Chapter 7

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Kane Jackson. He refused to leave Mo's head. There was no way he was real. He was polite and motivated. He didn't ask about the kids, he interacted with them. He did the dishes and he offered her a job.

She didn't know what to think. She had three children to raise. She should not be distracted by a man.

They were finally settling. She would be an awful person to allow Lilliana, Dray and Morgan get attached to someone who would just leave.

She tried to think of what Shauna would say. She used to tease Mo for never dating, but she never felt the desire to. No one had ever caught her attention.

And besides, when Shauna was pregnant with Dray, Mo was there every step of the way, for every milestone, with every kid. They were more important to her then something temporary.

She was curious about Kane's shop though. She did some digging, and he was right. He didn't have a very good online presence. His Facebook hadn't been active in weeks and he didn't even have an Instagram. Maybe she would drop by.

Mo unpacked a few more things, finally hanging a few photos. The house felt so big when the kids were asleep.

She glanced at the large pile of boxes still yet to be unpacked in her room. She didn't want to touch them. She had plenty of time to deal with Shauna's things later.

When Mo went to sleep that night, she dreamed of those blue eyes.


"Look who it is," Kane smiled, walking to the front of his shop.

"Hi, Kane," Dray said.

"Hey, bud. How are you guys?"

"I hope it's okay we stopped by," Mo said, and Kane did his best to give her a reassuring look.

"Of course it is. Would you like a tour?"

She nodded, herding the three kids in front of her so they could follow Kane.

"Wow," Mo said, very impressed by the back room. "Your work is incredible."

"You're like Santa's elf," Morgan said.

Kane chuckled, "Kind of. I don't usually make toys though." He walked closer to Mo who was looking at every single detail. "Did you think about my offer?"

"Are you sure? You don't even know what I can do, and-"

He cut her off, giving a lazy smile. "You think way too much. You're the perfect lady for the job. I have zero doubts."

She blushed and he resisted the urge to touch her, just a brush on the arm or hand, something.

"The color on your table leg is drying. I can bring it by tomorrow to install it if you'll be home?"

She nodded.

"And I can bring something to go over some expectations for your job," he shrugged. "Less about you and more of things to get done."

"That would be great." They smiled at each other. "The kids and I saw that snow cone truck on the way in. Do you have a minute to join us?"

"Absolutely. The unicorn flavor is the best," he stated loudly, capturing Lilliana's attention.

"Unicorn flavor?"

He hummed in agreement, "I heard it's made from magic."

"I want that too!" Morgan yelled, running over.

Mo chuckled and Kane began to realize that the secret to her being happy was the kids. But, the kids were great. So well mannered and behaved, they were easy to get along with.

"You're more than welcome to stay for dinner again tomorrow," Mo said, pushing Lily in her stroller.

He smiled to himself. She was a lot more relaxed today, looking beautiful in the warm glow of the sun.

"I would like that, Mo," he said, loving the way she blushed a little when he said her name. "I am really enjoying getting to know and the kids."

She gave another shy smile.

"This is my treat," Kane told her after they each had ordered a snow cone.

"What? Why?"

"Because I want to. Just this once, please?" He didn't leave any room for argument, gently bumping her out of the way.

They all crowded onto a picnic table.

"You didn't have to do that," she said.

"I know I didn't have to." He placed his hand on top of her left one that was resting on the table. He made sure to watch for any signs that she was uncomfortable, but she just flashed that same small smile that he was growing to adore.

"Thank you, Kane," Morgan said, legs swinging. His siblings copied his words. "Will you catch lightning bug with us tomorrow?"

"I am an expert at catching lightning bugs," he said, eyes still trained on Mo. "But, I have a lot of work to do, so it'll have to be another night."

Morgan pouted a bit and Mo gave him a little nudge.

"You can still show him your Legos though," she told him.

"And my cars," Dray added.

"They're my cars too," Morgan protested.

"Well, they're my Legos," Dray snapped back.

"Alright, enough," Mo warned. "Morgan, you're making a mess."

The boy had blue snowcone all over the table and his face and hands. He was trying to chop up the ice with his spoon, except most of it was alright melted in the sun and he ended up sloshing it everywhere.

She took a wet wipe from the stroller, wiping him down. He squirmed and protested and Kain held back laughter.

"Either way, I can't wait to see cars and legos." And that was the truth. He was excited to be able to spend more time with this family.

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