::Chapter 6::

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((Ep. 7))
{Wen Mei}

"What do you plan on drawing?" I asked my sister as we fixed a ring to put under the lantern.

"I don't know yet. Is there anything you have in mind?" She replied.

I looked at the blank paper in front of me.

"Probably a flower I saw earlier."

"You and your flowers. Which one did you see earlier?"

I opened my book and passed it to her.

"Oh, it's a sunflower." She pointed out as she brought the book closer to herself.

"Did you know that sunflowers symbolize happiness and good fortune?" Zewu Jun said, startling me and my sister.

"No, I didn't. How did you know that?" I asked.

He smiled at my question and knelt down next to me.

"I have a few hobbies, and one of them includes reading about different types of flowers." He said in a hushed tone. "Will you keep it a secret?"

I nodded my head in reply.

"I'll be taking my leave then," He got up and walked away to observe a lantern from another group.

I grabbed my supplies and began drawing a few sunflowers. I decided to do an outline of black and brown since the fire under the lantern would color the flower for me.

I looked over at my sister's painting and saw that she drew the Wen Clan's symbol.

"Don't look at it..." My sister mumbled.

"I already saw it!" I laughed at her failed attempt to cover it.

She let out a chuckle and shook her head. "I'm not great at drawing like you."

"It takes practice. Just like how you're great at treating injuries." I replied.

"You'll get there. I'll make sure you do." She affirmed.

As everyone began to finish up we prepared to light our lanterns.

"We'll be beginning the lighting of the lanterns." A man informed.

We lit our lanterns and carefully let go of them. I closed my eyes and wished for everyone's well-being and happiness.

I overheard my sister's wish for us to be safe and sound our whole life.

I opened my eyes and noticed that she was gone. A couple of minutes had passed and there was a commotion going on down the hill. Instead, I packed my belongings and went back to the room we were staying. I didn't want to get involved with any trouble, it would make things difficult for my sister. Besides, we were going to be leaving Cloud Recesses tomorrow.

Once I got to the room I saw that no one was there. I sat down near the table to drink some water and took in the scene. I was going to miss this place. Despite Wei Wuxian's and Lan Xiao's constant ruckus, it wasn't all that bad. It was quite peaceful and the scenery was truly out of this world.


The Next Day

I stared at the paper doors for a good while, unsure whether or not I should knock. As I prepared to knock, I heard a gentle voice call out from the other side.

"You may enter."

I slowly opened the door and bowed. "Zewu Jun."

He nodded in acknowledgment and I made my way inside. I glanced around and everything was orderly and well-kept.

"Do your siblings know you're here?" He asked.

I quickly brought my attention back to him.

"Yes. I was looking for Lan Xiao, but I couldn't find her." I explained.

"Ah, that's right. If I recall, my uncle is talking to her. She put rocks in his shoes and he wasn't too delighted with that." He chuckled.

"That sounds like something she would do." I agreed.

"Would you like some tea?" He asked as he was going to get up.

"No, thank you. I was checking to see if she was here." I replied.

"She's going to be there for a while. Was there something you wanted to tell her?"

I pulled out a letter from my bag.

"I wanted to give this to her."

"I could pass it to her if you have to go already." He suggested, which I let out a sigh of relief.

"That wouldn't be a problem with you?"

"It wouldn't. I'm going to go over there anyway."

I handed the letter to him.

"Thank you."

"Oh, before you leave." He got up and went to his bookshelf, pulling out a book in the process.

"I want to give you this."

He gave the book to me and I opened it since there wasn't a title.

My mouth fell open as I saw the content on the pages.

"You're giving this to me?" I felt baffled.

"Think of it as a jump start to expand your knowledge on what you're drawing."

I looked at the various drawing of flowers and their names. It also had a section that showed what they're beneficial for and to be cautious around.

"I'll forever appreciate this gift and use it to my advantage." I thanked him.

"You should go before your siblings start to worry." He reminded.

"I should go." I agreed, putting the book away in my bag.

"Thank you, again." I bowed.

He nodded with his usual smile.

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