Twist In Fate

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After three years

Sarawat was lounging in his room right now while sipping champagne as he listened to some music. After leaving Bangkok, things were pretty rough for few months since he couldn't get a stable job in the beginning. Later on he got a job as software engineer but couldn't earn much in that small city. He decided to develop an app with few of his old friends and luckily it took off. He had not thought it would turn into such a big success but it did. They worked really hard for the first year and things didn't look quite well for them but somehow they made it work. Sarawat loved programming and he was glad to be doing what his heart desired instead of just following orders.

He had shifted his office to Bangkok. He had mixed feelings about returning to this place but if it's about work, he can handle anything. It's not like its a small place. There's hardly any chance of running into that boy. He had bought a flat which had cost him quite a lot but the place was nice and it was near his office. He decided to go grocery shopping since he had nothing in fridge. He had just stepped inside the elevator when he saw a couple making out. He quickly apologized and turned back. He almost rushed back to his apartment and slammed shut the door. Pouring water into glass, he gulped it down instantly.

He paced around frantically for a while then slammed his fist at the wall making his knuckles bleed. Yet the pain wasn't strong enough to block out the ache in his heart. Fate must be cruel. What are the chances of catching your ex who cheated on you, making out with someone in the elevator of your new apartment building? This isn't how he had envisioned meeting Tine after three years. This isn't how it was supposed to happen. He freaking ran away like an idiot. He should've acted like it didn't affect him.

It took him few hours to compose himself. Now he was worried about the real issue. Did Tine live here? Or was he here to visit someone? Maybe his boyfriend? Or it could be his husband. It definitely wasn't Mil. Who cares. It's not like Sarawat could leave the place. He had just bought it. And why should he leave anyway. He had left so many things for Tine, not anymore. It was going to be awkward whenever he would run into Tine because they would eventually meet if he lives here. Saraswat cursed his dam luck. He just wanted to live his life peacefully but destiny had to be a bitch.

He called the only person who understood what he had been through, "He's here."

Mew sighed, "Wat, you're supposed to start with a hello. How long have I been teaching you social etiquettes?"

"Tine's here. "

That shocked Mew,"Where? In Bangkok? Your apartment?"

"I saw him in the elevator of apartment building."

"Does he live there? "

"I don't know. I didn't talk to him."

"Of course. Even if he does live there it doesn't change anything, Wat. You can't keep running away and why should you. You didn't do anything wrong and he's part of your past though a painful one but you can't erase it. So just bear with it. If he lives there, that's fine. He's living his life and you're living yours."

"He was making out with someone in the elevator."

"That freaking jerk. I want to kill him."

"He's allowed to do that. He's not dating me anymore."

"Yeah, I know. Still it makes me angry that you're hurting because of him."

"What should I do, Mew? Will I be fine? Seeing him with his boyfriend being all lovey dovey, can I bear it?"

"Wat, don't you want to move on after all this time?"

"I have already moved on. I don't love him anymore. I'm afraid I may end up punching him if I see him again. This intense hate I feel for him makes me go crazy. I want to make him suffer."

"Wat, stop. Don't you dare let him influence you like that. He's not worth it. Love or hate. Maybe you should move in with me."

"It's fine. Talking to you cleared my head. You're right I need to make peace with my past." Sarawat cut the call.

'But before that I need to make him suffer a little.' He thought while smirking.

It had been a week since Wat (Sarawat) saw Time in the elevator. After that thankfully they hadn't crossed paths again. Wat had gotten into his routine and had pushed Tine to the back of his mind. He reached his office and was having meeting with the HR department about hiring the employees then he came across Tine's resume. He wanted to laugh hysterically at the fate. It has to be his company out of millions out there. He wanted to scream and laugh at the same time. It's like he was being forced to confront Tine.

If that's how it was going to be then fine. He selected few resume and asked the department to call them for interview. Tine's was included in that. After the interview round, HR informed him that Tine was selected. Wat couldn't help but laugh at that. He had left it to fate again. Out of 10 resume he had selected, he had thought if Tine didn't make it, he will forget all about this and carry on. But seems like their lives were destined to collide and harshly at that.

Tine was going to join as an employee today and Wat couldn't wait to trample on him. He will get his revenge and then fire him. Then he could finally move on with his life. He was waiting in his office where Tine was asked to report as soon as he arrived. The knock at the door startled him.

"Come in."

Wat held his breath when Tine entered the office and the first thought that crossed his mind was, 'He's still so beautiful.' He instantly hated himself for thinking that. He stood to his full height and stalked towards Tine who had frozen as soon as he saw Wat in front of him.

"Wat?" Tine whispered so softly that Wat wondered whether he had imagined it or not.

"It's Sir to you, Mr. Teepakorn. Don't you dare ever call me Wat again." Wat spoke in such cold voice that it made Tine gulp harshly.

"You'll be assistant of my secretary."

"But I a-applied for s-software analyst."

"Oh really? Did you even read the contract you signed? Or were you too happy anyone even wanted to hire you?"


"I don't have time to listen to your bullshit. Get back to work."

Wat watched Tine leave the office and smirked at the dejected look on his face. It was only going to get worse for him.

'Tine Teepakorn you'll regret the day you met me.'

Fractured Bonds: The Reunion of Tine and Sarawat (Completed) Where stories live. Discover now