Entry 6

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As I was walking home from the last mission I found myself at a Tavern in the middle of no where.
'Omg am I at heaven??But an unusual place for a tavern."
I walked into the tavern and all I heard was music and cheers and the scent of alcohol filled the room.
But then I noticed a certain fiery haired colored man.
"Well well I didn't know you're a drinker Kyojuro-san."I teased sitting next to him.
"Ah Akane-san what a funny place to see you here.Wait didn't you just come back from a mission."He says drinking his drink.
"I did but I couldn't refuse a drink."I said drinking my sake that just came.
"Hey Akane-San answer me this"
"Hm sure."
"What do you want to achieve as a demon slayer."
"Well to be honest I want to get rid of all the demons so I can live a peaceful and happy life with Tengen and the others.Other than that, that's all I really want.What do you hope to achieve?"
"I want my father to change.I believe if I can finally show my father what I'm truly worth than he'll be proud of me.I also want to a good role model for my younger brother Senjuro."
"Wow compared to my answer I feel like a piece of crap."I deadpan.
"That's not how I see it, working endlessly for happiness seems like a good goal to have."Rengoku says a bit drunkish-ly.Not gonna lie I feel a bit tipsy myself .
"Tell me how's your relationship with Tengen?"Rengoku asks.
"It's great well despite the stress of work everyday its awesome.What about you Kyojuro do you ever plan to get married?Actually now that I think about it why are you still single?"I raised a brow
"Unfortunately I dont think it's the right time to fall in love.Especially in a world like this filled with demons."Rengoku says looking at his drink.
"I mean look at it this way if it hadn't been for the demons I wouldn't have married Tengen."I finished drinking my drink.

"I finished drinking my drink

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"Hey another round please."I say lifting my glass up.
"Akane-san don't you think your drinking a bit much."
"Please call me just Akane, I mean you and my husband are friends plus we work together."I smiled.
"Anyways you only live once right.Anyday now I'll die so when I die I wanna die living a life I won't forget.I think everyone should do the same."
"You're right, but Akane I want you to do something for me."He says seriously.This grabs my attention since I've never seen Rengoku talk so seriously.
"Hmh yeah what is it."
"When I die I want you to tell something to my father and brother.Tell my father to take care of himself and don't forget the person he was before.And that I became a demon slayer to make my father proud.And for my brother tell him to not fell disheartened.To make sure he follows the path he feels is right.Your the only one I trust to take care of those two."He smiles sincerely.
"Of course Kyojuro, you're lucky."
"Why is that?"
"You love your brother very much, I wish I had a sibling to care for."
"I should actually be jealous of you.You have a husband you love who loves you back and your other wives.I've always wanted a life like that."
"I'm sure you'll find a woman you'll love and make you happy."
"Thank you Akane I really hope until that happens we stay together.You and Tengen are the truly only friends I have."
After that conversation we talked about the most random things especially since we were both drunk made it worse.
"Wait wait so your saying that some tried touching your chest?"I laughed
"Yeah cause someone thought I got big breasts."He said.
I then laughed more.
"Oh shit it's almost sunrise!Gotta go, bye Kyojuro!"I waved running out the tavern.

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