Chapter 7

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"-roki, Midoriya, Bakugou, Kirishima," Midoriya stirred but cuddled into the warm deeper. "Come on boys, wake up," a soothing, sweet voice was coaxing Midoriya into opening his eyes, so he did.

When he did, he froze. He was cuddling with Bakugou, Kirishima, and Todoroki. He had his head on Bakugou's chest, Kirishima was laying across Midoriya's lower body. His head was on his stomach, and Todoroki was next to him, his head was on Bakugou's chest and his arms were around Midoriya's chest, his leg up on Kirishima's.

How they got that way is a mystery, and will always be a mystery, but it felt normal, comfortable to be laying that way.

The sweet voice giggled and rubbed Midoriya's cheek sweetly. "Good morning," Midoriya looked up and recognized the voice as Momo's, "good morning Momo." She smiled before shaking Todoroki, then Kirishima, and finally Bakugou.

Once they started to stir, she started to watch to the kitchen. "I'll start breakfast, you guys should probably talk." "Thank you!" Bakugou fully woke up next with a groan. "What the fuck?" Midoriya turned and looked at him, still laying on his stomach.

"Good morning Kacchan!" Bakugou stared at him then looked to the side, his face wearing a light shade of pink, "morning Nerd." Todoroki woke up next, he stirred so Midoriya turned towards him.

When he fully opened his eyes he smiled, "Morning baby." Midoriya moved closer to him, "Good morning!" Todoroki kissed his forehead and moved hair behind his ear.

Bakugou cleared his throat, so Todoroki sat up a bit and smiled at Bakugou. "Morning," Bakugou grumbled back.

"Oh!" Midoriya blushed, causing the two to look at him. Kirishima mumbled and squeezed Midoriya's lower half. Unknowing to the other two, his hand was running up Midoriya's thigh. "Soft." He mumbled, Midoriya was bright red now, he sat up and grabbed Kirishima's shoulder, "Kirishima wake up!"

Kirishima jumped a bit at the urgency of Midoriya's voice. "Everything okay!?" Midoriya smiled and nodded, "good morning." Kirishima blushed a bit, realizing how they were sitting and were his hand was.

He sat up quickly and got off, causing Midoriya and Todoroki to do the same.

They all sat on the couch in silence, an awkward silence. "

Okay why the fuck were we sleeping like that?" Bakugou sat up and put his elbows on his knees, running one of his hands threw his hair with a scowl on his face.

The three exchanged looks. "Geuss we just fell asleep and then moved a lot in our sleep." Midoriya answered, having a hard time believing they all moved that much, well except for Bakugou. He just sighed and got up, mumbling curses under his breath.

"I'm going to go get water and help Momo with breakfast, looks like Denki over slept again." Midoriya told the two as he watched Momo cook by herself, Denki was suppost to help her.

"I'll help you I-," Midoriya got up and was walking away when Todoroki was standing up. "Wait! Todoroki can I talk to you?" Kirishima asked, he looked at Todoroki desperately. Todoroki and Midoriya exchanged a look before Todoroki sat back down.

Bakugou was getting a cup of coffee when he heard Kirishima. He sat with his back to the couchs, but he paid attention to the two.

"What is it Kirishima? Is everything alright?" Todoroki asked him in a soothing, caring voice. Kirishima only glanced at him, unsure of how to start or if he should. The words left his mouth before he could think, and now he was stuck. He didnt want to tell Todoroki yet, heck, he didn't even know if he was going to tell him.

"Uh-um," Kirishima's voice shook with nervousness, how do you tell your crushes boyfriend that his boyfriend is your crush? You don't. You shouldn't. You are either suppost to suffer in silence or move on the best you can.

"Take your time, this seems important," Todoroki hesitated, "but why do you want to talk to me? If it is something this important wouldnt you rather tell Bakugou or Mina? Maybe even Denki or Sero?" Kirishima gulped, "well, it's a bit complicated."

Bakugou sat at the counter, watching Momo help Midoriya, who ended up being in the way more than help but she would never tell him that, he was trying. "Then you fold the egg over!" Midoriya's eyes sparkled, "woah! That's so easy!" Momo laughed, "it takes some practice but...,"

Bakugou ignored them again, focusing his attention back on his redheaded friend, well, rival right now. "S-sorry, I don't mean to be taking up so much of your time." Todoroki shook his head, "you're fine." Bakugou tsked and slammed his coffee cup down, causing Midoriya and Momo to jump.

He walked over to the couch and put Kirishima in a head lock with one arm, "come on Shitty Hair! Need your help with something before breakfast!"

Not waiting for a reply, he pulled Kirishima to his room. Todoroki protested but Bakugou ignored him, not caring about his curiosity or worry.

After the door was shut, Bakugou slammed Kirishima against the wall. "What the fuck were you going to tell him Shitty Hair?" Kirishima put his hands up, "let go and I'll tell you." After glaring for a minute, Bakugou let go with a tsk.

"Spit it out." Kirishima sighed, "Todoroki should know!" "Know what?" He paused, his anger growing as he spoke. "That we like his boyfriend? That we want to take him? You know how sick that sounds?" Kirishima frowned, "Why are we trying to take him? Midoriya doesnt like us, he likes Todoroki, and it we get him, who would he go with? You or me?"

Bakugou smirked, "me of course." Kirishima shook his head, "we cant do this to them. They are happy." "If they were so happy then why didnt they run away the second they realized we were all sleeping together on the couch?" Kirishima stopped, "that is weird." Bakugou gave him a look, "we cant give up, or you can, I'm not."

Kirishima felt a pang in his heart at the thought of Bakugou flirting with Midoriya. "I'm not giving up, I just think we should tell Todoroki. It's wrong to do this behind his back." Bakugou grunted, "it's wrong to do this period." Kirishima didnt respond, so Bakugou sighed.

"How about this, if he catches us then we dont lie." Kirishima thought for a second, "alright fine."

Bakugou grumbled, "let's go eat breakfast," Kirishima nodded and ran out of Bakugou's room. Bakugou laughed to himself and blushed at Kirishima's child like behavior. Then he stopped, what the fuck? Why is my face all hot and why did I laugh at Shitty Hair?

Fucking weird.

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