Standing Up Again

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Tine did lots of thinking for days. It became evident to him that he had been jumping into things without actually taking into consideration their consequences on himself and others. When he looked at last 3 years, he realized how utterly pathetic he had been. Though a victim, yet most of pain was inflicted because of his own choices and whining is all he had done for last few years and now was the time to man up and take care of his life.

Relationship was something secondary on his priority list, most importantly he needed to get his self confidence back. He needed to believe in himself once again, throw away the insecurities and negativity from his life. This all made him to the conclusion that he needed to talk to someone. Someone professional, who could help him figure out things. He didn't have any family or friends and though Sarawat was there for him, right now he needed someone else's perspective.

He booked an appointment for therapy session for next Monday and called Sarawat to meet him. Wat immediately came to his apartment.

"Tine, is everything okay?"

"Yeah. I have decided something."

"Okay go on."

"I'm going for therapy sessions. I already booked an appointment with a psychologist."

"..... "

"I know it doesn't sound good-"

"Tine, that's the best decision you've made. I know it must have been hard but you did well. There's nothing to be ashamed of. You need help, you get it. That's it."

"Thanks. And that thing about us."


"I don't think getting into only physical relationship will be a good idea. As for something more, I'm not ready yet."

"Okay, I totally understand."

"But I still want you to be my friend. I know I sound selfish but I want you to stay in my life. I don't know whether I'll be able to reciprocate your feelings ever but I don't want to lose you either."

"Tine, it's fine. I would love to stay by your side. You mean a lot to me. We could be friends forever if that's what you want."

"I'm not saying that you shouldn't date other people. You can if you want to. I just-"

"Tine, I love you. I don't want to date anyone else. But you don't have to force yourself to love me either. Before being boyfriends we were best of friends, right? We can still be."

Tine felt relieved, "Thank you. You deserve so much better yet I'm dragging you down."

"This is something you need to get rid of. Don't belittle yourself. You are worth so much. You have absolutely no idea. Don't worry, your best friend will remind you how utterly beautiful you're inside and out."

Once Tine's counselling started things started getting better. He was still self conscious and withdrawn but he didn't question himself at every turn. He could look in the mirror and not hate what he saw. But things at office were a bit weird for last few weeks. It wasn't anything drastic but a comment here and a glance there made him feel awkward. It was like everyone was talking about him behind his back but he wasn't sure about what. No one had said anything to him directly and they were all sweet to his face so he was confused at the situation.

One morning he mustered courage to tackle the problem head on. He decided to just ask them what was going on rather than forming scenarios in his head. He approached Amanda, his colleague, "Good morning, how are you?"

"I'm good. So how's your morning?"

"It's fine."

"Tine, you look quite happy these days. Got any good news?"

Tine paused he couldn't tell them about therapy sessions, "No. It's nothing."


"Listen Amanda, I was wondering th-"

Jason cut him off, "Tine, boss is calling you in his office."

"Okay." He started walking to Wat's office and he could hear people snickering which confused him.

He knocked at the door and entered, "You had called me, Sir?"

"Yes, I wanted to talk about I-Tech project proposal you had submitted last month. Why don't you head it?"

"What? Me?"

"Yes, you. It's your proposal and you are qualified enough."


"Tine, when an opportunity comes, grab it. You are good at your job. I'll assemble a team for you so get started."

"Okay Sir. I'll do my best."

As soon as everyone heard about Tine heading a project, rumors caught fire. Though everyone knew pretty well, Tine was good enough to head a project and it wasn't even a big deal since workers younger than him had been project head before but people love dragging down others more than they like watching them succeed. Malicious rumors regarding Tine spread in the company. And through all this Tine and Wat were unaware of storm brewing.

Fractured Bonds: The Reunion of Tine and Sarawat (Completed) Where stories live. Discover now