𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝟐𝟕 | 𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐧𝐞𝐫

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i was getting ready in Jaylas room, bc were going to dinner with our friends to celebrate jaylas movie! "Alr, im done. Is this good?" Jayla asked me as she posed infront of me. "You look stunning!!" I screeched. She had this amazing golden dress on. I have a black dress on with my new jordan 4 i got. I am inloveee with them. "Ughh, u look so good. Now cmon lets go the boys are waiting!!" She said pulling my hand and we walked downstairs. There i saw Javon all dressed. Jaden was laying on the sofa waiting for us. "You look so good!" I said. "You look cute." He said and winked at me. "your cute." I said with a smirk as i got closer to him."your hot."

"And you guys are absolutely disgusting." Jaden yelled. I rolled my eyes. "Shut up." I said and gave Javon a kiss. "Come here kids! We're taking a picture!" Dj said and we all went outside. We took some pictures and sooner or later we got in the car. "Let me drive!" "So you can crash? Hell no." Bella said. Yep she's coming with us. Bella is just so..ughhh pretty. "Cmon, please Jayla?" Jaden said. Jayla stood there till she spoke up. "No, lets go!" Jaden rolled his eyes. Jaden sat in the front i sat behind jaden. Bella was in the middle and javon was behind Jayla who was driving.

me and bella were gossiping about people. But we whispered so nobody would hear us. Javon must've noticed cause he tried to listen. "No, go away Javon!" Bella said pushing him away. "Oh cmon! Just bc im a celebrity." He said and rolled his eyes. "Ehem?" I said and he rolled his eyes again. When we arrived we were about to get out when jayla said. "Shoot theres Paparazzi, how tf do they know that were here- mia?" Jayla said looking at me. "Whoopsie.." i said as the door opened. I noticed it was Javon, he then took my hand and smiled at me. I smiled back but then paparazzi came and started asking us questions.

"Are you guys together?"
"Idk are we?" I said.

"Is ashtray gonna be in euphoria season 3?"
"Well see." Javon shrugged.

We finally got inside and jayla already had a table booked. "Hi, yes. Uhm we have a table booked with the name Jaden walton." "Why tf is it on my name-" jaden got cut off by bella. "Shh." He rolled his eyes. "Ahh yes, follow me miss." The waiter said and brought us at our table. we all sat down. i was going to sit between Jayla and bella but SOMEONE didn't like the idea. So i sat between Javon and Jayla. "Happy?" I asked Javon. He had this smirk on his face. "Very." He said and put his hand on my thigh.

We were laughing and having fun. "Omg i just remember Javon is gonna do homeschooling!! I was about to say a joke but now that you're homeschooling i can't." Jayla said. I looked at Javon confused snd he looked at Jayla like 'why would you say that!' "Oh yeah, he told me." I said smiling. The thing is, he said he won't do homeschooling but only if i didn't do homeschooling. It would've been so easy for me to be homeschooled since, i can't really concentrate in school. People be taking pictures and stuff like damn. "I did?" Javon said confused looking at me. "Yea." I said smiling back.

We then walked to the car. Me and Javon went in the back. "I can't fucking believe you! You said you wont go homeschooling!!" I said screaming whispering to him. "Im sorry, i-i was gonna tell yo-" "stfu i don't even want to listen to you." I said cutting him off. He sighed and put his head on my shoulder. "I love you." He said as he closed his eyes. I tried ignoring him but it was so hard.

when we arrived at the waltons "yo do you wanna sleep over?" Jayla asked me. "Hmm, sure." I said and shrugged making Javon wake up. "Were here sleepy head." Jaden said to Javon. Javon rolled his eyes and stretched. i got out of the car and was talking with Jayla while we were walking in."lets sleep in my room tonight!" Jayla said excitedly i was about to nood when i felt a pair of arms snake around my body making me get goosebumps. "Lets go to sleep, im soo tired.." Javon said with his tired voice. I groaned and mouthed 'sorry' to Jayla while walking upstairs with Javon. We walked in his room and he looked at me and kissed my head. "Im going to change in the bathroom you can change here." He said tiredly and walked in his bathroom.

i changed and knocked on the bathroom door. He opened it with a toothbrush in his mouth and no shirt. "I-uhm need to brush my teeth.." i said kind of staring at him. "Alr, uhm im sorry about that homeschooling again.." he said and moved out the way for me so i can brush my teeth. "Its ok, ik you did it bc ur litterly a celebrity." I said letting out a little laugh. "And so are you." He added to my sentence. We brushed our teeth and made our way to the bed. Then Jaden barged in the room as i was about to get in bed. "MIA! I need to make a tiktok with you!! It will be quick!" He said. Javon groaned and i went with Jaden. I had this crop top and short on. He then posted it and i went back to Javons room. 

He was looking at his phone strangely. "Uhmm, ur like..half naked here." He said sitting up and giving me 'the look'. I rolled my eyes. "Its just a tiktok calm down." I said getting in the bed and covering me with the sheets. "Wha- calm down? How am i suppose to calm down when my girlfriend is littlerly naked in a tiktok!?" He said getting mad.

"here we go again."

to be continued...

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