Chapter 11

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Kane and Mo fell into a routine together over the next few weeks. Mo worked for Kane at home most days, but she would drop by at least one or two afternoons to work in his shop. She enjoyed getting to see him work, and the kids enjoyed getting a snowcone everytime.

"What are you doing?" Dray asked Kane curiously, standing right by his shop. The little boy was like a shadow, absolutely fascinated by everything Kane made.

"Dray, Kane needs to work," Mo said softly, peeking up from the large desk she was working on. Morgan and Lilliana played quietly on a large blanket on the floor.

"He's fine, Mo. He's my assistant," Kane said. "I'm sanding down this piece of wood so it's nice and soft."

Mo watched as he picked up Dray's hand, allowing him to feel the difference in the textures. She bit her lip to hide her smile.

"Do you want to help me make something today?" Kane asked. "I have something you might like."

Kane pulled out a small plastic bag filled with a random assortment of wood.

"It's a toy train. We have to put it together like a puzzle, and use this to hold it together," he explained, showing him the hammer and nails.

Mo couldn't look away. She would never get used to the kindness and love this man showed her children. She absolutely adored him. He gave each one of them individualized attention and treated them like his own.

She leaned around the computer to see the picture Lilliana was coloring.

"That looks great, Lil," she complimented.

"Thanks, Auntie." She smiled, her feet swinging in the air. "Morgan helped."

She looked at Morgan who was giving his drawing lots of attention, staying in the lines and pressing as evenly as possible.

"Wow, buddy. You're doing such a good job."

He smiled.

The bell on the door chimed, and Kane glanced down at Dray.

"Do you think you could get that?" he asked Mo. "It's probably just a pick up, and if it is, I will come out."

Mo's heart began to pound, but she nodded. Lily came with her to the front of the shop.

"Hi," she greeted the woman.

"Hi, dear. You must be Mo. I've heard so much about you," she smiled kindly. "I'm Kane's mom, Amy."

"It's so nice to meet you," Mo sincerely said. "This is Lilliana."

"What a pretty dress you're wearing," Amy said, coming around the corner. "I've heard you have been a big help to Kane. He's been hesitant about us meeting you. He doesn't want to overwhelm you."

Mo gave an unsure smile.

"Besides, I know you have a lot going on. I just couldn't help myself, and I brought lunch."

Kane looked up from where Dray had just set the last nail. He lifted the boy off of the stool until he was safely on his feet.

"Mom?" he asked confused. "What are you doing here?" He glanced at Mo who seemed very nervous as she drifted to the corner where the desk was.

"I was in town and thought I would bring lunch," Amy smiled. "You didn't tell me-"

"The kids?" Mo asked, stepping closer. "You didn't tell her about the kids? Are you asham-"

"Relax, baby," Kane soothed, pulled her to his side. "Mom knows about the children."

"As I was saying, you didn't tell me how beautiful and well-behaved they all are."

Mo blushed deeply and tried to move from Kane's side, but he held on.

"I'm so sorry. I just assumed," she stuttered.

"It's okay. You're okay," Kane ran his palm along her back, calming her a bit, but she was still embarrassed.

"All Kane does is talk about you and those kids," Amy smiled. And once Mo relaxed she realized how warm and pleasant this woman was.

She introduced her to Dray and Morgan. Dray showed Amy his train, and she sat down to play with all of them.

"I shouldn't have assumed," Mo murmured, turning in Kane's arms.

He cupped her cheeks. "I understand why you did, but I am absolutely not ashamed of you or those beautiful kids, and I never will be. I know you are just getting your footing with all of this, and I didn't want to keep piling things onto your plate."

She leaned on the tips of her toes to press her lips to his.

"Thank you for understanding and giving me time. I'm excited to get to know your parents," she said when she pulled away.

He leaned down to give her another kiss. He was excited, too. He was excited that his favorite people were finally coming together. 

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