༒•Bon Appetite•༒

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{Stella's POV}

"Well hello handsome." She spoke to the caterpillar. Then giving it a light kiss then placing it in the jar and closed the lid.

"Sorry little dude

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"Sorry little dude. Bon Appetite." She said. I was confused at how this was going to help us but didn't want to question her.

"How long will this take." Roman asked growing impatient.

"It's best to let it sit over night for good measures." She said but then gasping making us all jump. "We need tequila." She said with a smile on her face.

"Is that part of it?" I asked her.

"Nope. Just something in a pretty bottle." She said glancing over at Peter.

"Yes ma'am." He said nodding. "Oh do you have a first aid kit....." Peter asked getting ready to show my wound to Destiny but his face turned white. He was In shock. I looked over at Roman doing the same thing. So I looked down at my leg to see the cut was gone. I touched my skin that was showing and nothing. Like it was never there. I looked up for answers from either one of the boys but they didn't know either.

"Ummm everything okay?" Destiny spoke up. I shot a look at her.

"Yeah all peachy." I said sarcastically. Roman's phone went off.

"Hey I gotta head out. You want me to take you guys home?" Roman asked me and Peter as he was pulling a cigarette pack from his pocket.

"Yeah sure." I said feeling crazy. I know I had a huge gash on my leg what the fuck happened to it? I tried to shake it off and walked over to where Roman was standing to see him place a cigarette in between his plump lips.

"What about you?" He asked Peter.

"Nah I'm good I'll probably crash here for the night." Peter said smiling at the both of us.

"Alright see you tomorrow." Roman said opening the door and held it open for me. We walked out to his car. As we did so Roman sparked up his cigarette.

{Peter's POV}

I sat down on the couch as Destiny sat down in front of me on her coffee table with two beers. She handed me one. I opened it taking a sip from it. She opened hers and watched me with caution.

"You seriously don't know what Stella is?" She spoke up finally. I shrugged not knowing.

"I mean her scent is different. She smells....delicious." I said trying to pin point her scent. I furrowed by brows in confusion. "What is she?" I asked.

"Stella is a hybrid." She spoke carefully.

"Which is..." I began to drag out.

"She's half wolf and half vampire with some witch of course." She explained.

"Okay and that's rare?" I asked.

"Yes mainly because everyone thought her and her family were extinct." Destiny spoke with ease. I nodded at her taking it all in.

"How do you know so much about her?" I asked her.

"Peter your mom and May knew each other back in the day and she swore to never speak of her secret."

"Okay... and that is?"

"Stella is a Mikaelson." Before she could continue i butted in.

"The original vampires...yeah I've heard fairytales about them." I spoke laughing a bit.

"There not fake tales Peter there the real deal and seeing as Stella is here you should know what your dealing with." She was serious.

"Okay, okay I'm sorry. So how is she related to them?" I asked her.

"She's Niklaus and Hayley's daughter. They gave her up to her aunt May..who isn't her real aunt." She informed me.


"The reason why May doesn't want Stella around Roman is....we'll there was a prophecy a long time ago that two children one from a Godfrey and the other from a Mikaelson....they will...feel a bond that no one could ever dare break. They will be forever soul mates and create a new breed that will be unstoppable...and people feared both families and their future generation of kids. So people back then tried to slaughter them and at the time it worked. We'll to their knowledge it did but they missed one Upir who was Olivia. She escaped and lived on without anyone noticing. Now the Mikaelson on the other hand you couldn't kill them because they stuck together forever and always." She smirked at the quote. "But eventually they hated the many battles they were having and decided to vanish. Which lead them to give away their daughter."

"Wow that's really heavy shit." I said. "Wait so Roman and Stella are supposed to be mates?"

"It's a prophecy so we don't know. Me and Linda talked to May about it soooo....seeing as we know about it we can try to change the circumstances so the prophecy doesn't come true. Or maybe they weren't mates to begin with. Maybe the prophecy was fake. We don't know." Destiny went on to say. I was getting upset and angry. I huffed knowing Stella would never be mine. I downed the rest of my beer and got up off the couch to head towards the kitchen.

"Fuck Destiny! How the hell are we suppose to stope them or the prophecy?" I asked throwing my beer bottle in the trash then leaning against the kitchen counter.

"We'll first thing is we need to make sure Roman's mom never sees Stella. Once she knows an original is still alive she'll never stop. She wants to know if the prophecy is true." Destiny spoke with fear in her voice.

"Damn it...Olivia has already seen Stella." I shouted. Destiny stood in shock.

"How the fuck does she know about Stella?" She asked angry.

"We we're supposed to figure out more information about the vargulf when I got there Stella was already at his house and his mom came home." I went on to say.

"Fuck she knows. She's been on the hunt to try and find an original all her life." Destiny said.

"What now?"

"Cock block Roman and Stella as much as you can. Just until I can find more out." Destiny said.

"Okay that's easy. I don't even think Stella is interested in him at least last time I talked to her." I shrugged.

"Yeah but Roman is Roman he'll try to fuck any girl that walks by him."

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