Ch. 16

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3rd pov

"feeling better now?" law asked as (y/n) hummed softly

"slightly..." (y/n) mumbled as she buried her head deeper in his chest

The two laid in their shared bed as law pulled her closer towards him.

"it's not working?" law hums softly as (y/n) groaned

"no... It's... It's working.. Little by little" (y/n) mumbled.

Law smiled softly as (y/n) slowly doze off.

"sleep softly my love..." law whispered before dozing off himself.


Everyone was looking for law since Phil came unannounced.

"hello everyone... Sorry I didn't get to mention me coming, but is law here? I need him for something" he said as bepo nodded and got up, he knew where law is....

"follow me! I'm sorry...." bepo said as Phil laughs it off.

Phil followed bepo through the purposely dimmed halls until they are in front of his room door.

"captain..." bepo hummed softly while knocking and slowly opened the door as the dim lights of the hall seeped in through the slightly open door and illuminated him with (y/n) on the bed. Sleeping.

"hmm... Captain is sleeping..." bepo hummed

"it's okay... I can stay and wait for him to wake up... Have you guys eaten snacks yet?" Phil asked as bepo closed the door softly.


"yeah... My children eats snacks around this time, 2 or 3 pm... So... Do you guys want me to?" Phil asked

"yes please!" bepo said happily, "I'm really sorry..."

"it's okay man..." Phil laughed and ruffled his head fur

The two soon headed over to the gallery that was connected to the kitchen.


Law woke up first and sat up with a groan

"(y/n)... I'm going to grab some water for myself, is that alright?" law whispered as the still sleeping female groaned in approval making law chuckle.

He got off of the bed and stretched once he stood

"you can keep sleeping, I'll be back" law said as he kissed her making her hum

"yeah..." (y/n) grumbled.

Law chuckled again as he left the room silently and went ahead to the gallery for a glass of water.

As he opened the door, he saw Phil chatting with everyone.

"hmm? Phil-ya? What're you doing here?" law asked as he ordered shachi to give him a glass of water before sitting next to Phil

"oh, I almost forgot why I'm here, sorry, so... My youngest twins are having their birthday next month... They wanted to meet you, as well... Is that alright?" Phil asked

"that's... Next month, it's just too early maybe?" law asked.

"we need the specific amount of guests because my oldest twins are the ones handling it all... We're just helping them with the guest numbers, and you've met techno... The perfectionist bitch" Phil grumbled under his breath the last part.

"oh... You guys want to go?" law asked his crew

"yeah!" they all yelled

"then sure... We're coming"

"cool, cool... I'll tell techno to send you a compass to our island next week... So... Yeah"

"you're leaving already?" bepo hums

"yeah... Sorry, I've got a lot of things to do... Plus, it's a good thing for my oldest children, might as well as help them, right?" Phil said as they nodded and bid him farewell.

"that's really the only thing he came for?" shachi asked.

"yes... Practically... I'll be going back to my room now"

"hmm... Cuddling with (y/n)-Chan I see? That's good captain, have some good sleep!" penguin teased as law clicked his tongue and left.


"(y/n)-ya.... Remember the last time we went to a marine base?" law asked as (y/n) hummed

Law was reading a book at his office as (y/n) fixed his files.

"the time we found out the secret room? Yes... Why?" she asked

"I never knew what is a right timing so... Please tell me, what was that?" law asked.

"what do you mean?" (y/n) asked as she sat down on a seat next to him.

"you set flames... What was that?"

(y/n) sighed softly

"okay, maybe it is time you know... I don't really remember other than setting that place down to flames..."

"so you weren't lying about that... But what was that? Did you eat a devil fruit or something?"

"no... Look at this..." (y/n) hums as she rolled her sleeves up.

Her forearms had a tattoo in them of a black heart with wide and large wings.

"I've seen them before... What does it mean?" law asked.

"it's a family thing... Gold. Family,"

"a family symbol?"

"yep... I didn't really understand, but... My mother said that the family bloodline has this..." (y/n) explained as law hummed.


"passed down... When reached a certain power of will, you receive a certain vision... Like a gift of power I guess..." (y/n) hums.

"yours... It's this tattoo?"

"visions varies from nature's elements, mine is Pyro... That's why I'm a Phoenix. But not all Pyro users are Phoenixes..." (y/n) explained, "but only the gold family bloodline has this kind of treatment, visions are physical honors, dreams, ambition, and goal to a person... Just like a devil fruit... But a vision is given through human will"

"your family is the only one that has tattoos?"

"yeah... My mother is a healer, ho her tattoo is above her heart, my two oldest brother has hydro and anemo, so they have it in their chests, it's quite big it occupied a good fifty percent of their front." (y/n) laughs, "while the two youngest of my brothers has dendro and electro... Their tattoos are on their hands... I don't know why" (y/n) laughed again.

Law smiled

"so... It's not a devil fruit... Now I know... Thanks for explaining it to me" law smiled as he hummed with a nod.

Law leaned in for a kiss as she smiled and kissed him back before the door busted open

It didn't bother them until shachi cleared his throat to which law pulled away.

"what?" law growled in anger.

"u-um... We arrived at an island" shachi mumbled.

"fine. Next time knock." he groaned making (y/n) giggle.

"h-hai! I'm sorry!" shachi said as he left

"let's get ready hun?" (y/n) asked, getting up.

"yeah... We should"

"wear something warm hunny, this place is a winter island"

the Phoenix in the snow (trafalgar law x reader) Where stories live. Discover now