Ch. 1

707 12 1

3rd pov

Like (y/n) said, they were able to bring all the stuff that he wanted and was now sorting through the things he wanted.

"how are you that fast and strong...?"

"hehe..." (y/n) just giggled as he placed where the stuff would be.

She watched as law fumbled around to put two and two together...

Until he was finished, she just sat in a chair and was daydreaming to herself with a pathetic smile on her lips.

"finally done... (y/n)-ya, may I see your knuckles? I'm sure it's bruising" law hummed as she snapped back to reality

"huh? No need, it's fine... I feel perfectly fine" (y/n) hummed as she stood up and dusted herself...

"let me take a look at least" he said as (y/n) huffs

"captain. I'm fine, you should probably take a shower since..." (y/n) sniffed him, "you smell like a corpse that just died." she hummed before leaving.

It left him to wonder and smell himself.

'she's right. God fucking dammit'


From that day, law watched closely as (y/n) punches the titanium bars and walls around a few marine bases.

He would always wonder what has gotten into her at such a young age to punch stuff.

And sometimes, he would observe her actions.

Most of the time, she's conscious that law is there, right behind her.

But... There are just times that she screams her lungs out and punch a huge hole or crack at the platinum.

Law gulps whenever this happens, he feels uneasy because, for someone her personality.. He didn't knew she was hurt to the point she'd just hide it and scream her frustration out until her voice just leaves her whole body somewhere no one will probably hear her.

And he never dared to bring it up, he tried once. But her reaction was scary for him.


"(y/n)-ya... Earlier... Are you... Alright?" law hums softly.

"hmm? What do you mean?" she asked with a sweet voice.

"you were screaming at the wall while punching it, to the point blood poured out of your hands" law said, with concern lacing his voice.

(y/n) straightened herself, her smile dropped, her eyes turned dark and glared up at him with shadow in her eyes.

"we do NOT speak of that." her chilling cold voice sent shivers up his spine and walked off.

Flashback end...

Law sighed inwardly and just watched (y/n) punch straight through a wall to uncover a space behind it...

"a secret... Compartment?" she sighed softly.

"it's not a compartment..." law ran over and looked through the hole, "it's a room."

"a... Room? Can you...?"

"I know, 'room'.... 'shambles'" he motioned as he transported them inside.

There were lots of machinery inside.

One that is very advanced.

"I... Recognize these equipment..." (y/n) mumbled

"really?" law asked he looks at her and slowly drift down her bleeding knuckles.

"(y/n)-ya, your knuckles... They're bleeding... Let me" law said as he softly held her hand in his.

He then wrapped both her hands with bandages to keep it from bleeding any further.

"I'll treat it later when we come back... Okay?"

"okay..." she sighs.

At this point, (y/n) knew there's no point in fight back against him.

They looked around with (y/n) pointing out the equipment.

"this is a camera... A Polaroid type to be exact" (y/n) said as she clicked the 'on' button as it roared to life weakly...

"it... Still works..." law said in shock.

"there's little sunlight in here, Polaroid cameras are solar powered... I wonder of this has film.." (y/n) turned it off and opened the back to see the roll of either paper or ink perfectly stashed inside.

"it's loaded... And I think this isn't toouched either... May I keep this captain?"

"of course you can..." law nodded as he asked for another equipment.

"that's a telephone, just like snail phones but these reach father-" the red telephone rang.

(the landline telephone in the modern day if you may)

"it's ringing!" law said in a shock.

"shh..." (y/n) motioned to him and brought the earpiece to her ear and whispered a soft 'hello?' to where the audio is coming in.

(y/n) hums a bit before nodded

She then hanged up with a serious look in her eyes.


"it's my home island..." (y/n) sighed softly as she brought a hand up to her mouth and covered it.

"what's... Wrong?"

"I-I thought... It was destroyed years ago... I... I thought civilization has no chance there... Or perhaps... They relocated to somewhere safer?" she mumbled with shock in her tone.

"(y/n)... It's gonna be okay and-"

"no wonder! The technology in this place! It's all from my home island! No wonder they're all so familiar" (y/n) sighed and just fell to her knees.

"did the marines... Destroy my island to... Get all of these only to abandon them to scraps?" (y/n) sighed shakily with despair tricking her senses.

"(y/n)-ya! What... Wait... Your island was... Destroyed by marines?"

"t-the government. The marines... All of them! Greedy fucking bastards!" (y/n) yelled as she covered her face and lightly sobbed.

"(y/n)... It's gonna be alright... I'm here..." law softly said as he hugged her by the side.

"they ruined my life... Those fucking inconsiderate..." her temperature rose making law back away from the heat she caused, "asshole degenerate, puny, petty, fucking marines!"

And with that, (y/n) snapped into flames.

"(y/n)-ya!" he yelled before it slowly calmed down with her sitting in the middle of the now burning room.

Her hands in her lap as she looked down, expressionless...

"(y/n)... Let's get out of here" law said.

"please... Carry me... I can't move..." (y/n) sighed as he sighed,

He grabbed the Polaroid before scooping (y/n) into his arms and used his devil fruit power to teleport them outside the now burning building.

Law noticed how hot her temperature is so he rushed over to the small lake he saw earlier.

"where are we going? Let's get back to the sub" (y/n) weakly whispered, "and I feel light headed..."

"your temperature is too hot. We need to cool you down at least a little.

"I have some pills in my room to calm it down... Just take me there" (y/n) weakly said

"really?" (y/n) nodded, "alright then. Let's go"

"sorry for the hassle. I wasn't able to control my emotions"

"don't apologize, it's alright" law sighed as his footsteps quickened upon feeling her become lighter, "just explain it to me later"

the Phoenix in the snow (trafalgar law x reader) Where stories live. Discover now