𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝟐𝟎 | 𝐜𝐚𝐮𝐠𝐡𝐭

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"Lets go make out now!"

she said angrily pulling my arm. I smirked and walked with her. We walked into the girls bathroom and she pulled me into a stall. I then pinned her against the toilet wall and started kissing her. I put my hands on her waist. She put hers around my neck. I was fighting with her to let me slip my tongue in her mouth but she wouldn't let me. So i did what everybody would do, i squeeze her ass making her moan. This was my chance to slip my tongue in her mouth. She was still moaning but i don't mind-

"Javon, Mia in my office! now!!" The principal said swinging the stall door open. Me and Mia quickly pulled away. Mia was red with embarrassment, i was just scared that they will call my parents. I've never made out with someone in school! They are gonna be so disappointed in mee!

We followed her to her office, miawas shaking so i held her hand. She looked at me and smiled at me calming down a little. We entered her office and sat down. "So, tell me. Why in school?" I was about to say something. "Because were a couple?" Mia said. "Its not allowed in school-" "nobody told us that, and how about you look at the people in the halls? When you walk past them you don't call them to your office then why us?" Mia said standing up still holding my hand. "Because you were about to do something inappropriate!" "Wtf? We were not gonna have sex! This is fucking pathetic we're leaving." Mia said pulling my arm. "Uhh- Mia? Wtf was that?" She then looked at me after we walked out. "Look javon, shes not gonna call our parents, yours donated a lot and mine..there good friends. Fuck her." She said walking away. Fuck shes soo hot.

Mia's Pov:

I was walking away then Javon ran next to me. "How about, we skip science?" "Nope i have a test- we have a test." She said excitedly since she knew i didn't learn for it. I rolled my eyes. We went to science class and Javon sat behind me.

As we were taking the test someone or wanna pulled my hair. "Ouch wtf?" I whispered to him. "Please help me ma!" He said. I rolled my eyes and quickly switched our papers. I quickly finished his and put my name instead of his. "Mia sto-" "javon no talking! Mia give me ur paper you to Javon!" The teacher said. We gave him our papers and went out the class so we dont disrupt the class. "Mia, wtf would you do that?" I rolled my eyes and looked at him. "So you fail? Fuck no Javon." I said walking away. "Why do you keep calling me Javon or wanna?" He said following me.

i fr don't know. But im in a kind of bad mood today. Idk why but if im in a bad mood, then im mean to everybody. "Idk, im just so Stressed im sorry babe." I said hugging him. He hugged me back. "Its ok, you just need to rest mia." He then kissed my head. Im just inlove with him.

1 month later:

Me and wanna haven't talked that much. We probably call 1 a week or kiss 2 times a week. I've been busy with school and hes been busy with interviews so he couldn't come to school that often. We just didn't try to meet anymore. My mom called me after school and told me to come home immediately. I came home a d saw my mom and my das sitting there trying to comfort my siblings.."whats going on?" I asked as i stood infront of them. "We have to talk.." my dad said. I looked at mom who was extremely sad. "So me and your mother talked and faught alot. We then sat down and-" "just get to the point dad!" I said nervously...it was silent. "there getting a divorce and mom is making us move to new york.." cynthia said. My heart shattered in a million peaces.

"W-what no im gonna stay with dad i-" "No ur not! We already packed ur stuff. We're leaving tomorrow in the morning since we know you have to say ur goodbye to your friends." My mom said cutting me off. I just dropped my backpack and my phone and ran out the door. I then arrived at the Walton's house with tears in my eyes.

I knocked on the door to see Javon. "Hey ba- mia whats wrong?" He asked me with a curious look. I just started crying and hugged him. He then closed the door and hugged me back. "Its ok, lets go to my room and tell me ok?" He said and i nodded.

I calmed down. "So what happened?" He asked me as i laid on his chest. "M-my parents got divorced and my mom is taking me to nyc and we are going to live there.." "w-what she can't do that you just moved here. I- mia i don't want you to leave me.." he said as his voice cracked. We just laid there and feel asleep. Im going to miss this.

I woke up but Javon wasn't up. I decided to write him a note. I knew my mom wouldn't let me visit my dad. I left the house quietly and went to my house. When i arrived i saw my mom putting our luggage in the car.

We arrived at the airport. My dad was here. I couldn't say anything so i just hugged him. I then remembered that i still have my phone and all the memories. I watched them on the plane while crying next to Cynthia who was asleep.

We arrived and went to the hotel my mom booked us. Cynthia and kobe didn't mind living here but for me? It was the worst time in my life. I miss Javon so much...

to be continued...

you betrayed me..||| javon "wanna" waltonWhere stories live. Discover now