Author's Notes

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Hello everyone! For the first timers or people who stumbled upon this story, the name's Franzel! Glad to have you here! This is my 4th story on Wattpad and part of what I call "The Quintessential Series."

The stories I've posted so far are fanfics from the anime and manga, The Quintessential Quintuplets. But I have more in store for you! 

This story had been announced a few months back but I needed to prepare this and at least get near end of my first story.

A couple of things,

As I mentioned, this is part of a series which means this is directly connected from my other ones; Stringed (Nino Fanfic) and Unwavering (Ichika Fanfic). Reading those two stories will give you a bit of a better experience with this one. 

Though it's not a requirement, it's an established thing in my stories where I put callbacks and connections, here and there.

Again, for the first timer's here, welcome! And for the peeps who have always supported my work ever since the first one, 

Thank you so much! High five, as always!

If you have been reading my earlier works especially the last few chapters of "Unwavering", you will notice that I have plugged songs. I highly recommend that you listen to the songs I plug here since it somehow inspires how the chapters were written. And it's the whole premise of this story.

Lastly, this is dedicated to the Miku Gang/Pancake Faction/Miku Stans.

With all that being said, 

I present to you,


Haven (Miku Nakano Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now