Monster In Disguise

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"S***" Someone whispered when Tine was passing by in the office.

Tine stopped for few seconds, looked back at them but they seemed to be in conversation with others so he shrugged wondering maybe he heard wrong. Things had been hectic with the new project but he was absolutely loving working on it. His team was quite good and friendly so he had fun doing his job. But the peace didn't stay for long. Soon people started excluding him from the talks and new group chat was formes without him to gossip about him. People whispered a lot about him and mostly he heard what they said but he couldn't understand why were they calling him names.

No one said anything directly to him but he wasn't that stupid to not realize that they all disliked him but why? He had been able to blend in perfectly when he joined the company and everyone liked him so what changed suddenly? He had even tried to ask them directly but they said everything's fine and he's just imagining it. People made crude jokes about him, misplaced his stuff or ignored him completely when he talked to them. Sometimes he even got in trouble at work because of their antics. They would not let him know some important details regarding meeting or forget to do what he had told them later on blaming him saying he didn't inform them.

This all was messing with his head. He had just started gaining his confidence back and now this happened. They made it all look like his fault. It was making him anxious and he wanted to talk to Wat about it but figured it won't end well. Wat may end up firing them which wasn't what he wanted. He needs to handle this on his own, he can't rely on Wat all the time.

Today he was going out with his team for dinner. The project was going splendidly and they had managed to almost finish it so he decided to treat them. They were seated at the restaurant- apart from Tine there were 2 other members in the group (Ryu and Sean). After finishing dinner they had few drinks and decided to go for round two.

Tine was feeling a bit tipsy and decided to call it a night, "Guys, I think I should head back."

"Oh come on, Sir. We hardly go out for team dinners." Ryu whined.

"We worked so hard for past month. Let's enjoy today. It's weekend tomorrow." Sean said.

"Let's go for second round. I know a great place. You'll love it, Sir." Ryu smirked maliciously.

"I think-"

"Sir please." Sean pleaded again.

Tine finally gave in. Few more drinks wouldn't hurt since he didn't have worked tomorrow, "Fine, let's go."

Ryu took them to a seedy looking club and ordered drinks for them. Tine was feeling uncomfortable because of the place. It didn't look safe at all. Sean brought their drinks to the table but Tine was reluctant to drink anything at that moment so he just took tiny sips while talking to them and while they weren't looking he emptied the glass in the flower pot nearby. He wasn't sure why he did that, it wasn't like he didn't trust his team but after everything he had been through he kinda had grown cautious.

He thought it would be better to leave now so he acted a bit drunk claiming he had to go home now and that's when things went downhill. They saw this as an opportunity and quickly took him outside pertaining to help him and cornered him in the alley.

"W-what are you guys doing?" Tine stuttered.

"What do you think pretty boy?" Sean sneered.

"Don't act like you don't want it." Ryu said.

"Guys, this isn't funny."

"You can spread your legs for Sarawat but not us?" Sean said.


"You know what I mean. Everyone knows at the office that you are boss's pretty boy toy."

"That's not true."

"Don't lie. Jake told everyone about you two." Ryu said.

"Jake did? He's lying. There's nothing between Sarawat and me." Tine didn't think he should tell them that Wat was his ex and now his friend.

"Don't deny it. It's obvious why you were hired in first place." Sean said.

"He pretended to hate you by giving you hard time at first so that we won't catch on but now it's really obvious." Ryu said.

"I got this job because I'm qualified for it. I have proven that with my work." Tine hissed.

"Oh please, you're just a pretty face and a f****** body." Sean leered.

"That's all everyone sees when you walk by. They all imagine doing sinful things to you. You are object of fantasy to my people at the office." Ryu said.

"Shut up. You have absolutely no right to speak to me like this."

"Woah, our little kitten is fiesty."

'I'll show you fiesty.' Tine thought.

Tine backed off acting scared, tripping down to clutch a rock in his fist. Ryu came near him with smirk on his face and Tine didn't waste any time in kicking him in his nuts. He fell down roaring in agony while Tine smacked Sean in face with a rock when he came to grab him. He saw his chance and ran as fast as he could because he knew he couldn't fight all four of them at once. Fortunately he saw a taxi and quickly got in. He couldn't believe he was almost molested again. His heart was beating too fast right now.

As soon as he reached his apartment he called Wat, "Where are you?"

"At home. What happened?"

"Come to my place."

"Is everything okay?"


"I'm coming."

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