Entry 15

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"Blood demon art...flying blood sickles!"Gyutaro yelled attack us with slashes of blood like thin blades.
"Doll take the bystanders away!"He threw bombs on the floor.
"Got it!"I got all the bystanders away and put them outside.I saw Tengen from outside once the bystanders were far enough and I see he blocked all the sickles and kicking bombs into the air.
"Well, I can tell it's not gonna be a walk in the park."Tengen said.
"The thing about us is that we're two people in one!"Gyutaro said with Daki on his shoulders.
"Huh?This really pisses me off!You're good lookin, you have four wives, and on top of that, you're full of swagger.You're different, aren't you?You're not like any of the other Hashira I have killed.You must've been special since the day you were born."
(Yeah I'm gonna skip like half their dialogue cause I'm kinda lazy)
"My bloods sickles are drenched with deadly poison, yet you simply refuse to die!"
"We come from a line of shinobi, we've become resistant, so poison doesn't work on us."
"The shinobi we're wiped out back during the edo period!Don't give us that crap!"
"It's no lie.The shinobi exist, I had nine brothers and sisters.Seven of them died by the time I turned 15.Panicked by our clans decline, my father, just like a man possessed, forced us to submit to brutal training, and the only survivors were myself and my brother, who was two years younger.My brother was exactly like my father, the same mindset, the same mannerisms as my father....His subordinates were pawns.His wives were expendable so long as the produced heirs.No one else ever had any say.Resolutely indifferent.And I didn't want to become like him!"
Flashback *
Before I joined the demon slayer corps and Tengen was a Hashira we all went to oyakata-sama.
"It's hard, isn't it, Tengen?The path you have choosen.."
'He's so calm..'I thought.
"Rejecting the values that shape you, that we're instilled in you during your childhood, even as you place yourself on the battlefield....That's surely agonizing.Carrying all conflict and quandaries inside yourself....You still.....All of you still persist in moving forward and battling on.Isn't that right?So that you can protect other peoples lives."Even Tengen seemed taken back from what he said.
"Thank you.You're a remarkable child."He smiled at Tengen.
Flashback over *
"Tengen-sama are you okay?Your breathing is becoming a bit heavy."I asked.
"It's nothing."He said.
It seemed I wasn't the only one who noticed the change with Tengen the demon also noticed it.
"The poisons affecting you, after all!Slowly but surely!"
'He's right, my body feels a bit heavy.I need to fight it.'
"Claiming it didn't work in you was just bravado!Pretty humiliating, huh?"He chuckled.
"The poison has no effect on me.Wanna see me dance?Im so on fire, I could eat 100 bowls of Akanes flashy Tempura udon!In a flashy way, that is!"He swinged his dual blades to Gyutaro and kicked Daki in the air.
"I'm leaving it to you!"He said.
"Right!"I jumped up in the air and cut her head swiftly and landed on the floor.
"No way!You behead me again!"Daki yelled putting her head back on.
Gyutaro began explaining how victory for them increases by every passing second.Until the trio joins the battle.
"You guys!Talk about flashy entrances!"
"I can't believe I'm saying this but yes!What a flashy entrance!"I smiled.
"Thats what I like to see!"Tengen yells.
"You can summon all your underlinings if you want hit there'll still be no blissful future waiting for you!You're all going to die, anyway....so stop staring with all those sparkling eyes!"Gyutaro scratches his face.
"Yeah there's no denying it."I said.
"We're going to win!Us the demon slayers!"Tengen proudly states.
"No way can you win!Not when the Hashiras who's your only hope is ravaged by poison!"Daki disputes.
"Poison?"Tanjiro muttered.
"Oh, we're going to win easily, you dumbass bottom feeders!Im at the top of my game when I'm shackled by poison in my system!"
"We will win!I'll give it my all!I've never felt so anxious for a battle!Im so fired up I can kill 100 demons!"Adrenaline filled my body.
"Oh spare us your bravado!"Daki yelled.
"Shut up!Don't you dare underestimate humans!All three of these boys are my brilliant Tsugukos!They have relentless grit!Even if their limbs fall off, they won't let go!And I've already identified how to behind you down!Beheading you at the same time!Both of you at the same time!Am i right?Otherwise, there'd be no reason to disperse your respective skills rather than assimilating your weak sister into yourself!Aha!Easy peasy, you two!"
'Beheading Dakis head is simple but this guys?Can Tengen beat it?No I can't think about if he can he has too.I can't jump in with Tengen in the fight, he'll probably be to busy worrying about me.'

"Akane, if I'm in a flashy battle with a demon and it looks like I might not win, don't jump in !I can't protect you and kill the demon"
"Can't you understand?If I come in and save you I'm sacrificing everything for you.I understand all the consequences but I don't care!What kind of flashy wife would I be if I let their flashy husband die?"

'I already told you earlier, Tengen, I understand the consequences and I'm fine with it.'
"All those demon slayers perished because they couldn't do that simple thing.Not even the Hashira!Fifteen for me and seven for my sister.That's how many we've devoured!"
"You heard him!Not a single one lived to see daybreak!Long nights are always on our side, after all.Every last one of you, just die!"Dakis obi went towards Tengen.Zenitsu was able to cut the obis and get Daki in the air.
"Zenitsu!"Tanjiro yelled.
"Oi!Leave worm girl to us!You two go defeat the other one!"Me and Inosuke go over to Daki.
Me and Inosuke joined Zenitsu on top of the roof with Daki.
"Huh three eyes?"
"I can see everything!All of your movements!Now that's my brothers awake, what you're seeing now is my true power!"
"I don't see much, your still the same weak demon who is so called an uppermoon."I said.
"Who are you talking to me, ugly?"
"Who are you to decide whether or not I'm ugly or not?Just shut up you talking just gives me a headache."I cut all the obis heading to us.
"You can't even get close to me!"
"Galaxy breathing third form....Celestial stars."I swing my sword in a star like shape and cut all the obis in front of Daki.I swing my sword down and cut her arm before changing directions to her neck.An obi appeared next to her neck blocking me from cutting her neck.
I jump up when I heard something come towards me.
The blood sickles the other demon had were attacking us.Now both the obis and sickles were attacking us.Some obis were heading towards the fight on the bottom with Tanjiro and Tengen so I changed directions to help cut those.
I cut and stabbed all the obis that was heading towards them.
While cutting off all the other obis I hear a familiar sound nearby.I turn to see Hinatsuru on the roof with a weapon releasing Kunais at the demon.The male demon used a blood demon art and created a dome around him with the sickles and some kunais pierced Tengens arms.
Tengen cut Gyutaros leg while I threw a Kunai at the demons neck.The kunai was laced with wisteria poison so it made it difficult for the demon to regenerate.
Tanjiro took the opportunity to cut the demons neck but....
I love leaving it at a cliffhanger.But only cause the next chapters gonna be a flashback.Sooo yeah
Next chapter:Assault

The 4th wife| 𝐔𝐳𝐮𝐢 𝐓𝐞𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐧 𝐱 𝐨𝐜Where stories live. Discover now