𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝟏𝟓 | 𝐢 𝐝𝐢𝐝𝐧'𝐭 𝐦𝐞𝐚𝐧 𝐭𝐨 𝐢 𝐬𝐰𝐞𝐚𝐫

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"Hey Javon, i noticed your back!"

I heard Mia say. Fuck she looks beautiful as ever. Her hair grew longer, she looks so amazing. I mean who doesn't think so? "Omg hey Mia, how are you?"

Mia's Pov:

His voice is now a little deeper. He's so god damn hot- fuck Mia you have a boyfriend! "Im good, how are you is everything working with your acting and boxing?" "Its pretty good, finally done with s3 on euphoria. Uhm so i wanted to say, i hope what happened 4 months ago doesn't effect our friendship..."  he said looking down. I smiled "yeah no ofc not! I guess you have biology with me?" I said. "Yeah cmon lets go!" He said.

We walked and talked on the way there. He was still the same old Javon, but his outside did change a little. It felt like hours talking even tho it was 8mins. When we arrived the teacher was already there. "Well, well, well who do we have here? The two love birds are late! Go on yours seats." She said. I went completely red. When i got to my seat i hid my face in my arms out of embarrassment. I looked over to Javon to see him looking at me with a smirk. Ughhh, why do i feel like thisss??

After the lesson i was about to walk through the dorr when i heard Javon say "hey Mia, wanna maybe go to the mall after school?" I looked at him. I was about to say yes when i remember that i have to go to practice. "Uhh i have volleyball practice, maybe after?" I said smiling at him. He nodded and we went to our lockers. He was smiling at me 24/7 like fully only laughing and smiling. Man i missed talking to him. "ight well i gtg since i have English and you have science, bye!" "Bye!!" I said laughing. He still remembers my classes even tho i told him when we first met.

The day ended quickly. Me and Javon spent all our breaks together. Idk why but we are connecting soo good. God i miss him. Every time i look at him i just want to kiss him one more time. Yeah yeah ik im in a relationship with sam, but i just can't get over Wanna. "Hey wanna go my volleyball practice together? Btw im in the same team as your sister so yeah." His eyes lit up when i asked him. "Uhh duhh, i was going to come anyway!" He said sassy. I rolled my eyes playfully. I looked up at him noticing he is already looking at me.

I blushed so hard and i looked the other way. "Don't need to hide it, i already saw." He said. "Cmon lets just go!" I said grabbing his hand and going to the gym where the practice is. When i arrived there i saw my boyfriend. His mouth turned into a smile but then into a straight face when he saw Javon. Sooo you see i never told him that me and Javon were a couple once. Nor did i tell Javon that i had a boyfriend. "Hey im sam, you are?" He said looking straight into Javons eyes. "Uhh do i know you?" Javon said clearly annoyed. "No but im the boyfriend of the girls hand your holding." Sam said then looking at me. I looked at our hands and i pulled mine away. "Uhhh surprise!! Babe this is my bestfriend Javon, Javon this is my boyfriend sam.." i said awkwardly. Then Jayla pulled me away. "Cmon we have practice." I looked back at Javon and gave him a sorry look but he just smirked and winked at me. I smiled and ran with Jayla to the girls locker. I got changed quickly and we ran out of the room again.

The training was finally over. Everybody left the locker room but then i heard someone walk in. Someone probably forgot something. But then i felt a hot breath on my neck. I turned around to see Javon looking down at me. "I-i can't do this, you look so good mia. I still love you, idc if you have a boyfriend. This day was probably the best day ive had in these past 4 months. Please give me a-" i didn't let him finish, i just kissed him. First he just stood there but then kissed me back. We pulled away. He looked at me and i looked at him. He immediately kissed me again. This time he placed his hands on my waist. I kissed back and wrapped my hands around his neck.
"Mia are you- WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" We heard sam say. Shit.. we pulled away and we both looked at him. "I-i, sam im-im sorry its not what it looks like-" "ykw I've had enough! I knew you and him were a couple. When people noticed that me and you were a thing they told me right away. Can't believe i told my family about you. But i guess Samantha was right-" he said before stopping. "What? You are friends with Samantha?" I said shocked bc i told him what kind of whore Samantha is. "Well shes my ex-" but he couldn't finish bc i slapped him. "YOU TOLD ME YOU WOULDNT TALK TO HER?!" "DONT CHANGE THE SUBJECT YOU CHEATED ON ME WITH HIM!" He said pointing to Wanna. "Were over." He said walking out. I then sat back on the bench putting my head in my arms. "Hey, hey don't cry it was my fault." He said rubbing my back. I look at him laughing, he didn't know what to do but laugh with me. "Wow i can't believe what happened rn, i kissed my ex, i got caught by doing it, found out my boyfriend was taking to his ex that is also my enemy, i slapped the shit out of him and we broke up?!" I said still laughing. "At least you have me again, Ma." He said kissing me. I kissed back and he pulled me on his lap. I wrapped my hand around his neck.


to be continued...

you betrayed me..||| javon "wanna" waltonWhere stories live. Discover now