Entry 8

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Tw:Suicide, crying (?) if you are not comfortable with reading this type of stuff I recommend you skip.
Warmth and light... something I haven't felt in a while.Wait light?Wasn't I supposed to be doing something?
"Akane-Chan!!!!"A voice yelled.
Huh who's that?
"Suma you shouldn't yell that much!"A angry voice said.
"Hmh."I said opening my eyes.
"Oh Thank god your okay."A women with a beauty  mark under her left eye and had a ponytail smiled in relief.
"We were worried!"Suma cried.
"What happened?"I asked sitting up.
"That's what we'd like to know.One moment we were getting water from the lake and suddenly you fainted.Are you okay?Are you sick?"Hinatsuru asked.
"No no I'm fine."I said.
"Let's go Tengen-sama is waiting for us."Suma said.
"He's here?"I asked.
"Of course he is our husband why wouldn't he be here."Makio asked.
"Right, I don't know why I thought he wasn't here."I shrugged it off.
"Akane-san did you lose a few screws in your head?"Makio shaked my shoulders.
"No like I said I'm fine."I stood up.
Wait what am I wearing?I noticed I'm wearing a long lavender to purple kimono with a purple obi and lavender string keeping it in place along with one white string and bow around where the armpit is.The chest part was kind of showing and I had brown zoris with white socks.

The chest part was kind of showing and I had brown zoris with white socks

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(Think the kimonos are like this but the design is what I said)

We start walking around in a forest and once we got deep enough was a a beautiful traditional Japanese house.

We start walking around in a forest and once we got deep enough was a a beautiful traditional Japanese house

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I was in awe and it seemed that Makio, Suma, and Hina was heading in that direction.
We got at the entrance of the door and Hina opened the door revealing the beautiful living room and kitchen in front of it.
Tengen came down the stairs automatically and greeted us.
"Hey girls did you come back with the water?"
"Yes we got a lot of it!"Suma showed the bucket of water to Tengen.
"That's great.Come one let's get lunch ready I'm starving!"Tengen exclaimed.
"Yeah!"We all exclaimed and ran to the kitchen to get lunch ready.


A boy with ash burn hair ran through the woods in hope to find Akanes spiritual core.
"Found it" He took out a needle like thing and stabbed the other side.Slicing the spiritual entrance across he walked in.
But in the real world a asleep akane jolted up and rolled the man on his back on sat on him and started to choke him.Rengoku did the same to a girl.

The boy walked in the spiritual center and looked around.It was a dark room with stars and colorful plants that orbited the sun.The boy had felt he was walking in space.He walked to Akanes spiritual core that was in the middle of the "sun" but couldn't reach it.


When Akane felt that someone entered her spiritual core she stood up.
All the talking from around the table stopped.
"Kane-chan?Is everything alright?"Suma looked up to me with a worried look.
"No, none of this is alright.This isn't real."I said in disbelief.
"But we're here aren't we?If this wasn't real then we all must be fake."Tengen laughed. 
"I'm serious this is a dream."I ran out the door.I ran so far out I made it to the lake where I first woke up.
I took a handful of water and splash some on my face.
"Wake up!Akane you're dreaming!Wake up!"My reflection talked back to me.
I felt my clothes changing, I'm in my uniform and my katana is on my waist.
That's right my katana I can use that wake up.I unsheathe my katana a pointed it at my neck.But I hesitated, I mean who wouldn't having everything they wanted right in front of you.I shut my eyes ready to wake up from this dream.
My eyes open immediately by the voice.
"Yuri?!"I whipped my head to the source of the voice.
"Yeah why aren't you with your husband?"He asked raising a brow.
"Big brother."I cried and ran to him.I jumped on him and hugged him.
"Uhh Akane?You act like you didn't see me yesterday."
"It's been a while."
Yuri Ino was a fit 24 year old man.Out of all my brothers he was the one I had the best connection with.He had black hair with purple highlights and has pastel purple eyes.He was wearing a black yukata with his chest showing a bit and white string holding the yukata in place.It was a plain yukata but he wore it well it was the one my mother had made for him.Before she passed that was...
"What are you wearing?And why do you have a katana?"
"Please don't ask any questions I'll always miss you.Please remember that."I got off him and ran through the forest.
"I'll kill this demon for making me go through something I know can't and won't happen."I take the sword and decapitating my own head.
I woke up immediately and found myself on top of a boy and choking him.
"Answer me if you wanna live.Nod if you understand."I said angrily.He nodded slowly and I released my hold a bit.
"What the hell did you do to my friends?"
"A d-demon put his blood on the tickets and when the conductor comes back it forces someone into a dream."
"Well that wasn't a dream it was a nightmare!"I yell hitting him.I guessed I hit him to hard and knocked him out.
Nezuko came out her box and went to Tanjiro.
"Nezuko right?I'm a friend of your brother I need you to wake him and the others up please."I said
"Hmh"She nodded.
She hit her head on Tanjiros head and blood came out her forehead.She had somehow burned the rope with her blood and Tanjiro started waking up.
"Tanjiro!Theres a demon on the train we need to slay it-"
"Akane-San watch out!"I turned around a roundhouse kick the woman on the floor.The others seemed to be following her.
They talked about how they would do this in exchange for happy dreams.
"But it's not like dreams are always happy!They can bring up unwanted memories!Thats why we live in reality!Dreams are something we want but can't have!"I yelled.
"I don't give a damn about why you did this.But I promise you this if you interfere with me or anyone else in slicing that demons head off i'll kill you.You're lucky I'm not killing you now."I took a breath.
"Tanjiro please tell Nezuko to wake the others up I'll protect the passangers.The demon on top of the training I'm trusting you to kill it.Now go!"

Nezuko got to work to work and Inosuke was the first to wake up and joined Tanjiro on top of the train.
Weird worm things started coming out the train and moving around.It seems Tanjiro wasn't able to kill it.
"Damnit!Kyojuro wake up"
A worm like thing was heading towards the passengers.
"Galaxy breathing 3rd form Celestial stars."I cut the things in a star like shape.
Many worms were heading towards me in all directions.
"Galaxy breathing 4th form Mercurys blaze."I cut the thing in both horizontal and vertical slices.
With all the sounds going on I missed a worm thing underneath me.
It grabbed my ankle and picked me up upside down.
"Oh shit!"
"To think that all of this happened while I was dozing..How could this be?I'm ashamed as a Hashira.If I could crawl under a rock!"
"Kyojuro a little help!"
Kyojuro let out a attack that went almost 2 cars slicing all the worm things and I fell but he catched me.
"This is embarrassing as a Hashira."I sweat.
"Don't worry I know what you mean."
"Kyo look it's Tanjiro!Put me down I need to go to him."He did what I told him to do and put me down.
"Young Kamado!"
""I was pretty thorough with my slashing attacks on my way here, so it should take the demon a while to regenerate.But there's no time to lose!I'll keep it short!"
"This train has eight cars in all, me and Akane will protect 6 cars.The yellow boy and your sister will be in charge of the rest.You and the boar head will go look for the demons head while keeping an eye on those two cars."
"Head?But the demon is-"
"No matter what form he's assumed, so long as he's a demon, he's got a head!"Rengoku went up to Tanjiros face.
"That's right!We'll be searching for his weak spot as we fight!Show us how gutsy you are"I nodded.
We both ran to the back of the train.
"Hey Kyo how much you wanna bet that I can slice more of these things than you?"I smiled.
"You're on."
A full car was filled with those worm things.
"Galaxy breathing 5th form frozen ice"
I launched myself and cut every worm thing I saw and moving my body flexibly in the air and once I landed the thing got destroyed.
"Yeah I think I'm gonna win."I smirk

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