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Ino Kayumi is the leader of the Ino clan and is known to be one of the best shinobi clans.Having only one daughter out of 9 children ,the clan was dying out so an arranged marriage was made.Though you may be wondering what about the other 9 siblings...Well 7 of them died before getting to the age of 12 because of harsh trainings and certain illnesses and diseases, which is a pretty common cause of death for shinobis in this era.Finally my older brother disappeared when he went out on a mission and never came back.

"Akane, I have made an arranged marriage with the oldest son of the Uzui clan"
'Huh?' The lavender haired girl thought as her eyes widened and mouth agape.The young woman couldn't believe what she had just heard from her father.
"I'm going to die someday but when I do I want to make sure my daughter is in good hands" The black hair man said getting up from sitting on the floor.
Kayumi walks up to Akane and puts his hands on her shoulder.
"I hope you understand why I'm doing this, I'm doing it for love."
Ah yes, that thing people called love, I've never actually felt that feeling before with someone.Growing up father would always say the same thing ,'I'm doing this in the name of love' and I naively believed it, blinded by the so called love I got I complied.
The only response she could give is a small nod
He gives a small smile and kiss my forehead.
He removes his hands from her shoulders and says,"
You will meet with the oldest son tomorrow"
"Ok" She replied.What more could she say.
Akane's pov:
'I'm gonna meet with the oldest uzui in the uzui clan today'  I thought as I put on a nice kimono and tied my hair into a bun.I didn't want to get married especially at young age.I was 17 meaning I had barely just started my life.
But even if I wanted to disagree I couldn't help but comply to my father wishes.It was like that in this era, women would either sold off or forced to marry someone who they didn't want to marry.Some even end up with smelly old men, I pray it wouldn't be like that for me.

Me and my father soon arrived at the Uzui estate and we're greeted with big gates.I already felt a pit in my stomach.
Father raised his hand a knocked on the gate
The gate opened and a tall young man with white hair and an older man with the same colored hair.

I give a small smile and walked forward.

"Hello Ino-san."The older man said bowing.Something about the old man made me wary.

"Hello Uzui-san" Father said."Hello my name is Ino Akane, nice to meet you." I said

"My name is Uzui Tengen, and likewise."The man smiled.

'He looks like a nice and honest man maybe....Just maybe this wouldn't be so bad'


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