Chapter 6

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Kane: I'm pretty sure I can fix your table, but I want to be sure. Any chance I could see it in person? I'm worried about how the leg is screwed in.

Mo bit her lip as she read the text. It would be really bad to invite a stranger in, but she really needed to get the kids eating on a table, and she loved Shauna's table.

She ended up relenting and inviting him over. He was willing to help her, and he had offered.

"Tea party," Lilliana giggled, dragging Mo over to her set-up on the floor. The boys had large Lego towers they were taking turns knocking over.

"Wow, this is fancy. Is it somebody's birthday?"

Lily nodded, "A surprise party." She messed up the word surprise, sounding adorable and small. It was easy for Mo to forget just how little these guys were.

It was way too hot for them to be outside today, and Mo pondered the idea of taking them to a pool. She was a good swimmer, and she knew Joey had definitely taught Dray, but it made her nervous. It was a big responsibility. She knew they would love it though.

A knock on the door upstairs interrupted their play time and Mo and Lilliana headed upstairs to answer it.

Kane smiled at the pair when the door swung open. "Hi," he said, giving a half, no effort wave.

"Hi," Mo said quietly.

"He saved Mrs. Purple," Lilliana squealed, squeezing herself infront of Mo. She was forced to open the door wide so she didn't get squished.

"That's right. I don't think I ever introduced you, but this is Lilliana," Mo said, letting him in.

He kicked off his shoes which she thought was very polite.

"Hi, Lilliana. How is Mrs. Purple?"

"It's her birthday," she said.

"Oh, really?"

Mo smiled, a real smile, and he found her stunning. "Table is this way."

Kane glanced around the house. It was pretty bare, a few obvious boxes scattered about, but it was clean and cozy.

He whistled when he saw the table laying on its top, "This is a really great find. These are worth a lot of money today."

"My sister found it at a flea market. She restored it a little bit, but it was big enough for her and the kids," Mo told him and they met eyes.

"It's in great shape, and honestly, this leg will be an easy fix. I was worried about some of the hardware, but I have just the thing at the shop."

"I'm glad," she added, a bit hesitantly. "I hate that you came all the way over just for that. Do you want to stay for dinner? If you don't already have plans, uh-" she stuttered.

He grinned gently, "If it isn't a bother, I'd love to."

He followed her into the kitchen.

"Coffee?" she asked, reaching for a mug. He noticed her hands shaking a bit so he stepped back, sitting at the barstool instead.

"Thank you, and thanks for letting me stay. I have a lot of work to do tonight, and this will give me the boost I need."

She relaxed a bit and he was happy to see it. He didn't mean to intrude. Maybe he should've said no, but he couldn't pass up the chance to get to know her.

"You work late," she noted. She also noted Kane could talk quite a bit which she appreciated because she was at a loss most of the time.

"It's just me at the shop and it's a busy time of year," he shrugged, watching as she moved to the stove. Something she was cooking smelled fantastic. "What do you do?"

"Marketing usually," she said, and he knew there was more to that but he didn't say anything.

"No kidding?" he took a drink. Any woman who made a good cup of joe was a keeper. "I could really use a hand in the department."

"Yeah?" she smiled again and he smiled back. It was completely contagious, the way her whole features lit up and her eyes crinkled. "I could really use a job if you're serious."

She called for the kids, not giving him a chance to respond.

"This is Dray and Morgan," she introduced. "Guys, this is Kane. He's fixing our table."

Morgan giggled, "Yeah, you dropped it."

Mo could feel her cheeks heat at being called out. "It was heavy."

She fixed them all a plate adding some broccoli and strawberries to their colorful plastic plates.

"It's just baked spaghetti, nothing fancy," she told Kane who walked to her side.

"I appreciate a hot meal either way," he said sincerely.

They all gathered around the island. There wasn't enough seats for Mo and Kane, so they stood. She told him that they could sit on the couch but he didn't mind. He just vowed to get that table fixed real soon.

"Can I have strawberry, Auntie Mo?" Lillian asked, having already cleared her entire plate.

"Of course. Do you want more spaghetti too?"

"And broccoli," the girl mumbled. Kane thought it was adorable, the way she couldn't quite pronounce the words.

Mo was their aunt. Interesting. She mentioned it being her sister's table. Did something happen to her sister?

"And Mo," he said, gaining her attention. "I am serious about that job. My mom knows more about Facebook then I do."

She chuckled, soft and husky and warm. "That's very kind of you, but it's summer so the kids are home, and-"

"I'm sure you could work from home, right? And if you ever need to come into the shop, there's plenty of space for the kids to spread out."

He was amazed as each one of them put their plates in the sink. Even Lilliana climbed up on her stool to do so. The children dispersed, and he gathered all remaining trash and dishes, loading them into the dishwasher.

"You don't have to-"

He waved her off with his hand.

"Thank you for letting me stay, Mo. You should drop by the shop, see things for yourself. Either way, I'll have that table leg before the end of the week."

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