Two Promises

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Sora's P.O.V

Using the card Vexen gave me, it took me to this new world I don't remember I'd visit. It seemed like a peaceful town. You could clearly see the sun set in the sky.

" Gwarsh... where are we Sora?" Goofy asked.

"Hmm... I dunno... I never been here." I answered crossing my arms as a train passed by.

" Me either." Donald added.

" That be right! Up 'till now, the only places we've been are from Sora's memory."  Jiminy pointed out.

" Maybe so, but I definitely don't remember this." I told them it's unfamiliar.

" You might forgotten this town just like the other stuff." Donald pointed out. I highly doubt it.

" This is terrible. Our memories are practically gone." Jiminy worried said.

Donald and Goody frowned.

" We'll be okay. See, look at this..." I pulled out the good luck charm Maxay made for me. "It's Maxay's good luck charm. There's a special memory that goes with this. One night, when Maxay and I were little, there was this meteor shower. Maxay started crying. She said ' what if a shooting star hits the islands?' So I said, 'if a shooting star comes this way , I'll hit it right back into outer space.' I was swinging this toy sword around the whole time. Maxay just smiles and said ' thanks' and gave me this." I smiled at the memory.

It then quickly turns into a frown. Why was I getting a feeling this charm wasn't supposed to look like this at all.

"Sora, I'm so sorry. I don't mean to hurt you."
All of the sudden I thought I saw Maxay behind me.

" Maxay said she had it ever since she was a baby."  I mentioned putting the charm away back into my pocket.

" And she gave it to you? Aw..." Donald smiled. 

" Yeah. So I promised her... form now on, I'll bring you good luck. I'll keep you safe. But then one day, Maxay and Namine left the islands and I forgot all about them all this time." I frown. " I really let them down."

As the gang and I explore most of the town, we happened to come across a huge mansion deep in the forest.  Glancing around, I couldn't help feel that something wasn't right. " What's wrong?" Goofy noticed my actions.

  " Something... feels really strange. I'm sure I don't know this place, but it's starting to feel like it's familiar to me..." I told them. 

" You must have come here sometime before." Donald said. 

I shook my head. " No, and that's what's strange..." I argued. I crossed my arms trying to think why I seem to know this place. 

" It could be like with Maxay and Namine. You forgot lost of other stuff--- and that's why you remember this place now." Goofy explained. 

" No. It's different." I argued again. " With Maxay and Namine --- my memories sorta of came drifting back to me, little pieces at a time. But no now. It's not memories --- just this idea that I must have been here before." I said. It's bugging me. 

" So, feeling nostalgic?" A familiar voice startles me. 

In front of the mansion gates appears Vexen. " Sora... a question, then, for you... your memories of Maxay and Namine or your feelings here--- which of the two of these are more real, I wonder." He questions.    

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