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𝘾𝙃𝘼𝙋𝙏𝙀𝙍 𝙏𝙒𝙊ミ★ ( blood and water, act one ) ★彡

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ミ★ ( blood and water, act one ) ★彡

Lucy thought being in New Orleans would be a lot different from being in Beacon Hills. While in the sunny town in California, Lucy would often spend her time in a high school, looking after teenagers from getting killed by monsters way out of their league; but in New Orleans, she was with the monsters way out of people's league. In a sense, it wasn't really much different from Beacon Hills, she was just on the other side of the fence.

Since she wasn't trying to save the world and all that, she spent her days reading or relaxing since Hayley was often doing the same. The werewolf was ordered to not leave the house, especially unsupervised, after the last time she did she was trying to kill the baby and almost got herself killed by 'nightwalkers'. A part of Lucy was honestly glad that Elijah's favour was so simple, since she was sure that Klaus would get him back soon, and she could go back home and forget that any of this had happened.

     "You know it's rude to read other people's journals." Lucy commented from the other sofa, her eyes closed as she was trying to nap since she was bored out of her mind. One of her eyes peered open to look at Hayley who was reading one of Elijah's old journals, "Even if it might be because you find the person interesting."

     Hayley blushed slightly, "How did you know that?" She asked. Lucy hadn't seen her interact with Elijah yet, but Hayley did find him attractive. She had no idea how she managed to figure it out, unless Klaus blabbed about something he shouldn't of.

     "I got bored and read your soul for something to do." Lucy answered casually.

     Hayley's eyebrows raised, "Isn't that a little hypocritical?" She smirked, "How is it any different from reading someone's journal."

The devil shrugged, "I never said I was a nice person. Being rude comes with the territory." She reminded her. Hayley should've known that.

     "Oh, right." Hayley mumbled before she perked back up, "You said you read... my soul?" She mentioned, her tone full of uncertainty, "What else can you do?"

     "Looks like someone's interested in reading my journal now." Lucy remarked to herself, smirking before closing her eyes once again, "I have the super strength, senses and all that. I can appear and disappear—which is faster than vampire speed, by the way. I have the ability to heal myself and others, but I don't like to do the latter too much; it's more my brother's thing. I can tell what type of sinner you are, what type of sin—or sins—you'll commit in your lifetime." She listed before looking at Hayley once again, "And, not to mention, I'm supernaturally gorgeous." She winked.

     Hayley giggled lightly before biting on her lower lip, "Have you ever... read Klaus' soul?" She asked nervously.

Lucy let out a puff of air, "Sweetie, I did that one and it gave me a headache for a week—and I don't get headaches. Ever since then I refuse to look, and I just assume he's done horrible and shady things." She answered, "But, I can tell you that I know you're asking because you're thinking whether you've made the right call to keep the baby and I'll tell you this: Klaus may be an egotistical maniac, but that man fights for his family like no other." She told her, "And, that baby—and you—would have some of the most stubborn and most loving people fighting for you."

𝐁𝐋𝐎𝐎𝐃 𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐖𝐀𝐓𝐄𝐑 ― 𝐧. 𝐦𝐢𝐤𝐚𝐞𝐥𝐬𝐨𝐧Where stories live. Discover now