Important Memories

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Sora's P.O.V

After encountering Axel, Donald, Goofy and I continued onward. We passed through Halloween Town. Why did I get a feeling that I've been there before? Eh, I'm too lazy to think about that right now. 

" Hmm." Goofy suddenly stops. He was thinking about something. 

" What's the matter?" Donald asked him. " It's that creepy castle that I was talking about earlier... I know I didn't imagine it." He pointed out. 

Donald and I looked at each other. Was there really another castle we've been too? " 'Cause that was the castle Sora had to use the Keyblade to free Maya's heart." Goofy mentioned as memories of that time flooded my head.  " Then he just disappeared! And I was so worried. How could I ever forget that?" He said frowning.  

" Oh! It was when I turned into a Heartless!" I remembered. I thought about for a second. " Wait. That happened... in a castle?" Why was it hard to remember these things. " More importantly.... how did Maya died anyways? One second I held her in my arms the next she's gone?" There's gotta be something that I'm missing here.

" Aww... You forgot that? 'Cause I remember perfectly." Donald said almost bragging. 

" Okay... then what did happened to her?" I tested him. 

" That's easy! She died in..." He stopped midsentence as he couldn't figure out the name of the castle.  " Jiminy, help me... is it in your journal?" Donald asked the small cricket for help. 

" Every word. I finished the first volume right before we got to this castle." Jiminy said taking out his small journal. " Now then, if I can just find it... Oh, here we go! Let's have a look." His face grew in terror when he opened the book. "Oh! How could that be?" He said in shocked. Judging by his reaction I was getting a bad feeling.

" What's the matter?" Goofy asked.  

" All my entries--- They're gone! Every page is blank." He showed us the pages have no words in them. Which is wired cause I saw him write them down last night. 

" What'll we do?" Donald asked in panic. 

" How could this happened? I'm so careful with the journals! All that hard work is gone..." Jiminy cried. 

I frown at him. " The journal's blank... what's going on?" I made a thinking face. Does it have something to do with those guys in black?


In that white room from before with the blond girl in the white dress, she quietly drew another picture. The girl in the black hood stared at her as she drew. She hugged her knees closer to her chest. 


- back to Sora

" Something's screwy. Journal pages don't just vanish!" Donald huffed. 

I stopped as these thought came to mind. " What's more things?" I asked worriedly. They stop to look at me. " Goofy was telling us about another castle we'd been to... but none of us really remembers it. do you think? Could it be that we don't remember because we're loosing our memories?" I questioned them. It would make the most sense. 

" Loosing? Our memories?" Donald asked if that's something he didn't want to say. 

" Hold on! Remember what that mystery fella said? 'In this place to find is to lose, and to lose is to find.' It musta been our memories he was talking about loosing." Jiminy explained. 

I crossed my arms. " So if we keep going, we'll lose more... Guess it really is Castle Oblivion." I stated. Man, that sucks. 

" So the higher we go, the more we'll forget?" Donald repeated making sure he understood what was going on. " Does that mean everything and everybody will be forgotten?" Donald frowns. 

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