𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝟏𝟎 | 𝐟𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐲 𝐛𝐚𝐜𝐤

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A/N: i will maybe mention bella here. If you don't know who that is. Its a girl that is extremely close to the Walton's family and she fell in love with Jaden. I may add her here but that doesn't mean the story in the other book will be the same. Soo yeah!!

its been 2 weeks since that happened with Mia. Me and my family went on a trip with another family. Were close friends. I tried to keep my smile up but I would just cry in my room at night. I miss Mia so fucking much. i got out of bed and went to the bathroom. I brushed my teeth and got dressed put on some cologne before checking myself in the mirror. I got my backpack and went downstairs where i saw Jaden waiting for me. "Finally, cmon dude bella is waiting for us!" Jaden said. I rolled my eyes "ok, ok im coming." We walked out the door and saw bella. Jaden ran up to her and hugged her. Damn that makes me miss Mia. As we were walking to school i saw Mia get out of her door ready to go to school. She didn't see us but when she walked down the driveway she saw us. Me and her made eye contact. She shot me a little smile then hopped in a car...alexs car. I rolled my eyes as they drove away. I miss her soo much.
When we arrived at school i saw Mia with some girls. She had already made new friends. So she doesn't need me nor Jaden anymore... i went to my locker and got my books for math. Oh i forgot i had math with Mia. When i walked into the class i saw her chatting with bella and 2 other dudes. That aren't me NOR Jaden. I sat at the back with one of my guys.

"Yo do you miss her" my friend said. "Huh who- Mia noo..." i said. "Then why are you starting at her?" i was fuck "i didn't i was looking outside- yeah outside" "mhm sure dude.." he said not believing me. The lesson was over quickly. I wasn't paying attention bc i thought of talking with Mia and i decided that i should talk to her. I ran up to her in the halls and she was standing there with bella and Jaden.

"Hey guys, uhm Mia can i talk to you?" I said walking up to them. "Uhh yeah sure, see you in class Jaden!" She said waving at them. we walked outside into the yard. "Hey uhm how have you been?" She asked with a smile. The cutest smile i ever saw. It made me melt and i answered "no so good since, yk" "yeah me neither but I've been trying to get over it since its the past.." we just walked around for a minute quiet.

"Im sorry-" we both said at the same time. We laughed. "Im sorry i didn't mean to overreact. I know what your fans mean to you and i shouldn't have overreacted, im so so so sorry Javon!" Mia said while hugging me. "And im sorry that i didn't do anything about it. I should've said something and i will, only if you give me another chance.." she smiled and then pulled me in for a kiss. When we pulled away i said "ill take that as a yes but idk if it was convincing enough maybe another one?" She just shook her head smirking and kissed me again. This time i didn't pull away. It was a whole make out session. But then we pulled away when we noticed that we were in the school backyard. "Cmon, we have art!" She said and took my hand.

finally shes mine again..

to be continued...

you betrayed me..||| javon "wanna" waltonWhere stories live. Discover now