• 𝑵𝒆𝒘 𝑩𝒆𝒈𝒊𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒔 •

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In case you need a reference for the outfit 😚



The sound of chittering birds, the gentle whoosh of the wind from the open window, the sounds of morning New York traffic, darkness. My eyes are closed. I gradually open them and take in the calm atmosphere of my bedroom. As I inhale the crisp air provided by the various houseplants around me, I hear my mother's soft comforting voice from my door. She doesn't speak loudly, I don't jump when I hear the soothing, melodic tone speak.

"Darling, It's time to get up. You'll be leaving soon and I still need your help with some last minute things in the shop." She informs me, a pretty smile gracing her features. She is, despite age creeping over her appearance, still very beautiful.

"Of course Mama, I'll be out just as soon as I get dressed." I say. My American accent is a stark contrast from her elegant British one.

With that, she gently closes the door and leaves me to get ready. I sit up and stand, a small shiver runs up my spine when my bare feet hit the floor. I step onto the cream colored shag area rug in the middle of the room and stretch my body. With every movement I feel the sleep leaving my body and being replaced by energy and excitement. Today I'm that much closer to real school.

Don't get me wrong, I've always loved my life as it is, being homeschooled and helping my mother run her coffee shop, but I've always longed to attend a real school, make friends and enemies, and learn as much as I can.

I step closer to my bedside table, and my hand instinctively snakes around the handle of my wand. It feels so comfortable in my hand, like it was made to fit my hand only. I look at it, for the first time in a long time really admiring the carved vines that wind all the way up, dotted with little green crystals that made it undoubtedly mine. I never truly take a minute to think about what my life would be like without magic, if I wasn't a witch. It's a part of my life and I couldn't imagine it any different, nor would I want to.

I cast a simple charm to tame my unruly hair. Once I swish my wand over my head, it turns from wild curls sticking up in all directions, to gracefully bold, ringlet curls that cascade around my shoulders and down my back, reaching all the way to the middle of my thighs . Making my way to my small bathroom, I wash my face and examine my features. Many have compared my extraordinary black hair to several different things, personally I think it's similar to that one redheaded princess from a muggle movie I once watched, but much longer and darker. The thing that catches the attention of passersby however, is my eyes. My right eye is a deep, rich chocolate brown. While the left is a contradictory ocean blue. I've gotten countless compliments on my eyes, but my level of confidence in regard to my strange irises varies from time to time.

I stepped into my closet and slide on a white flowy dress with layers and embroidered flowers that reached mid-thigh, secured a leather corset-belt around my waist, and paired the look with dainty black flats. I exited my bedroom and down the hall to the stairs. These stairs led to a door in the back of the kitchen in my mom's cozy little coffee shop. Stepping out into the shop I looked around for my mother to find her wiping the last table, she looked up at me and a blend of playfulness and bittersweet content overcame her.

"Oh my darling, I can't believe you're really leaving!" She tearfully exclaimed, coming to engulf me in a hug.

"Mama!" I groaned, though my sentence was cut off by the air being crushed out of me from the force of her embrace, "It's only a semester! I'll be home for Christmas!" I wheezed out the rest of my sentence.

"Oh I know, but I'll still miss you too much!" She whimpered, a stray tear finding its way down her cheek, with the impending shine of others brimming her green eyes. She released me from her grip and we began to walk together, arms linked, toward the living room.

"Oh no, don't cry, you'll make me cry." I mumbled, trailing off when my voice quivered, the unwanted emotion made my throat ache when I swallowed the lump so I could speak once more. My usual composure threatening to shatter, I continued, "I'll write you all the time, and you'll know all the latest gossip." I chuckled. A little pained noise escaped me when we reached the fireplace, my trunk sitting next to the jar of floo powder that loomed over our tearful parting like a sneering shadow.

" Thank you for everything, Mama. I wouldn't be able to do this without you. I- " Taking a slow, shaky breath, my hand slipped from hers as I backed into the fireplace, "I love you."

She said it back, tears freely streaming her soft face as I reached a shaking hand into the jar.

"Mrs. Figg's." I spoke clearly, and threw the powder down. I felt the green swirling warmth envelop me, and with a final wave I was gone, off to start a new chapter.


Sorry for the short chapter! They get longer and much better as the story progresses!


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