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Tine looked at the closed door of Wat's office and wondered when was that all the laughter had died. He could vividly remember how Sarawat looked when he proposed to him, or how nervous he was on their first date, or how shy they both were for their first time. Every second spent with Sarawat was itched in his memory and he never regretted any of them. But that's the thing with memories, if you remember the best of them then you remember the worst of them too.

That day when Wat had messaged him saying he was breaking up with him without even telling him reason made his blood boil even now. After all those time they had spent together, he didn't deserve to be dumped over a text. That jerk had even changed his number and left the dorm. Tine had absolutely no way of contacting him. He wanted a closure. He deserved that much at least. Why did he have to cry hours over Wat? Why was he left behind like he meant nothing? Wat knew how much being abandoned scared Tine because of his past yet he did it in blink of an eye.

They had fought few times because of Wat's busy schedule. They weren't even talking for quite some time but Tine had thought they would make up like they always did. Every couple has issues but they work on it. How could Sarawat just throw him away like that? He had been buying Wat's favorite cake to apologize to him for the fight when he received that message. He tried to text back and call him but he couldn't get through. He immediately went to his dorm and was told Wat had left. Was he too late? Maybe he should've apologized sooner.

Those months after Wat had left were hardest for Tine with absolutely no one beside him to comfort him. He had somehow put back his life and he had run into Wat. After all that time hoping desperately to even catch a glimpse of him, he had somehow accepted it was over and could at least not break down at the mere mention of Wat's name, why did life had to do that to him? Why did it have to be his company? Why did he had to sign that damn contract? What was he going to do now? Could he really work under Wat for two years and not break apart? And why was Wat angry with him like it was his fault? He's the one who betrayed him so why the hell he was being like that?

Tine was getting headache from thinking too much. His first day at work wasn't much because all he did was make coffee for everyone and run around like an errand boy. He didn't see Wat after that and he was thankful for that. He came back home and was greeted by his.... boyfriend. Ryan was sitting on the couch chugging glass of beer and watching the football game.

"Tine, you're back. How was your day at work?"

"It was good."

Ryan turned around to stare at him and Tine instantly realized his mistake.

"It was good, Sir."

"Good boy. Go and cook dinner. I'm hungry."

"Yes Sir."

Tine quickly freshened up and started making the dinner. He had met Ryan two years ago at the hospital where he had been admitted. He had been reluctant to open up to anyone after what had happened with Wat but Ryan had charmed him. More than that he emphasized with what Tine had gone through. He was really kind and attentive towards him. He did everything to make Tine feel special and loved. He had made up a story about suffering from same trauma as Tine had in childhood and Tine connected to him instantly. Later on he came to know that Ryan had been stalking him and had done a background check on him.

He had seen all the red flags yet he got into this relationship. He had been so lonely that he didn't mind being loved by a devil. When it soon became apparent love wasn't supposed to be like this, Tine tried to break it off but Ryan wouldn't let him go. Ryan moved in with Tine after one month of dating and soon was in control of Tine's life. Ryan could be as cruel as he was loving. As long as Tine followed his commands and rules, he showered Tine with so much love and care, it felt like a dream. But when Tine disobeyed him, he was worse than a monster.

'I should leave him but who would ever accept me the way Ryan did?' Tine thought.

Wat had just come back home from office and was dead tired. It had been exhausting interacting with Tine. It irked Wat when Tine stared at him so innocently like he hadn't broken him completely. He was going to make his life hell before he kicked him out of his life.

Next day, as soon as Tine reached the office he was summoned to Wat's cabin. Wat was reading a file when Tine knocked at his door.

"Come in."

"Sir, you asked for me?"

"Yes, I want you to accompany me to a business meeting. It's in an hour-"

"But Sir-"

"Who the hell do you think you are? How dare you cut me off like that?" Wat shouted at Tine making the latter tremble at his tone.

"We'll be leaving now."

"Okay S-sir."

Tine followed Wat to his car and both were soon seated inside. Wat took them to a mall and Tine followed him silently. He wasn't sure why they were there but didn't have courage to ask Wat. Wat chose an outfit and ordered Tine to change into it. Tine doubtfully went into the changing room but soon rushed back outside.

"Sir, I can't wear that."

"Why not?"

"It's not appropriate."

Wat scoffed at him, "People like you shouldn't talk about being appropriate."

"Excuse me-"

"I don't have time to waste. Get changed now."

"But Sir, it's too expensive."

"SHUT UP. Get changed or do you want me to do it."

Tine quickly walked inside and changed into the clothes. They weren't that bad but still it made him uneasy. They left for the hotel where the meeting was scheduled. After the meeting was over, everyone decided to have few drinks.

"Mr. Rusthana, it's been a while since we had few drinks together." A tall man approached Wat.

"Yes, Mr. Cliff." Wat gave a tight lipped smile. He wasn't really fond of the man sitting in front of him because he had hit on Wat few times and didn't know how to take no for answer.

"By the way, that secretary of yours is quite adorable."

"He has a name, Tine."

"Cute name. So I was wondering if you could lend him to for a night."

Fractured Bonds: The Reunion of Tine and Sarawat (Completed) Where stories live. Discover now