Bonus Chapter 2

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"You wouldn't be able to discipline the kids even if you wanted to," Mo said with a roll of her eyes, hiding a smile.

"Yes, I could. Wanna bet?" Kane asked, swiping a deadly lego block off of the floor and placing it on the table.

"Fine. Dishes for a week. Next time one of the kids starts a fight, it's on you."

And sure enough, little Morgan throws his toy car at Dray later that evening. Dray cried out, shoving the boy.

Mo opened her mouth to say something, but glanced at Kane.

He smirked at her, "Morgan, you know better than to throw toys. Leave your brother alone. Do you want to go to time out?"

"No, Kane."

"Then apologize to your brother, and you too, Dray. You don't shove."

Mo was impressed. She didn't think he had it in him. It was kind of attractive, but she knew Morgan was only getting started.

"Ha," he said to her, crossing his arms.

Morgan gave a battlecry like yell before piling on top of his brother.

Kane turned confused, certain he had fixed the problem. He could see Mo's smugness, but he wasn't going to let her win. He hesitated, feeling a bit awkward.

He picked Morgan up mid-flail, setting him on the little chair in the corner. He kneeled down, "I told you to leave Dray alone and you didn't listen."

The little boy sniffled.

"Four minutes, Morgan, and then you can get up," Mo said.

Kane felt so bad. He only knew how to be fun, this part was hard.

"I'm impressed," Mo said, tucking into his side. "He's fine. Little boys are rough with each other. This stops them from getting hurt."

He sighed, "But it's not fun."

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