Ch. 2

429 9 2

3rd pov

"how are you feeling?" law asked as she hums softly

"I'm better now... Kinda still feeling hot, but, I'm fine..." (y/n) huffed before trying to walk away only for him to grab her arm

"what was that? You said you'd tell me, what was it?" he said with a stoic expression

"huh? What...? I... I'm sorry but... I perhaps do not remember" (y/n) admitted.

Which was true, she doesn't remember anything at all.

She doesn't even remember what happened before.

"are you lying to me?" law frowned

"no. No, I am not. I really don't remember..." (y/n) hums.

"wait... Really? Do you have like short-term memory loss?" law asked

"no... Not that I am aware of, no...?" (y/n) asked herself.

"really? Then... Can you call someone that knows you to confirm?" he asks

"huh... Um... Excuse me for a sec" she ran out for a moment then came back about 30 minutes later.

"yeah... They said I don't have that..." (y/n) said as law hummed.

"do you perhaps... Have another inside you?"


"huh? I don't get it"

"a different personality? Wait... Even if you have, you wouldn't or couldn't be aware of that."

'I am aware alright'

"what?" (y/n) asked again. Innocence dripping through the cracks of the mortal body.

"nothing... Just... Be careful next time, alright?" law sighed softly as (y/n) nodded

"bye" she smiled before leaving

'is that even a possibility?' law questioned himself.


"you're horrible at this." (y/n) growled as her crew mate said that.

"at least I'm not as useless as you... You fucking degenerate." (y/n) scoffed silently.

It was Serbia. She seemed to hate everyone and believe in herself in a.... Toxic, way.

"what the hell did you say?"

"nothing" (y/n) innocently said and walked away.

'if I had never known how to control my anger, I would've burned that whore down to its very bits.' (y/n) growled.

'wait- what am I thinking?! That's a bad idea!'

'but she deserves it'

'I bet she has reasons...'

'but that does not mean she can step all over anyone. She's mean' (y/n) pouted to herself.

Yup. That Serbia.

The most entitled brat in the ship... No one knows why shes- oh, right. She's the sub's cook.

Her food were... Okay in (y/n)'s standard while it was heavenly for others.

Just they wait to taste (y/n)'s family's cooking.

Serbia was a tall woman, and a beautiful one at that.

She had long white silverish hair, blue dazzling eyes, and maybe, just maybe, a killer attitude.

A literal killer attitude towards (y/n).

For some unknown reason, Serbia hates-no... Despises (y/n).

Of course, (y/n) has some clues but has no concrete floor to stand in.

She just shrugs it off most of the time because thinking about it will slow her productivity.

(y/n) most likely would ignore her too.

'I ain't answering your shit. Serbia.' (y/n) grumbled as Serbia kept ranting about something.

What exactly?

(y/n) doesn't know since she isn't listening, literally.

She has ear plugs on.

'go fuck yourself can you?' she thought after she saw Serbia still ranting.

'this girl.... I swear. Once I snap at this bitch, she's as good as sea king food.' (y/n) sighed silently.

And of course. Everyone in the same room was sorry for (y/n).

(they didn't know she had earplugs on.)

She then just glared at Serbia, she didn't notice that, at least she didn't.

(y/n) walked away after finishing her job.

Before slowly shifting into a quick run.

"hey- wait-!!" Serbia yelled until (y/n) was out of sight.

(y/n) is quite..... Quick, swiftly quick

She sighed before turning on one corner and to her next job.

'I'm going to burn her whole village down. I swear.' (y/n) rolled her eyes.

'I mean... I can do that now, I just have to stop myself' (y/n) sighed.


(y/n) hums as she sinks down on the comfort of her bed.

Despite having a small room, she was glad.

Fairy lights on the walls to have a dim setting so that it's easier to see. Plus, (y/n) hates the bright light bulb light.

She has a bed on one side while a desk on the other, a drawer full of clothes next to the door that was next to the desk itself.

A guitar with its black, silvery cover in the middle of the desk and drawer and was against the wall.

"this is soooo the best" her voice was muffled by the pillows she chose to bury her face in.

Then someone had to ruin it by knocking on the door, softly.

The lion, the witch, and the audacity of this bitch who just knocked on the door.

"who is it" she groaned

"it's me" her captain's voice softly said

Mainly because of the small muffle through the door

"I don't know anyone named 'me', what's your name?" (y/n) sighed.

"ugh. (y/n)-ya, yes... It's me, law."

"then come in." (y/n) sighed and just curled up into a ball in her blankets.

"(y/n)-ya, are you... Busy..." law sighed once he saw (y/n) just tiredly and boredly glaring at him.

"yes, I was particularly busy" (y/n) mumbled.

"heh? You're just laying there"

"yes. I'm busy sleeping, no, relaxing is a better word I guess" (y/n) sighed before sitting up, still half asleep.

"well, now you're awake, can you go and find bepo-ya? I know you know where he is by at this hour."

"I thought he's- oh never mind" (y/n) shrugged before jumping off the bed and stretching with a small wheeze.

"okay.. Coming," (y/n) mumbled


"bepo-saaaaan.... Captain is looking for you..." (y/n) mumbled as bepo apologized for not being easily seen

"it's fine, at least I had a good stroll... Now go on, captain is looking for you" (y/n) said as he nodded and left.

'what could he be doing.... In the storage room?'

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