::Chapter 4 (4/4)::

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((Ep. 5))
{Wen Mei}

Lan Xiao and I stayed in the room while the rest went out to the Lake.

The two of us were quiet as I continued to stare
at my book.

Back when we got to the room with Zewu Jun and Jiang Cheng

"The both of you should stay here together and rest up. We'll bring some food once we come back, so don't leave this room." Zewu Jun said as he knelt down in front of us and gently held our shoulders.

"Don't worry, we'll be back as soon as possible." Jiang Cheng added.

Zewu Jun got up and the both of them were about to leave before Jiang Cheng turned around.

"Oh, before I forget."

He pulled out a book from his bag and gave it to me.

"I believe this is yours." He placed the book in my hands.

"T-thank you." I replied as I held it close.

"We'll get going already." Zewu Jun smiled, then left the room along with Jiang Cheng.

End of flashback

I glanced up at Lan Xiao and noticed that she was already looking at me from across the room, which made me flinch and look away. Force of habit I suppose...

"Come here." She sat down by a table, then gestured for me to join her.

I slowly made my way towards her and sat down.

"Hey... let's not tell anyone what happened. It's bad enough that my brother and Jiang Cheng volunteered to take care of us, but I don't want my brother to know." She said while she combed the ends of her hair.

"I also don't want to tell my siblings what happened. What if my sister locks me away..?" I trailed off not wanting to know what my sister would do if I told her.

The room got quiet once again but was quickly interrupted by Lan Xiao clearing her throat.

"Here. Why don't you paint something while we wait for them?" She suggested as she grabbed the small jug that was on the table and then put some of the water in a small bowl.

"Why don't you draw... me? Yes! Draw me!" She exclaimed with bright eyes and a childlike smile.

"Okay." I slightly felt the corner of my lips raise.

The mood in the room seemed to change as I opened the book to a blank page.


{3rd Person}

"Make sure to get my good side. Wait, is this side better? Or this side? Huh? Huh?" Lan Xiao asked as she moved her head left to right.

Wen Mei could help but laugh at the expressions she made.

"There, you're finally laughing..." Lan Xiao softly smiled as she watched Wen Mei laugh.

"Anything is fine." Wen Mei replied while she regained her composure, then began to work on the painting.

Around an hour later she placed the brush down and pulled away from the book.

"Is it done?" Lan Xiao questioned as she moved the book towards her.

"Woah." She breathed out, not knowing what to say.

She stared at her painted self in awe noticing the soft, yellow flowers decorated in the background.

"What kind of flowers are these?" She asked Mei.

Mei furrowed her eyebrows in thought.

"I don't know, I just saw them one time as we were passing a town. I thought they seemed like cheery flowers." She answered.

"You know, you should draw me again when we get older to see if there's any change." Lan Xiao said as she looked at the painting again.

"When we get older?" Mei said to herself.

'Is she willing to continue being around me when we get older?' Mei thought.

"We're back."

Lan Xiao and Wen Mei looked at the doorway to see Jiang Cheng and Zewu Jun holding trays of food.

Wen Mei grabbed her book and placed it beside her as the boys placed the trays on the table. They sat down next to them and arranged the food around.

"Let's eat." Jiang Cheng said as the four of them began to dig in.


{Lan Xiao}

Once we finished eating I noticed Jiang Cheng looking at Wen Mei with a concerned expression.

"Um, I was going to tell you this once we got here, but if I did you weren't going to be able to eat your food. Something happened to your brother so your sister is keeping care of him." He slowly informed her.

"What?" She quickly stood up.

"Which room are they in?" She asked.

"Follow me, I'll take you to them." He replied as he stood up as well.

The both of them left in a hurry, leaving both me and my brother.

"How were you two holding up?" My brother asked.

"Everything is fine now, I mean, we're still scared. However, we didn't talk about it when you were gone."

"Then what did you two do?" He questioned with a raised eyebrow.

"She did that." I pointed at the book that was laying next to him.

He grabbed the book and saw that he had a smile on his face as he examined it.

"She painted Azaleas." He nodded in satisfaction.

"Azaleas?" I asked.

"This flower has a positive meaning behind it. In a way, I feel that she thinks of you as a friend."

"She considers me a friend? But all I did was get her into trouble." I replied, feeling slightly at fault for everything that's happened.

"If she thought of you that way then she probably would've not painted you. Or asked us if she could stay in a different room."

"Then that makes her the first friend I've made. Especially a girl, since there are none my age back at Cloud Recesses." I smiled.

"The two of you remind me of a certain pair..." I heard him think to himself.

"What did you say?"


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