Damaged To The Core

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Sarawat was about to answer him when they saw a man, Levi harrassing the waitress. No one was saying anything since he was son of an Assemblyman.

"So I was sa-"

Sarawat didn't let Cliff finish his sentence and stood up. He walked to that table and spilled his drink on Levi making him immediately stand up.

"What the hell is wrong with you?"

Sarawat stared at the man in front of him. He took a deep breath and said calmly, "Look, I'll give you piece of advice. If you actually like someone, you go upto them, ask them out, if they want to date, they'll say yes. And if they say no, you respect that. That's how humans are supposed to date or spend time with others. Forcing someone to like you is something even animals don't do.

This girl here is working right now so you should let her do that. If you're interested in her then respect her decision when she said no. She can't shout at you because she's worried she'll get fired. You see, people who actually have a life tend to worry over things like that because they have to take care of their family or themselves.

Don't think you're more of a man because you're pushing her around. She's probably not punching you in face right now because she needs this job."

"Who the hell are you? Are you her boyfriend?"

"No, I'm not. I don't even know her. I don't have to be related to her to help her. I'm a human. She's a human. Do I need another reason to help someone?" Wat deadpanned.

"Get lost, jerk. I was just playing around. Why would I date someone like her? Do you know who I am?"

"Yes, I do. I pity your parents. Having a son like you must be terrible. And I agree with you why would someone like you date someone like her. Look at her and then look at you. Even though you're dressed in designer label from head to toe, you look like a trash in front of her.

Those worn out shoes are because of walking instead of taking bus, those rough hands are because of scrubbing the dishes all day long. Yes, she's struggling but she's doing a honest day work. That makes her more beautiful than a piece of trash like you."

Levi was furious as hell, "I should teach you lesson."

Tine intervened, "By all means go ahead. I have recorded everything. I should just send it to TV station, right? I mean your father is running for election. Would it be okay if it went viral?"

Levi cursed them and left the place with his friends. The girl thanked Sarawat and Tine.

"Wow, Mr. Rusthana. You are quite heroic." Cliff said.

"I'm not. It's called being human. I'll take my leave. Phana will contact you with the contract."

"What about something I had asked you earlier?" Cliff stared at Tine while licking his lips.

Wat narrowed his eyes, "He's a person not a thing that you can borrow."

"Are you interested in him?"

"I'm not."

"Then why are you being so defensive? Let me have a taste."

"Why the hell are you asking me? If you want him, go ask him. I don't interfere in my employees personal matters. He works for me. I don't own him." Sarawat snapped.

He got into the car with Tine and the drove off. He was extremely pissed off. He had to deal with jerks all day. First Levi then Cliff, he was boiling with rage. He reached their apartment building and got out. They went to the elevator and as it was their fate, they both lived on same floor. As soon as they got out, Wat turned to Tine to say something but Ryan came at that moment.

"Tine? Why are you so late? I was worried about you, baby."

"Ryan.... I just got off work."

"You didn't even pick up my calls. I was going out of mind with worry. I have told you to pick up my calls, right? You know, I get tensed too easily." Ryan looked at him with worried look in his eyes.

"I'm s-sorry. I was in business meeting so phone was on silent. I f-forgot to check it later." Tine could detect the rage that ran under than sweet tone. He tried hard to keep his expressions neutral as to not let Wat know anything.

"Who's this man, baby?" The question was asked with innocent curiosity that only Tine knew to be jealousy and anger.

"He's my boss, Mr. Sarawat Rusthana."

"Oh, I should have introduced myself. I'm Ryan Nair, Tine's finance."

Wat smiled politely and shook his hand and went to his apartment. He was afraid if he opened his mouth he would curse Tine. That backstabbing jerk had got himself a fiance. Wow, it has just been three years and he was already engaged to someone. More than Tine he was angry at himself for giving a damn about his life. Tine could marry someone and it shouldn't affect him at all.

Tine walked to their room with small steps. He knew how it was going to turn out.

"Tine, why don't you get changed? I'll set the table for dinner."

"Okay Sir. " He quickly showered in alloted time he had for that.

He came to the living room and sat beside Ryan's chair on the floor. There were set of rules Tine had to follow when Ryan was in bad mood. Normally he was allowed to sit on the chair while eating but when he was angry it was better to sit on the floor. He had learnt that hard way. First time he sat on chair when Ryan was pissed off didn't end well. Ryan had kicked off his chair making him fall down and poured all the food on the plate on his head.

After the dinner, Tine washed the dishes and went to their room for his punishment. Ryan was sitting on the bed with a stern expression on his face. Today he wasn't that angry, else Tine would already be curled over due to the beatings.

"Babe, are you cheating on me?"

"No sir."

"That was your boss? You aren't lying, right?"

"He is my boss. I'm not lying to you, Sir."

"Good. I have told you numerous times to pick up my call no matter what. How dare you defy me?"

"I'm sorry, Sir. It won't happen again. I promise. Please forgi-"

Tine couldn't finish his sentence because Ryan had punched him in stomach. He fell to the ground wheezing as the breath was knocked out of him. He kicked Tine at the same place making him throw up. Ryan dragged him to the bathroom where bath tub was filled to the brim and ducked Tine's head inside it. He resisted because he couldn't breathe at all but Ryan didn't budge. Ryan let him come up for air and then ducked his head again in the water.This went on for about 20 minutes and finally Ryan was back to normal.

He changed Tine's clothes, applied medicine to his bruises and carried him to the bed while cuddling him to sleep. Tine wondered if it all made sense in Ryan's head. Destroying something and then caressing it with love, was it normal for him? Then again he was the one who put up with it, did that make him guilty as well?

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