Prologue - The Curtain Rises

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"We are, 
the colors in the dark"

- Takahiro Moriuchi


The dome started to get illuminated by the light-up wristbands that the crowd wears as everyone raise their hands in the air, anticipating for us to start the song. With the stage the only thing that's dimmed, cold sweat rises from my skin—feeling the shivers down my spine preparing to sing the first line.

I looked at my bandmates who were waiting for me; as well as the thousands of people who attended our concert shouting in a specific tune and perfect unison,

"We are,
We are..."

I'm trying my best to stop my body from trembling due to the sudden nervousness.

"Ichigo Ichie"

A thought came to my head; remembering the first time a very important person left me that phrase which gave me just enough courage. Eyes closed, I gripped harder on the microphone as I take a deep breath.

With my left hand behind me, I signaled our lead guitarist to start the intro.

The faceless crowd started to get livelier when I raised the mic, slowly open my eyes, and sing,

"They think that—"


My senses came rushing back to me as I heard my classmate calling me out.

"Man, wake up! It's almost time."

As I came back to reality, I lift my head up and uttered, "Y—Yeah, sorry about that. I didn't have much sleep last night."

"That's alright." He smiled, making me avoid the feeling of guilt. "We need to start prepping since everyone is starting to gather around the stage."

"I understand... Let me wash my face first." I told him while standing up from my seat.

It's currently the last day of the Sunrise Festival. And as for our class, one of the tasks we'll do is to perform as a live band. We'll be playing in front of the whole Asahiyama High school.

"Okay, just like what we've practiced yesterday." Our drummer was trying to hype us up.

Our lead guitarist smiled and said, "We got this! Let's show them what we're made of!"

While I was trying to put myself in the zone, I found them looking at me. 

"Hmm...?" I wondered since it seems like they're waiting for me to say something. "Y—yeah...! Let's give them a performance that they'll never forget...!" I declared stuttering, as the whole band cheered and headed for the stage.

As I open the curtain that serves as the only access from backstage to the main one, I can already see a lot of people standing in front of us.

My heart started pounding while I try to get a grip on the situation. I placed my hand on my chest and pulled myself together. When I noticed my bandmates signaling me that they were ready, I gave them a nod and face the crowd.

I smiled for a second, took a deep breathe, then shouted,

"Everyone! I'm Hotaka! Thanks for coming! If you're here to make the most out of the festival, this one's for you!"

The crowd started to cheer as we sing the song of one of my favorite bands; One Ok Rock.

After the first song, my nerves started to calm down and I felt like I'm unstoppable. Everyone was having a good time. We were performing, the crowd was singing along with us, and I'm doing the only thing that keeps me afloat; singing my heart out. 

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