Entry 11

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Omg we're finally here!!!But fr tho...Tengen need a dog?I can bark!Im gonna send my application!ت
A few days have passed since I talked Senjuro and since then he has send letters everyday via crow updating me about his father and how he's doing.There was this one time he rung the bells that I gave him.It wasn't anything dangerous but he gave me a gift.He gave me a bento with all my favorite food in it.He said because he heard I was going on a mission and thought on my way there I'll get hungry.It was delicious to say the least.
But today was my last day at the butterfly mansion before I can return to my missions.And my next mission was to join Tengen and the others at the entertainment district.It sounds a bit disturbing especially as a female and I can't imagine how the girls are doing.
I decided I should check up on the trio, but the thing was I couldn't find them in their rooms.
I looked around the butterfly mansion until I saw Aoi in the kitchen.
"Hey Aoi where's Tanjiro and the others?"I asked.
"Oh they're outside training with Naho, Sumi, and Kiyo."
"Okay thanks."
I walked outside and saw the trio doing push-ups with the three girls on top of them.
'I guess that's a way to train.'I sweatdrop.'I should go.'I said turning around.
"Akane-sama!"Tanjiro exclaimed.
'Really Tanjiro?'I turn around awkwardly.
"Heyy....How's training?"I asked.
"I felt like I improved a lot.As I was before I couldn't have protected no one."
"I understand that before i felt I couldn't protect anyone when all is said and done the only thing we can do to improve is train.Speaking of which I should leave you, I don't want to ruin anything"I said.
"Wait are you gonna go on a mission?"
"Actually yes tomorrow I will get discharged and go on a mission."
"Will I see you again?"He asked.
"I don't know, until then."I said.
I decided to go on a run for about an hour and decided to train.
I practice on breathing technique, my flexibility, and my physical strength.
Before I knew it, it was night.I ran straight towards the butterfly mansion and took a quick shower and went to bed.I kept total concentration constant when I was sleeping so it could improve, well everything.
And as soon as the sun rise up I changed into my uniform and left to the entertainment district.
It was quite a long way there so the earlier the better.
And by noon I made it to the wisteria house.
There I saw Tengen reading letters by which I assumed were from the girls.
I walked up to Tengen and hugged him.
"I missed you so much."I said softly.
"That's my line, I couldn't stand being away from you for long."He hugged back.
"Then I don't know how you do it everyday."I chuckled.
"Hey I heard about Rengoku."He brought the topic up.I broke the hug away and stared down at my lap.
"Thankfully you weren't fatally injured.I don't know what I would've done if you had died.I'm sorry I couldn't be there."He pats my head.
"No I understand it's the first time the others went on a mission especially to a uneasy place like this."I said.
"Are you sure?"
"Yeah.Anyways tell me about the mission."
Tengen explained to me about Makio, Suma, and Hina were undercover in three of the best houses, Tokito, Ogimoto, and Kyogoku.The girls would send letters daily updating Tengen all that has happened.Me and Tengens job was to snuff out the demon and kill it before anymore citizens die.
That was easier said than done since a few days have passed and we have yet to find the demon.To make matters worse we haven't gotten any update from the girls.
Tengen decided to get help from other female demon slayers.I couldn't oppose since it is the most logical thing to do.I also couldn't have gone undercover since my presence as a Hashira is to strong and I'll automatically be caught.
"Doll do me a favor."Tengen asked about to leave.
"Anything, what is it?"
"I need a lot of makeup and kimonos.I'm sure you can handle a flash job."He sticks up his thumb.
"You got it, Tengen-sama."I smiled.
Tengen was "kidnapping" Aoi and Naho.Sumi, Kiyo, and Kanao all charged at Tengen.
"Hey!You guys!Knock it off right now!"Tengen tried shaking them off.
"How dare you treat girls like that!Let go of them!"Tanjiro yelled.
But Tanjiro seemed to have misread the situation.
"He's kidnapping then!Please rescue them!"
"Why, you...you little idiot!"Tengen irked.
Tanjiro ran towards Tengen and was ready to head butt him.
But Tengen, being as fast as he is, ran from it.Tanjiro was in disbelief as he hit the ground.
Tengen reappeared on top of the roof still carrying Aoi and Naho.
"Are you a fool?I'm Tengen Uzui-sama, former shinobi.A flash man renown around these parts.Do you really think I'd fall victim to one of your pissant head butts?"
'Wait Uzui?Its the same last name as Akane-sama, she did say she was married...No!There's no way she could marry a brute like him'
"Let Aoi and Naho, go you lousy kidnapper!"
"You heard him, you heard him!"
"What do you think you're doing?"
"Hey, you two!Who do you think you're talking to, damnit?I'm your superior!I'm a Hashira, damnit!"
"I don't acknowledge you as a Hashira!Huh!"
"Don't "huh" me!Who cares if you don't acknowledge me?You little bottom feeder!Did your brain matter explode or what?I'm taking these two because I need some female corps members for a mission!And I don't need permission from Kocho to take anyone who's not a Tsuguko!"
"Naho isn't a member of the corps!Cant you see she's not wearing the uniform?"Tengen raises Naho and throws her off the roof.(This is why Tengen doesn't have kids..)
"I don't need her, then."
Tanjiro was quick to catch her,"How could you do such a thing, you inhuman brute?I don't know how you could be related to Akane-sama!"Tanjiro yells.
"Related?Whatever, for now, I'm just going to take this one on my mission.Not that she looks like she'll be on any use.But somehow, she is a corps member, at least.How unfortunate Akane couldn't go undercover."Tengen whispered the last part.
"Everyone has their own personal reasons, so don't be so insensitive and stir things up!Give us back Aoi!"
"Lame.So lame.I don't know what Akane sees in you,No wonder the Demon Slayer Corps is getting weaker and weaker, with guys like you wailing andoaning in your unflashy way!"
"We'll go in place of Aoi!"
"What do you mean by 'we'?"Tengen raised a brow.
Zenitsu and Inosuke appear on the roof on both sides of Tengen.
Zenitsu and Inosuke jump off the roof and join Tanjiro.
"What's going on, you three?What do you have to say?"
"I just got back this second, but I have power to spare!I'll be glad to go!"Inosuke  points to himself.
"Y-y-you let Aoi go, you hear me?You may be a muscular mister, but I'm not b-b-backing down!No sir!"Zenitsu trembled pointing his finger at Tengen.
Tengen glares down at the three boys, making them scared, (except Inosuke who got mad)
"Is that right?Then I guess I'll take you with me."
"You backed down just like that, huh?"
"But remember this...Don't you dare defy me!"Tengen smacked Aois butt.(Wish that was you huh 🤨📸 )
On the other hand*
While Akane was looking for kimonos she suddenly felt mad at Tengen.
"I-I-is everything okay Uzui-sama?"A kakushi asked scared.
"I felt mad all of a sudden."I stared up and said.
"I'M SORRY!"The kakushi bowed.
"No it's not you.Anyways these kimonos won't do, bring more."I commanded.
"RIGHT AWAY!"The kakushi ran away.
"He's gigantic!"Zenitsu says terrified.
"Oi where are we going old man!"Inosuke asks impatiently.
"The number one spot in Japan that's dripping with lust and desire.A super flashy place.The entertainment district where demons reside."
I kinda felt this chapter was rushed.I kinda didn't know how this was gonna start.So apologies if this felt rushed.Broooo school starts in 3 weeksss.I'm not ready bro....When do yall do back to school 👀

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