Chapter 3

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"Savannah, Cameron, Dianna, let me introduce you to the cast of Austin and Ally, Ross, Laura, Raini, and Calum."

I was the first one to find my voice, thank goodness. Cam was kind of gaping at Laura Marano.

"It's nice to meet you all," I stood so I could shake their hands, "I'm Dianna."

Act professional. Don't be weird. Be professional and normal. Professional and normal. Professional and normal.

Stop thinking weird.

I raked a hand through my wildly curly blonde hair as I sat back down. Savannah was eager to shake their hands after I had. Cameron wiped his palms on his slacks before standing to shake their hands.

The casting director, Michael, said, "Let's get started. The plotline after adding one main character would change. Whether it be a boy or a girl, the plot will be very similar. 'Austin' will be signed to a music management company and, if Cameron is hired, the boy will begin as a new love interest for 'Ally' and Austin will become Jealous. Vice versa for whether Savannah or Dianna is hired. The feelings of jealousy will provoke the character to confess their feelings, and then the love between 'Austin' and 'Ally' will finally blossom. The new character will be a signed musical artist in the new management company to which 'Austin' will be signed, and therefore show him and 'Ally' the ropes."

I smiled giddily. I didn't care that I wouldn't be a main love interest. I had the chance to be on TV!

"Now, us adults will leave you actors to it. Get a feel for each other before we begin screen tests and chemistry tests tomorrow. The two days after the tests will be spent at Disneyland and California Adventure. A day of break will follow. There will be singing tests and chemistry whilst singing tests the next day. The day after that is another free day, as it's a Sunday, and we have Sundays off." Michael passes a paper around. "Here's a schedule. Be at least ten minutes early to each event. Be seeing you!"

And with that, the casting crew leaves. The waiters come and take our orders.

A very awkward silence follows.

"So, what's your strong suit in singing?" Ross asks us, erasing the awkward atmosphere.

Savannah says she's good at singing hip hop. Cam says he's pretty good with country.

Ross's eyes burn into mine, waiting for an answer. The look in them is indescribable and sets my stomach to fire.

"I don't really know. I just like to sing," I answer honestly.

"What's your acting experience?" Laura questions.

"I was Brooke Windham in Legally Blonde the Musical, and I played Rusty in Footloose the Musical," says Savannah, with a flip of her thin brown hair.

"Emmett in Legally Blonde the Musical, Ren in Footloose the Musical, and Link in Hairspray."

"I played Elle in Legally Blonde the Musical, Ariel in Footloose the Musical, and Amber in Hairspray," I enunciate.

Savannah mutters, "Should've played Tracey. Weighs the part."

I clear my throat and stare at my hands in my lap.

"That's really cool!" Raini says.

"Yeah, I've always wanted to play a mean girl," says Laura.

"Looks like Someone wouldn't have trouble playing a mean girl," says Ross, eyeing Savannah warily. She pouts her lips slightly, batting her eyes.

I clear my throat again. "So we're all going to Disneyland in two days? What's it like? Is it really as magical as they say?"

"Not speaking as a Disney representative," Calum says, "It's pretty magical."

Ross laughs and adds, "It's great. My favorite ride is Star Tours or Space Mountain."

"His favorite part is Tomorrowland, obviously," Laura giggles.

"But, I can't go," Raini pouts, "I'm renewing my contract those two day. Ugh, I've got adult duties, and I'm not even eighteen yet!"

We laugh.

"Michael said that we're supposed to pair up. Um..." Ross looks at his schedule that was passed out to us, and we all do the same. "It says that at Disneyland, Calum goes with Savannah, and Cameron goes with Laura," Ross looks at me sowly, with that same look ine his eyes from before. It's similar to lust, but not quite at that point. "And Dianna goes with me."

I could imagine Cameron's mind right now. He's probably squealing mentally. Or in shock. Maybe both!

I smile at Ross, blushing lightly. Our food is set in front of us.

"By the way, Dianna, I love your hair. Are the curls naturally that crazy?" Laura gesticulates around her head.

"My hair is naturally curly, but I put defining serum in it. It's too frizzy without it." I finger one of my curls.

"What brand is it?" Raini asks, "Do you see how frizzy my hair is? Spill, girl."

"Ouidad Curl Quencher something or other. It's the best, really. I've tried so many before sticking with this one."

"I'll have to check it out!"

We eat in silence for a few minutes.

"Let's go around and say one random fact that makes us different from other people." Calum suggests, and we all agree.

"I've won over twenty beauty pageants," says Savannah, almost smugly.

"My favorite food is brussell sprouts," Cameron proudly admits. I cringe, just thinking about the taste.

"My love of hockey started from the cradle. My first word was hockey!" I blush.

Ross lifts his eyebrows.

Calum says, "I had an imaginary friend called Peter the Ostrich."

"In the fourth grade, I was named 'Librarian of the Year' because I read every book in the library," Raini smiles proudly.

Laura says, "I love Greek mythology."

I smile. I love everything Greek. From the food to the plays of Socrates.

"My favorite kind of pizza is Hawaiian?" he states, more in the form of a question, then looks at me. "I don't believe your first word was hockey or that you love hockey," he says with a smirk. "Favorite team and how long have you been playing?"

"I like the Blackhawks and the Avs and I've been playing since I was seven," I counter with a mirrored smirk.

"Believe it, bro," Cameron speaks up, "Her mom and I are like this," he croses his index and middle fingers, "and she's told me the same thing."

The two break out laughing.

"That is the coolest thing I've heard come from a girl before!" Ross says in between laughs.

"Yeah, but would you trust a talking elephant?" Savannah murmurs in my ear.

"Please shut up," I reply quietly, spooning the last of my food into my mouth.

"Look, you're even inheriting her eating habits. Did you even taste that?" she says out loud this time.

I blink back tears.

"U-um. I'm just gonna head out. This has been paid for, right?"

"Yeah, do you want me to come?" Cameron asks.

"No, I just remembered that I have to finish unpacking. I'll see you all tomorrow, right?" After I'm sure the tears are gone, I muster up a smile.

"Definitely!" Ross exclaims. "We're gonna have a lot of fun together tomorrow."

I nod, smiling forcedly, and rush out calmly.

I cannot stand how she treats me.

In the empty elevator, I break down and cry.


)': But hey! Something in here is a thing about me. That whole bit about the first word being hockey is true! My first word was hockey! hahaha

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