Chapter 12

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"Hey mom," Kane greeted, ushering everyone inside.

"Hi, Kane. Hi, Lilliana. Hi, Dray. Hi, Morgan, " Amy greeted individually. "And beautiful Mo. You look great. I love that top."

Mo smiled, relaxing a bit at the kindness. "I hope you don't mind, but I made desert." She passed the brownies over to her.

"That was so thoughtful. Come in and meet Dave. I even got some stuff for the kids."

Dave was just as sweet as Amy, and their house was cozy.

Amy sat on the floor with the kids, pulling a large storage box to her side. It was filled with art supplies and blocks, everything that a grandma's house would have.

And that thought stunned Mo. She never had grandparents. She didn't even have parents. All she had was Shauna.

She was giving these three something that she had always dreamed about, something that everyone in school and life seemed to have. It eased the worry she felt about introducing new people into their lives. Amy and Dave were the real deal.

Mo brushed away a fallen tear, hoping no one noticed. Kane noticed everything, though, and he placed a reassuring hand on her leg.

"Mo, what do you do?" Dave asked.

She sniffed a bit to make her voice appear normal. "Marketing. I currently work for Kane."

"Is that right?" he smiled, rocking his chair.

"She's great, dad. I've never had so many new customers, and new ideas. I'm going to have to hire someone else just to keep up with the demand."

Mo covered his hand with hers. He was so sweet.

"I help too," Dray added, preoccupied with a dinosaur set.

"That's right, buddy. You are the best helper," Kane grinned.

Amy stood, "Would you like to help me set the table, Mo?"


Kane kissed her cheek and she followed Amy into the large farmhouse kitchen. The sun came through the window and the perfect angle. It was warm, and something smelled heavenly.

"I was thinking we could sit on the patio. Kane was wanting to show the kids the garden, anyway," she said, walking to the little breakfast nook that had a large sliding glass door. She pulled it open and the warm breeze filled the space.

"Plates are in the cabinet to your left, and silverware is in the drawer straight below it. I just need to finish the salad and we are good to eat."

It took Mo a minute to find everything, but she loved being able to help.

"It smells amazing in here," she complimented.

Amy gave a large smile, "Thank you. I'm so glad you guys decided to come over. Kane tries to eat dinner with us on Sundays, and we are happy to include you and your beautiful children. You should come with him every Sunday."

Mo was stunned by the generosity.

"You don't know me, and Kane and I haven't been dating very long, and-"

"Kain adores you," she eased.

And there was a part of Mo that sighed in relief with that insight. She still had lingering doubts that Kane was taking on too much, taking on a family that wasn't his own. She knew he cared for her and the kids, but how long would that last?

"Thank you for being so kind to me and my kids."

"I've always wanted grandkids. I wanted lots of them. I wanted Kane to have lots of brothers and sisters," she shrugged, turning to her pot. "Life doesn't always go the way you plan, but you've made my dream come true. I want to be there for you and the children."

Mo turned away, feeling the thickness in her throat. She was so tired of crying, but at least this was different. This was light, happy relief.

Kane entered the kitchen, immediately pulling her into his side. She burrowed her face in his chest and he squeezed her tight.

"You always walk in when I start to cry," she said, mostly muffled by his shirt.

"Because I always know," he said back. He kissed her hairline, glancing up at his mom who was doing her best to mind her business. They both seemed happy, and he didn't have any reason to believe that his mom would say something to upset Mo.

"My mom makes the best chicken pasta," he bragged, changing the subject. Mo pulled back and he dried her cheeks with his thumbs.

"I was thinking I could deconstruct it for the kids, but if they'd like something else-"

"No, they'll eat anything usually. Lilliana can be a bit picky, but they should be okay with everything you prepared," Mo smiled, and Kane could hardly believe his eyes at the transformation. She was relaxed and bright. Absolutely radiant. "I brought Lily's booster seat from home."

"I'll get it from the car," Kane said. He cupped her cheeks, pressing his lips to hers.

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