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𝘾𝙃𝘼𝙋𝙏𝙀𝙍 𝙁𝙄𝙑𝙀ミ★ ( blood and water, act one ) ★彡

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ミ★ ( blood and water, act one ) ★彡

Kidnapping was a form of art to Lucy. She was more than happy to be the one to kidnap the witch that they had been dealing with for the last few weeks; to question her why the witches had decided to try and put a hit on Hayley. Sophie was working when Lucy tracked her down to Rousseau's, holding a bag of fresh produce. She grabbed her and took her back to the plantation house, dropping her in the living room where the Mikaelsons were waiting for them to return.

     It was clear that Sophie was feeling sick from Lucy's disappearing and reappearing trick when she was deposited onto the couch, holding her stomach to try and ease the queasy feeling in it as it was something she wasn't used to.

     Klaus snarled angrily as soon as they appeared, "We had a deal! You protect my unborn child, I dismantle Marcel's army. And whilst I've been busy fulfilling my part of the bargain, you allowed Hayley to be attacked and almost killed by a gaggle of lunatic witches."

     "I had nothing to do with it, I swear!" Sophie exclaimed frantically, "Hayley and I are linked, remember? She dies, I die."

     "If it wasn't you on some sort of suicide mission, then who were they?" Lucy questioned with annoyance while Rebekah seemed confused.

     Sophie sighed before answering, "They are a faction of extremists. Sabine stupidly told them about some vision she had about the baby."

     "What kind of vision?" Klaus asked her with suspicion dripping in his tone; one that could've easily been mistaken as curiosity.

     "She has them all the time. They are totally open to interpretation." Sophie rambled and shrugged her shoulders, "I'm guessing she's wrong on this one."

     "Well, how, may I ask, was this particular vision interpreted?" Klaus asked her again.

     Sophie hesitated for a moment, genuinely wondering whether she should tell them or not. She pursed her lips before wincing, "Pretty much... that your baby would bring death to all witches."

     Lucy blinked before letting out a loud laugh at that, slapping at her thigh, finding what Sophie said absolutely hilarious. Klaus smirked in amusement at her, "Ah, well. I grow fonder of this child by the second."

     "Sophie, look—Lucy and I promised Elijah that we would protect the Mikaelson miracle-baby whilst he tries to win your witch, Davina's, loyalty." Rebekah started, "Why don't you tell me just how extreme this faction is?"

     Surprise covered Sophie's face, "Elijah's talking to Davina?" She asked with shock.

     Rebekah nodded her head, "Yeah. As we speak, I imagine." She confirmed.

𝐁𝐋𝐎𝐎𝐃 𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐖𝐀𝐓𝐄𝐑 ― 𝐧. 𝐦𝐢𝐤𝐚𝐞𝐥𝐬𝐨𝐧Where stories live. Discover now