards them.

"What are you watching?" Kirishima asked, looking between them before landing on Midoriya. "Actually, I don't know, just a random movie that's on tv." Midoriya responded with a giggle and a slightly red face.

The two sat on the third couch, watching it with them.

This surprised everyone but Kirishima. It was rare for Bakugou to come out of his room let alone willingly sit with them in the common area.

"Do you want popcorn Izuku?" Todoroki looked down at him, they were somewhat cuddling, or Midoriya was more clinging to him. He looked up, "yes! Do we have any m and m's?" "I'll look," Todoroki got up and walked towards the kitchen.

"Can you make us popcorn too Todoroki?" Denki asked, "sure, I'll make three bags."

The room fell silent again, Midoriya laid across the couch now. The movie wasn't that interesting but it was boring either, one of those "why am I watching this" and "why cant I stop watching this."

"Deku," Midoriya looked behind him, Kirishima and Bakugou were on the couch across from the tv and he was on the couch next to it across from Denki and Uraraka.

"You good?" Midoriya's face heated up, "what?" Bakugou looked to the side, his face a light shade of pink now. "You heard me." Even if it wasn't the nicest way of asking, Midoriya knew what he was asking.

"Y-yes! I'm good, are you?" He was a bit panicked, but he felt happy that Bakugou cared. "Fine." Kirishima smiled and laughed a bit, confused everyone except Bakugou.

Todoroki watched the interaction from the kitchen, he didn't hear any words though, the microwave was to loud.

What did Bakugou say to Izuku to get him to react like that?

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