Ch. 3

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3rd pov

'so that's why....' (y/n) hums softly as she left the stack of bread alone.

She sighed and stretched before heading back to her room.

"hey! You!" (y/n) perked a bit when Serbia yelled.

"heh? What?" (y/n) mumbled before hearing stomps behind her.

"you! Dipshit!" Serbia yelled

'ahh yes, the nickname, that's me.' (y/n) rolled her eyes

"yes ser-" before (y/n) could even finish what she was going to say, she had to dodge by getting slapped in the face.

'what is wrong with her?!' (y/n) yelled inwardly

"you bastard!" Serbia kept yelling

"what? What? What did I do?!" (y/n) accidentally yelled back

"how dare you yell at me?!" Serbia yelled back now with crocodile tears.

"yelled? That was nothing but an accident, you're the one yelling" (y/n) hummed softly.

"WaAaAhHhH! (y/n) YeLlEd At Me" Serbia cried.

"oh well, I'm not gonna console you. Nor apologize" (y/n) scoffed while crossing her arms.

Serbia ran off 'CrYiNg'... If she's even crying at this point.

'wahhh (y/n) made me cry' (y/n) imitated in her head making her laugh.

"I don't give a damn fuck" (y/n) mumbled before walking to her room and plopping into bed.

She turned to her side and saw the guitar.

She hummed before standing up and grabbing the guitar case

(y/n) sighed heavily before unzipping it and opening the case.

On the roof of the case was various pictures, either taped or papercliped.

She sighed softly again then looked down on the guitar.

The base itself was in (f/c ~ favorite color) with a silver shimmer

Lightning streaks literally struck through it.

"oh how I miss you brothers..." (y/n) grumbled

Closing the case and placing it back.

She sighed before getting up from the bed and sitting on the desk.

(y/n) pulled a drawer open and grabbed a thick notebook.

Opened it and grabbed a pen before starting to write something.


They arrived at an island as Serbia was the first to complain

One, the island is a snow/winter island, second, the climate isn't just 'cold' but cold COLD even bepo is shivering from the cold, and third, the island seemed abandoned.

Even with all these conditions, (y/n) seemed fine.

"(y/n)-ya, how are you only wearing a sweater that looks thin and a scarf? Are you not that cold?" law asked

"hmm? Oh, I'm pretty used to these tempts... My brother or father would usually bring me to their jobs, actually... This is the third time I've been here" (y/n) mumbled.

"really?" shachi asked

"yes, when I turned 18, I helped my parents with their errands before.... They owned some technology company and I just helped around as much as I could before... And that 'job' requires so many errands, fuck, now that I remember... I spent most of my days with books instead of toys as a child" she trailed off to her own thoughts.

"you... Never had a toy?" penguin said

"oh, I have toys. Mountains of them even! I just don't touch them and give them to my brothers since... They're childish, until today I think..." (y/n) bummed.

"you... Chose to read books... Instead of toys... As a CHILD?!" ikkaku yelled out.

"what? I thought if I started off early enough, I would get to a good college, my books were so many my parents gave me a library for my tenth birthday."

"a whole ass library, when you were ten?!"

"yeah... I think it was.... Or it had 10 thousand books with three storeys? I don't exactly remember..." (y/n) hummed.

"ten... Thousand? You must be crazy rich" law said

"no, not really... And don't say I'm spoiled, I'm not, they gave it to me. It's like I asked them to give me a library..."

"then... What college did you went to for you to start that early?" law asked

"uhm... I went to engineering... Architecture... Music and arts... And the rest I don't remember" she mumbled.


"I don't know... I just ask my parents and they sign me in. And graduated, until I get bored and ask them again, then graduated that... Then I got bored again.... That's just a loop"

"you study because you're bored?" shachi shakily asks

"yes. I do. I certainly do. I read books because I'm bored, I study because I'm bored. I didn't even study for finals and got 95 percent I think." she grumbled.

"you think?!"

"yeah, I got my paper, go home, give it to my parents, I didn't even look at it because I didn't care if I were to fail or not. When I asked them, they'd answer 'you got 90 and more percent' so I don't really know"

"that's how careless you were?"

"I guess... Sure" (y/n) shrugged.

"and... She doesn't care. Okay" ikkaku mumbled.

"(y/n)-San! There you are...!" a soft and sweet voice called.

"Niki-Chan!" (y/n) hummed as she waved and ran off.

Niki had short pink pair, blue eyes, and was wearing a dirty white long-sleeved clothing, black pants, and black cloak that protects her from the cold.

"nice to see you again (y/n), good to see that you're doing one Hella of a fight" Niki giggled.

"same as you Ms. Niki" (y/n) hummed, "although... I do apologize that I wasn't around when the marines tried to take over..."

"it's alright, (y/n)... And besides, we fought against them. Threatened the commissioner that if he ever comes back, we'll kill his whole army" Niki said

"that's promising, what's the result?" (y/n) asked as they all started towards the center and heart of the island.

"after seeing. Our weapons the people, and me, of course why not, they were threatened and never came back. Thanks to your family's weapons that is.... Who designed the guizhong balista?" Niki asked

"well.... Oldest did. He's such a.. You know, you've met him..."

"ahh yes,"

"BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD!!!" the two laughed.

While the others just stared in both fear and shock.

'what the hell?! "

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