Chapter 9

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It was after school now, and Todoroki was on a mission. He decided the best way to get the two, more importantly Bakugou, out of his way would be to confront him. Todoroki didn't want to be mean, he wanted to be firm.

Bakugou was allowed to like Midoriya, but said boy was in a happy relationship and he was only causing trouble. It wasn't fair to the couple that he was doing this.

Now, Midoriya wasn't stupid, he knew something was wrong, but he didn't think anyone had liked him in that way, so he had no idea Bakugou and Kirishima liked him as well as Todoroki.

Todoroki knocked on Bakugou's door, waiting for the male to explode on him. "What?!" Bakugou growled as he opened the door, his angry face softened when he saw Todoroki, unintentionally of course.

"We need to talk." Bakugou gave him a confused and annoyed looked. "Fine." He finally responded, moving to the side so Todoroki could come into his room.

Todoroki sat on his bed and waited for Bakugou to join him. Once he sat next to him, Todoroki turned towards him more.

"Bakugou," Bakugou rolled his eyes, "yes Icy Hot." "You like Izuku, don't you?" Bakugou flinched, "that Nerd?" Todoroki nodded, "yes."

Bakugou gulped and looked away, trying to decide whether or not to lie. He chose not too, seeing as Todoroki already knew, and he was taking to long to reply.

"Yes, I do. What about it?" Todoroki tensed, "I want you to stay away from him. I cant trust you not to make advances on him." Bakugou smirked, "you scared I'm going to take him from you?"

Todoroki shook his head, "no, I'm worried you are going to cause problems for us." Bakugou grunted, "fair game in love and war." "Bakugou I'm asking you nicely not to interfere with our relationship."

Bakugou shook his head, "go outside for a second. Let me do something before we continue this." Todoroki didnt move, "get the fuck out Icy Hot." Todoroki put his hands up at the easily angered blonde and stood outside.

A part, well most, of Todoroki thought Bakugou wasnt going to let him back in, but he waited anyway. Trusting Bakugou for some reason.

A few minutes later Bakugou opened the door. "Dont. Talk." Todoroki huffed and sat on the bed again, "what were you doing?" Bakugou tsked, "didnt I tell you not to fucking talk?"

Todoroki looked at Bakugou, who had sat down next to him again. Bakugou looked at Todoroki as well, their glares softened and they leaned into each other. Seeming to forget why they were there, they didnt lean in fully, they just looked each other in the eyes.

Bakugou moved a piece of hair out of Todoroki's face. "You should show your eyes off more. They are very pretty." Todoroki blushed at the random compliment.

Everything was so strange these days. Bakugou was ment to be a rival but looking at him caught Todoroki in a trance, and vise versa.

The door was opened, and they snapped away from each other. They weren't doing anything wrong, but it felt like they were.

Kirishima entered the room and looked at the two, awkwardness set in the room since the two were looking in opposite directions with blushes. "Uh, what were you guys doing? You look extremely guilty?"

Bakugou grunted, "as if I'd do anything with this guy." Todoroki laughed, "yeah okay Bakugou. Anyways, why is Kirishima in here?" Before Bakugou to fight back, Kirishima spoke.

"I like Midoriya too, Bakugou told me to come over to tell you." Kirishima sat on Bakugou's office chair, avoiding eye contact now.

Todoroki was a bit surprised, "well thank you for your honesty. I wasnt expecting that. I had a feeling but um, wow, thanks I guess." Bakugou snickered, "calm yourself Icy Hot. I told him what was going on so that we could tell you that we were competing for Midoriya's heart. I didnt want to tell you but Shitty Hair did so."

Bakugou rolled his eyes, waiting for Todoroki to respond, if he could.

"Okay," the two looked at him. "Okay what Todoroki?" Kirishima asked, his voice trembling a bit. "You guys can try to compete for his heart but as soon as Izuku catches on or we have a fight because of you then you tell him."

Kirishima nodded, relief washed over him. Bakugou was hesitant to reply, "how are we, am I suppost to win him over if I can't get between you two." Todoroki shrugged, "not my problem. It's wrong that you are doing this in the first place, but I guess I can't really stop you from trying so we will turn it into a competition."

No one said anything for a few seconds. Then what Bakugou said clicked in Todoroki's head, "wait. What's going to happen if, somehow, you takes him from me but he cant pick between you guys. Are all three of you going to date?" The two looked at each other, Kirishima didn't say anything and it took Bakugou longer than it should of to snap.

"Fuck no! Deku is going to be mine." He blushed from embarrassment. Todoroki and Kirishima looked at each other, and couldnt help but laugh.

Fuming now, Bakugou screamed, "get out! Get the fuck out!" He grabbed both boys by their arms and pulled them out of his room, slamming the door when they were out.

They calmed down and smiled at each other. Both walking in the same direction, Todoroki started up a conversation.

"I think it's cool that you wanted to tell me that you liked Midoriya. That's very manly of you." A serge on pride went threw Kirishima hearing that. His heart quickened when they both entered the elevator, it was just them.

"Yeah well, I didnt really know if I should or not cause I didnt want to make you upset... even though I'm trying to steal your boyfriend. In all honestly though, it doesnt feel wrong or like I am in a way and it's really confusing."

Todoroki's eyes widened, "I know what you mean! I should be furious that you guys are after Midoriya and are going to go after him even though you knows hes with me... but I'm not, and that frustrates me."

Kirishima nodded, "it's like..." "this will all work out in the end?" Todoroki finished the sentence. Kirishima nodded and they smiled at each other, looking at each others eyes until the elevator dinged.

When it did, Todoroki broke eye contact first and left the elevator.

"Shoto! Over here!" Midoriya yelled from the common room, he was playing chest against Momo, again. "The game is tied, shes won one and I've won one. We've been here all day!" Todoroki looked at the board, then at Jiro and Sero, who were watching, nodding a greeting to them.

"I see that," he kissed Izuku's head and slid in the spot next to him, wrapping his arm around his waist. "What were you doing?" Midoriya asked, trying to multitask.

"Oh nothing much, just had a chat with a few friends."

Midoriya nodded, not fully hearing what he said but trying not to ignore him.

"Everything okay?" Their eyes locked and Todoroki blushed slightly.

"Everythings perfect."

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