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"We are going to hospital, getting a doctor's report then we are going to police station to file the charges after that we will get a restraining order."


"Tine, do you want me to drag you there?"

"Like hell you can."

"Is that a challenge?"



"Please, just let me be."

Wat was getting frustrated by Tine's stubbornness. No matter how many times he tried to persuade him, he refused to listen. Tine was being unnecessarily stubborn and it was going to hurt him later on. Wat wasn't going to just sit back and watch. If he had to be little strict for Tine's wellbeing, he will be. Tine still loved him. It was practically written on his face and Wat was going to use that for persuading him.

"Tine, maybe you're right. I shouldn't force you."

"Huh? Yeah. You shouldn't."

"I'll let you do as you wish. You can go back to Ryan if you want. I won't stop you."


Tine was confused with sudden change in Wat's behavior. He had been shouting at him to stay away from Ryan just minutes ago and now he wants him to go back? Wat wasn't worried about him anymore? Did he give up? Of course, he did. Like always.

"Why don't you go back tomorrow?"


"I think you should let him cool down."

"Yeah maybe."

"I think we should sleep now. You look tired."

"Y-yeah. I can sleep in my apartment."

"No, give him space for now."

"Okay. I'll sleep on the couc-"

"Come to my bed."

"Why? I don't think that's a good idea."

"Tine, nothing would happen. Let's just sleep. We both are tired from the trip."


Tine wasn't sure why wasn't he resisting more. Wat's entire demeanor has changed. The way he was looking at him and that tone were making him complacent. Wat always had a strong hold over him. Though Wat couldn't scare him into doing anything but when he talked to him in that soothing voice, Tine felt himself melt. He would literally follow any request Wat made at that time. That's why he found himself sleeping beside Wat as he cuddled him.

Now cuddling is one of the best thing about sleeping with someone for Tine. He loves cuddling. Maybe that's the reason he couldn't push Wat away. This all was messing up with his head. The longing and aversion for same thing wasn't an easy things to deal with. Wat still felt like home and fun and that also made him realize he wasn't the same person anymore. The Tine, Wat had loved wasn't there anymore. Maybe Wat was searching for that person and he would be disappointed when he realizes it's not the same anymore.

Tine had changed drastically over the years. Bubbly and bright personality that was his trademark had vanished over time. He was paranoid, indecisive, insecure and ugly now. How could Wat want him? His body was full of ugly scars, some of which may never heal. How could anyone bear to look at them day after day? Ryan could because he gave them to Tine. To him, they were his masterpiece. Like an art. Sounds sick, right? But Tine was used to it.

He knows very well living like this would do him no good. Ryan would definitely hurt him beyond repair one day but till that day came Tine could hold out, couldn't he? His train of thought was cut short when he felt Wat run his hand through his hair. It felt good, really good.

"You okay?"


"Tine, you trust me don't you?"

"Y-yeah." Tine didn't know why he stuttered.

"You don't want to see me hurt, do you?"

"Of course not."

"Tine, I'm really angry with Ryan. I want to beat him. If you'll go back to him, he'll hurt you which I can't tolerate at all. I'll end up fighting with him and since he's bigger than me, he'll hurt him. You know how my right arm was already broken twice. What if I broke it again in fight? It may never heal properly. I may end up in hospital for a very long time. Then what about my company? It may go bankrupt. I may end up on street. Do you want that?"

Tine looked genuinely worried, "Of course, not. Never."

"Then be a good boy and do what I say. I have protected you so many times in past, haven't I? Can't you protect me once? Is that too much?"


"Then can't you do this one thing for me? I have done a lot for you in past. You always said, you would do anything for me but you can't even do this?"

Tine felt guilty for not having done anything for Wat. It was true Wat had done a lot for him. So many times he had saved Tine from bullies. He had stood for him in every situation. He even paid Tine's semester fee once by working part time jobs. He was indebted to Wat in many ways and had never been able to repay him.

"Tine, you'll do this, right?"


"You will, won't you? "

"I'm not-"

"Are you going to let me get hurt? Really?"

"No, but-"

"Just this once."


"Did our relationship mean nothing to you?"

"It did."

"You'll do as I say, right? "


"Now sleep."

Wat knew he was emotionally blackmailing Tine but at this point ge would do anything to make him get away from Ryan. He kinda felt bad for using Tine's feelings like this but it was last resort. He couldn't think of anything else. Tine was emotionally quite weak and manipulating that was surely a bit cruel but it was all for his own safety. It won't be just over even after they report Ryan, in fact it was going to get a bit tricky but he would be there for Tine. He would protect him like he couldn't in past. After all Tine was his to protect and love.

Fractured Bonds: The Reunion of Tine and Sarawat (Completed) Where stories live. Discover now