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{Stella's POV}

As I walk down the steps I looked up to see Roman leaning against his car smoking a cigarette. He wore all black clothes and literally looked like a robber. He exhaled and flicked the cigarette to the ground. Once I was closer to him he spoke up.

"We'll look at you." He said observing my outfit. I sighed at his comment and walked around to the passenger door. I got in his black suv as he did the same too.

"Let's just get this over with." I told him not really wanting to dig up a dead girls body. He drove off.

"So you wanna tell me why your eyes are puffy and your nose is all red?" I heard Roman ask. I looked over at him.

"My aunt was telling me about my parents." I told him.

"Ah and what did you find out?" He asked out of curiosity.

"Not enough." We finally pulled up to the graveyard and parked where no one could see his car. We got out and he opened the trunk and grabbed the shovels. He closed it and we started to walk up to a short fence.

"Here hold these." He said handing me the shovels as he jumped the fence. He gestured for me to hand them back to him so I did. As I started to clime the fence I struggled to get over.

"Awe do you need help short stuff?" Roman asked with a cocky voice.

"Shut up and help me." I sighed giving up. He walked over to me and wrapped his long arms around me. Then he set me back down. "Thanks." I told him.

"Anytime. Let me know if there is anything else I can help you with." He said looking down at me and winked. I smacked his arm and continued walking to where Peter was.

"Did you guys actually dress up as grave robbers?" Peter chuckled

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"Did you guys actually dress up as grave robbers?" Peter chuckled.

Roman frowned at Peter but then quickly spoke up. "No I dressed up like you." He smirked.

"Enough chit chatting let's get this shit over with." I said as the two boys laughed at me. Peter took the lead as I followed behind him. Roman was close behind me. I could feel his eyes on me.

"Did you know that people use to think the dead would come back as bloodthirsty revenants because of the bloating of their internal organs made them like....like belch up fluid from the inside of their lungs." Roman says.

"Ewww." I scrunched up my face.

"Nice." Was all Peter said as we continued walking. I stopped hearing Roman's loud footsteps behind me and that's when I turned around to look at him. He stood still looking at me and Peter. Peter then took notice and looked in the direction to see what was going on.

"They're coming to get you Barbara. They're coming for you Barbara." He spoke in a creepy voice. As he slowly walked towards the both of us. "There gonna get ya!" Roman grabbed me. It scared me making me scream a bit. Roman and Peter both laughed at me. I hit Roman on his chest getting frustrated with him.

"Knock it off Roman." I told him going back to walking to the grave.

"Is there, like, a summer school for serial killers?" Peter spoke up as we all chuckled at each other. I felt Roman's arm wrap around me.

"Sorry I had to." He apologized. "I can make it up to you tho." He whispered with a smirk on his face. His body pressed up against mine making me all hot and bothered. Before I could say anything Peter stopped walking. We were at the grave now.

 We were at the grave now

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"Shee-it." Roman said letting go of me.

"Shee-it." Peter said too. Roman handed a shovel to Peter. He took it and began digging. As did Roman.

"Wait you only brought two shovels?" I asked Roman confused.

"Yeah." He said still digging.

"What about me? It would be faster if I had one too." I told him and he stopped to look at me.

"Nah just stand there and look pretty for us." He said sending me a wink. Then he continued to help Peter dig some more.

"So how many funerals have you been to?" Roman asked Peter out of nowhere. Peter looked taken back but thought about it.

 Peter looked taken back but thought about it

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"A few." He said.

"What are they like for you people?" Roman asked.

"Strange. Like your not allowed to wash, eat, the mirrors are all covered and the dead person stuff is burned." He explained to us both.

"Why." I asked growing curious myself.

"Because the Rumancek family should not be remembered for their worldly things. Oh and we have to cut their heads off." He remembered. My stomach grew sicker at the thought.

"What happens if you don't?" Roman spoke up.

"Things will happen to our kind after death if you don't remove the head."

"Like what?" I asked.

"Bad things." He said not getting into much detail about it. I then noticed how far they came along with the digging until Roman said something.

"I've been to two funerals. The one being my dads. I remember hearing the gun shot...and going downstairs. He was on the floor while blood surrounded his body. And I remember thinking how much trouble he was going to be in for the mess." Roman said still digging. I observed Roman. I never knew that about him. I feel so bad for him.

"Wow that's fucked." Peter said hitting something. He looked up at us and smiled. He dusted off the dirt to reveal the wooden coffin.

"Here keep this pointed at us." Peter said handing me a flashlight. I nodded at him as he opened the coffin. Only to reveal that Lisa's body wasn't there. Just two sand bags.

"Where is she?" Roman asked confused.

"Hold on." Peter said closing it and walking to the other end of the coffin to open it. And there she was in her white silk pajamas.

"Fuck me." Roman groaned at the sight. I looked away then my stomach rumbled.

"Get the thing from my bag." Peter asked. Roman did as he said and handed him the jar.

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