𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝟓 | 𝐣𝐞𝐚𝐥𝐨𝐮𝐬?

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"Im so, so sorry"

Mia said to Javon. "Hey, hey don't worry you didn't do anything he dose that to every new student. Come with me you can be in a group with me and my friend Alex." Mia nodded at his sentence.

They walked down the hallway and saw Jaden and he said "Yo the teacher is going nuts. He was screaming at us that it is our fault that Mia ran. I fucking hate him." They all went to the gym together. After gym she didn't see the boys."ugh how am i gonna get to class." she asked "Let me help you..uhh Mia was your name right?" She then turned around and saw Alex he is Javons best friend. "Oh sure." She had Math and so did he. Math was like on the other end of the school so they got to know each other. Mia thought he was handsome and actually very nice. So she gave him her number. As they walked in they saw the teacher was already there "shit." She whispered "Sorry miss that were late." He said and shot Mia a wink.

Javon's Pov:

Did he just wink at Mia. Wtf he thinks he has a chance. Is Mia BLUSHING?? "Hey Mia wanna sit with me?"i asked while smiling at her.
"Oh sorry im sitting with Alex." Woow. I can hear them talking and laughing during the lesson. Why was she even talking to him. Im better and i box. He only dose soccer and thats fucking lame(no hate to soccer lovers its just a part of the story). "Alex, Mia quite or else i have to separate you two." The teacher said. Yes please do. Wait why do i even care. Its not like i like Mia. Or do i? "Hello Javon you still here?" The teacher said. "Oh uh yea-yeah sorry." After the lesson i stormed off the classroom. I gotta find Jaden. I dont know why im mad. Anyway me and Jaden always skip this lesson since its art and we only talk about paintings boring right?. "Hey Javon. Uhh do you have now art?" I turned around to see Mia. Has she been following me. I mean i think so because im infront of Jadens class and its kinda far. "Uh yeah but me and Jaden always skip it so yeah." I said then i added." Wanna skip with us?"

Mia's Pov:

"Ok i dont like art so i dont mind." I said while smiling at Javon. "Hey my favorite couple." We heard Jaden say. "Shut up it was only because my ex was there and i couldn't say anything else." I said back. We skipped class and then we heard the principal on the speakers say "today your lucky kids. I have to go done some business and so do the teachers school is over!" Wow i didn't expect that. "Dose that happen often here?" I ask jaden. "Yeah its a teacher talk or idk how to call it but he calls it BuSiNeSs. Hes a fucking weirdo." oh well idc. "Lets go home." Javon said.

Javon's Pov:

"Lets play truth or dare" Mia said while me and jaden fought over who is stronger. "What? You want to play truth or dare on the way home. No fucking way im not gonna die today." I said. "Plus were already here bye Mia." Jaden added. "Wait you guys dont know?" Mia said. We looked at her confused? "Know what?"
"I have to stay at your house for 2 weeks since my parents went to my grandma in france." "Ayo. Fr? Lets goo. These 2 weeks are gonna be the best." Jaden said. I was still shocked but didnt show any emotions, even tho my heart was jumping around but why?

Mia's Pov:

Jaden looked happy but Javon looked like he didn't really care. That jerk. Why wouldn't he care. Why do i want him to care? Do i like javon? no no theres no way. I dont like javon wanna walto-

Third Person Pov:

Mias phone got a notification. When she checked she saw that some random number texted her. They all looked at her phone and they saw the messages

Unknown: Hey Mia
Mia: who r u?
Unknown: oh right i forgot you gave me ur number i forgot to give you mine. Its Alex.
Mia: ohh hey uhh ill text u later i can't rn.
Unknown:oh ok.

She quickly closed her phone and Jaden and Javon looked at eachother. "Lets go." She sais ignoring the fact that Alex Javons best friend texted her.

Jaden's Pov:

weird why would Alex text her. Why would she give alex her number. i look over to Javon. Oh damn he looks mad and started walking infront of us."whats up with him?" Mia asked and i just shrugged. Ofc i knew. He likes her and hes jealous😏

"He probably has homework to do before training"

to be continued...

you betrayed me..||| javon "wanna" waltonWhere stories live. Discover now