Castle Oblivion

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Sora's P.O.V

" Well, now what do we do?" Donald asked. We were aimlessly walking to who knows where. But at least were out in the open. It's nice to see the blue sky above us again.

" We've gotta find Riku and King Mickey." I simply told him having my hands behind my head. They were trapped behind the door to Kingdom Hearts when we sealed it away.

" But, uh, where do we start lookin' for that there door to the light?" Goofy questioned.

I hummed. Now that's a good questioned. Our shoulders flung down knowing we didn't have a clue what to do.

" Huh?" I lifted my head up to see a familiar dog.

" Pluto?" Donald called out to the dog.

I notice it had something in his mouth. " Hey, Pluto. Where have you been?" Goofy asked. " What's that in his mouth?" I point to what looks to be a letter.

" Gawrsh, that's the king's seal!" Goofy stated.

" Hey, have you seen King Mickey?" I asked bending down to the dog. Maybe that letter has a clue.

Pluto ignored me and ran off. " Guys, lets go!" I smiled at my friends to chase after Pluto.

We all laughed as another adventure beings. But I know deep down in my heart, I'll never for get you....



By the time we chased after Pluto it was night fall and the others wanted to take a rest. I wouldn't blame them. I'm beat up myself.

Rolling over to my side, my eyes stared at the mine and Maya's charms. I like looking at them. They make me feel like she's right here with me. Gosh, I miss you so much.
"Goodnight, Maya...." I drifted off to sleep.

—— in a dream——

I could feel my heart pounding out of my chest seeing Maya collapsed in my arms. She was trying to gasp for air due to her wound re- opening.

It was like like my whole world is being crushed down on me. Seeing the girl I love die right in my arms.

She smiled before fading away.

—— end of dream—-

"Maya!" I screamed. Glancing around I saw we were still at our camp site. My breathing began to calm down seeing Donal and Goofy sound asleep. "It was just a dream." I steady myself. A dream? More like a night mare that actually happened. So much for trying to get some sleep.

My eyes shifted to the star in the sky. A soft smile appeared on my face. Maya loved looking at the stars. She would sometimes stay up all night staring aimlessly at them when we'd camp out at the other worlds. I'd scold her for staying up so late. She told me she when she couldn't sleep she would stare at them with her sister and other friends she was with.

An image of her showed at the sky and I could hear her cute giggle. Are you watching them too, Mais?

"Along the road ahead lies something you need."

I got startled hearing a unfamiliar voice behind me. He was wearing a black hooded cloak.

" However — in order to claim it you must lose something that is dear to you." He said disappearing.

What the was that about? I can already tell he means trouble.

Somewhere in a white room a girl with blond hair in a white dress was drawing in a sketch book it was a drawing of a creepy looking castle.

Maya's ReChain Of Memories  kingdom hearts Sora X MayaWhere stories live. Discover now