Chapter 15

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Kane had never been in Mo's bedroom. It was crammed full of boxes, and it was no wonder why this had become such a burden.

"It's all Shauna and Joey's things. I didn't even want to touch it at the time, but now I just want my room cleared," she had told him.

It was an emotional process. He could tell she was absolutely exhausted as they spent well over an hour going through every single thing, sorting it into donations and keep.

They rotated between that and just generally cleaning up all over the house. They picked up toys and vacuumed and dusted and cleaned.

They collapsed on the sofa exhausted. He stretched out and she laid on his chest.

"I know it may look like I have it together, but I don't know what I am doing," she said in a broken whisper.

"You don't have to know what you are doing. You'll figure it out," he reassured.

"I don't know how to repay you for everything you've done for me and the kids," she said, wide eyes looking up at him.

"You're giving me everything I ever need, baby," he smiled.

"I love you," she said sincerely, earnestly. "You've taken care of me, taken on the kids, despite everything we're going through."

Kane could feel his own blush creep up his neck. "I love you. I love Dray, and Morgan and Lilliana."

She smiled, hand rubbing his chest. She wouldn't say anything about his blush. It was cute.

"It feels so good to have that room cleared up," she admitted. "Like a new start."

"I bet. I don't know how you dealt with it for so long."

She sighed, "I'm hardly in my room, and it was the only place that I have that I could store them."

"Well, maybe it needs a little christening. I can think of something-" he grinned boyishly and she slapped his chest.

"Kane," she laughed.

"It's so good to hear you laugh," he said after a moment. He craned his head to kiss her gently. "I can tell this week has been a tough one." 

She nodded. "I signed Dray up for kindergarten orientation and everything just spiraled. I realized that they won't even know their parents."

"Of course they will. You're already doing a great job at keeping their memory alive. I feel like I know them just from being around you, seeing all of the pictures."

Mo smiled, resting her head on her hands. That was a comforting thought. Her whole body relaxed and she dozed off, the first real sleep she had in a long time.

She woke slightly when Kane shifted beneath her.

"Where are you going?" she mumbled, not able to make her eyes open.

She was covered in the softest blanket.

"I'm just going to get the kids, baby. Go back to sleep. I'll be right back," he said, kissing her cheek.


"I'm sorry we took longer than we thought," Kane said. "Was everything okay?"

"We had a great time, Kane. They are so well behaved and polite, and you know I would've called if I had any problems."

"Kane!" Lilliana yelled, running at him full speed. He caught her and placed her on his hip.

"Where's Auntie?" Dray asked.

"She was taking a nap. She missed you guys so much," he said.

His mom helped him load everyone into Mo's car. He thought about maybe getting another set of car seats for his own. He'd have to talk to Mo about it.

"How is Mo?" Amy asked, waving to Lily through the window.

"It wasn't a good day, but we got it sorted out."

"Mourning is a process. It has extreme highs and extreme lows. There are going to be days like today, and being there is all you can do," she patted his cheek. "I'm so proud of you and the way you've grown to become a father figure to these children."

"We appreciate you so much. We will see you on Sunday for dinner."

She kissed his cheek and gave them all one last wave goodbye.

Mo was freshly showered and cooking dinner when they arrived. Each one of them were eager for her attention.

"Auntie, we missed you," Morgan said. She crouched down and pulled him in for a hug.

"I missed you more. All of you. Were you guy's on your best behavior?"

"We had cookies," Lilliana said.

"We got to pick tomatoes today. I tried to get a cucumber, but it was too prickly," Dray said, offering the large red fruit.

"That's great, buddy. I'm so proud of you," she straightened, smiling at Kane who smiled back. She seemed refreshed and he was happy to see it.

The kids went to wash up and Kane wrapped her up tight.

"Thanks for picking them up. I really needed that nap."

"You don't have to thank me. I'm here for whatever you need, baby," he said, pressing his lips to hers. He didn't release her until he heard tiny footsteps, and she made a cute noise of disappointment.

He grinned, sneaking in one last peck before moving away. His heart was full. He loved her. He loved his little family.

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