Chapter 1

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There are moments in life that change the entire course of direction. Maybe you're sitting in your Biology lecture and the professor is discussing the work of a famous zoologist and you realize that that is what you want to do. That moment changed everything.

For Mo, that moment was four words. Your sister is dead.

It did not register at first. Her sister couldn't be dead, she just talked to her on the phone. She and her husband Joey were heading to one of their son's soccer games. It was Saturday afternoon, and there was nothing out of the ordinary.

"You are the closest living relative of these kids, is that correct?" the officer asked and she shifted in the hard plastic seat, unable to confirm the reality she was living.

Her sister and her brother in law were in a car accident. Someone ran a red light. All three of their kids were in the car.

Liliana was the youngest. She was two. She had fractured her left leg and several toes, crushed by the driver seat.

Morgan was four. He was sitting behind his mom who's seat mostly stayed put. Other than a few cuts and bruises, he was okay.

Dray was six. He was completely uninjured, except for having to witness what he did.

"That's right," Mo murmured. "Can I see the kids now?"

The officer nodded solemnly and she walked the hospital hallway until she found the room where the three kids were.

Reality hit her like a freight train when she saw the state of the kids. Liliana was hysterical, clearly in a lot of pain.

It wasn't supposed to be this way. She wasn't supposed to be without her big sister. She wasn't supposed to be a mom. How was she going to be a mom?

How was she going to tell them their parents weren't coming back?

"Hey, Lily," Mo soothed, rushing to the nurse's aid. "Do you remember me? Auntie Momo?"

The little girl looked up with flushed cheeks, crocodile tears still falling. She sniffled. "I want Mommy."

Mo's first tear fell, but she brushed it away. "You have to stay still so they can fix your boo-boo, okay?"

"It might be easier if you hold her," the nurse advised.

Mo climbed into the bed, picking up the tiny girl who looked so much like her mother. She was devastated.

"Will her legs be okay? They're still developing, and-"

"It's just a stable fracture. It's actually very common for her age. It won't affect her growth, but she will probably be uncomfortable with this cast. It also looks like a few of her toes are fractured. We've placed foam inbetween and taped it to stabilize it."

She nodded, feeling overwhelmed. And the boys. How could she forget about the boys?

She eyed the pair that were watching her cautiously.

"You guys want to come up here?"

Morgan clambered up on the bed, nestling into her side.

"Wow, what a cool dinosaur bandaid," she said, seeing a tiny smile appear.

She was grateful she and her sister were so close and that the kids were familiar with her.

Dray didn't budge, looking very apprehensive and scared.

"It's possible that Morgan has a concussion, so we would like to monitor it. And we can't cast Liliana until the swelling goes down so keep icing that leg."

"And Dray?"

"There are no physical injuries."

Mo nodded, thanking the nurse.

"I'll give you a moment. Press the call button if you need me."

Liliana was fast asleep on her shoulder and it looked like Morgan was getting close.

"Dray, come sit with me," she said, patting the bed.

He finally came to her side.

"Where are mommy and daddy?" he asked.

She took in a shaky breath. "They had to go away. You guys will have to come stay with me for a while."

Dray didn't seem surprised by the answer which was a bit concerning.

Mo was going to have to figure things out quick. She didn't have enough space for three kids, but she wasn't sure she could handle living in her sister's house.

She was going to have to cut back on work.

She was going to have to raise three kids, all by herself.

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