The Replica

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Sora's P.O.V

I gasped seeing an unexpected familiar figure appeared at the next floor. " You're... Riku!" I was so confused. How was he here? Wasn't he trapped behind the door to darkness? " What are YOU doing here?" I asked going up to him. 

" Not happy to see me? Lemme know if I'm getting in the way -ya know, of something that's more important." He said. 

" Huh? I didn't mean it like that..." I told him. For some reason lately I just haven't had the mood to be anything but happy. I know I'm mad about that I forgot about Maxay and Namine. But it's different than that. 

" Hmph. Spare the excuse. I bet that you had all but forgotten about me?" He spat. 

" Are you crazy? C'mon. I came all this way looking for YOU!" I pointed out. 

" But you're not anymore, right? Now it's only Maxay and Namine that you're looking for. You don't care about me. Just like you never cared-- at all about their feelings." He said. 

I eyed him. He's acting strange. I'd for sure thought he went back to normal. " Maxay and Namine's..." I asked. 

" Hmph. I knew it. Never even gave it a second thought, did you." He accused me. " Just cause you wanna see them-- sorry doesn't go both way. Tell ya the truth, Maxay and Namine don't even want to look at your face. 

" Why not?" I asked taking back by that. Why wouldn't they want to see me after so long? 

" You should ask your memories... why Maxay and Namine disappeared from the islands. Remember that, and you'd know." 

I frown straying at the floor. I wish I knew but remembering things about are so difficult. " Did I... did I do something? Is it my fault?" I questioned myself.  " Riku..."  His outfit then changed into the same one he wore when Ansem controlled him. 

" Go home, Sora. I'll look after Maxay and Namine. Anyone that goes near them... goes through me!" He suddenly took out his Keyblade and charged at me. 

I was fast enough to block it. " What's- What's  wrong with you?! We're supposed to be friends?" I asked. Friends just don't attack each other out of the blew. 

" Please, Sora. Since when have you ever cared about me? Maxay and Namine aren't the only ones who are sick of looking at you. So am I!" He glared at me.

I pushed him back. " Riku, stop it!" I begged him. But it looked like he wasn't going to back down. 


Riku pant's after I beat him in battle again. He runs away again. I gasped as I tried to stop him but was too late. " Riku! Please wait!" I sigh. He didn't really any of that stuff did he? I don't even know  what to believe anymore. 

" Sora, are you okay?" Goofy asked when he and Donald finally caught up with me. 

" Don't worry about me. Riku... what happened?" I'm so confused right now. 

" Hmm. Sure was strange." Jiminy said thinking. " Almost like Ansem was back controlling Riku again." He added. 

No it couldn't be. We defeated Ansem so then Riku should've went back to being normal. " But we got rid of Ansem good." I reason with the small cricket. 

" Then I wondered what is wrong with Riku..." Goofy questioned. " Hold on... The king! If he's with Riku, he must be in danger!" Donald shouted. 

I never thought of it that way. " Sora." Donald said. 

" I know... you're thinking Riku isn't your friend... but that's just not true." Jiminy tried to assure me. 

" Ya sure?" I asked. It sure looked like Riku to me.  

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